Swiss Public Figure Hails DPRK Proposal

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Martin Lotscher, chairman of the Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification, issued a statement to the press on October 8 in support of the DPRK proposal for a solution to the nuclear issue. He said in the statement that the result of the Beijing six-way talks clearly showed that the U.S. wants no peaceful solution to the nuclear issue and pursues an objective to disarm and exterminate the DPRK.
    A peaceful solution to the nuclear issue rests on the attitude of the U.S., he said. The Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification fully supports the DPRK proposal which guarantees peace in the Korean peninsula.

Week of German Film Show Opens

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- A week of German film show was opened on the occasion of the national day of Germany. An opening ceremony was held at the Pyongyang International Cinema House on October 15.
    Present at the ceremony were Vice-Minister of Culture Jo Chan Gu and other officials concerned, movie makers and stars and working people in Pyongyang.
    Also on hand were officials of the German embassy in Pyongyang, German movie representative and other German guests and officials of different embassies here. Speeches were made at the ceremony.
    The participants appreciated German feature film "The God of Wrath".

10th People's Sports Contests Open

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- The 10th People's Sports Contests opened. The contests will take place at stadiums and gymnasiums in Pyongyang and all parts of the country, divided into professional and amateur groups. They will involve football, basketball, track and field, boxing, weightlifting, judo, swimming, synchronized swimming, shooting, Korean wrestling, chess and other events.
    The opening ceremony was held at Pyongyang Indoor Stadium on Oct. 15. Present at the ceremony were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Kwak Pom Gi, vice-premier of the Cabinet, and other officials.
    Kwak Pom Gi made a congratulatory speech.
    Pak Myong Chol, chairman of the Korean Physical Culture and Sports Guidance Commission, made an opening address, which was followed by speeches.
    Sportspersons marched past the platform.
    At the end of the ceremony there took place basketball, volleyball and other games.

S. Korean Students against Troop Dispatch to Iraq

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- A symposium on the political situation for peace against U.S., war and troop dispatch to Iraq was reportedly held in Seoul on October 9 under the co-sponsorship of the June 15 Solidarity of Youth and Students, the Catholic Youth Society for Peace and Unification, the Buddhism Youth Society and other organizations of south Korea. Speakers said that if the authorities are obstinately to dispatch troops to Iraq they should send sons of those politicians who call for troop dispatch and members of the conservative organizations with Choe Pyong Ryol as a chief. They called upon youth and students to pool efforts to conduct versatile activities against the U.S. and war.
    Meanwhile, the Joint Measure Committee of Students for Checking Troop Dispatch to Iraq and Achieving Peace in the Korean Peninsula, which involves the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils and the students' movement camp across south Korea, held a rally of students and a demonstration against the troop dispatch to Iraq at the Maroni Park in university street, Seoul on October 1

KCNA Assails Alarming Anti-Chongryon Campaign

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries' campaign against the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) has reached a dangerous phase that one can not overlook. Right-wing gangsters' organized terrorism against Chongryon are becoming unabated as evidenced by cases of shooting and arson attack on its institutions at different levels and violence against students of Korean schools in various parts of Japan.
    Financial suppression of those institutions including the Chongryon Central Headquarters is getting pronounced. There are plots to justify the armed crackdown upon Chongryon by defining it as a target of suppression by the "anti-subversive activities law" and to destabilize and split Chongryon from within and completely destroy it.
    The gravity of these moves is that they are going on at the tacit connivance and instigation of the Japanese government authorities and they are directly involved in them.
    The internal situation in Japan today is reminiscent of that during the great Kanto quake and on the eve of the Korean war in 1950 when Koreans in Japan were brutally suppressed. This is an intolerable insult and grave challenge to the DPRK as it was deliberately created by the Japanese authorities under a prearranged plan.
    Recently they pushed the situation to a dangerous phase under the pretext of the "nuclear issue," etc. This is, in essence, a serious anti-DPRK hostile act committed as part of the sanctions and blockade they are imposing against it, pursuant to the U.S. strategy to pressurize Pyongyang.
    Through this they seek to meet their sinister and selfish aim to step up their moves to turn Japan's domestic politics to the Right and militarize it under the pretext of the "nuclear issue" in a bid to save it from depression and achieve the stability of their ruling system.
    The army and people of the DPRK are blazing with a towering grudge against Japan because of its past history of aggression. They will certainly force the Japanese reactionaries to pay for their moves to suppress and destroy Chongryon, an inviolable organization of overseas citizens of the DPRK. .

Singlehearted Unity in DPRK Praised

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- The DPRK is a big family singleheartedly united around leader Kim Jong Il. V. P. Saini, secretary of the Central Committee of the All-India Forward Bloc, said this at a meeting held on Oct. 8 to hear from him a report about his visit to the DPRK on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the DPRK. It is the reality of the DPRK that the leader, the Party and masses are united close as an integral whole and all the Korean people hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem as their father, he noted, and continued:
    It is only the DPRK where genuine socialism has been built. The U.S. imperialists are going wild to isolate and stifle socialist Korea, but they can not bring the Korean people to their knees.

Candlelight Rally Held

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- The 320th candlelight rally was reportedly held in Seoul on October 11 under the sponsorship of the All-People Measure Committee for Schoolgirls Killed by a U.S. Armored Car. U Wi Yong, chairman for Literature and Arts of the measure committee, Kwon O Hon, chairman of the Society for Supporting the Prisoners of Conscience of the Family Movement for Realizing Democracy, and others made speeches at the rally. They called for "keeping the candles of Kwanghwamun burning to defend the national sovereignty and the right to existence, stating that the security authorities' detention of Choe Kun Ho, chief for handling the situation of the measure committee, is little short of suppressing the people desirous of independence and peace and defiling the candlelight held by all people.
    Read out at the rally was a "message to people".
    Accusing the security authorities of persistently attempting to quell the struggle of people from all walks of life, the message called upon the people to join in the movement demanding a halt to the suppression of the candlelight demonstration and an immediate release of Choe Kun Ho and demonstrate once again their will for independence and peace.

Reception Given by Mongolian Ambassador

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- A reception was given by Mongolian Ambassador here Janchivdorjyn Lomvo at the Taedonggang Club for the Diplomatic Corps yesterday evening on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Mongolia. Present on invitation were Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun, Minister of Finance Mun Il Bong who is chairman of the DPRK-Mongolia Friendship Association and other officials concerned.
    Present there were embassy officials and Mongolian guests staying in the DPRK. Speeches were made there.

U.S. to Blame for Deteriorating Situation on Korean Peninsula

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- After the DPRK clarified its official stand that it has made a switchover in the use of plutonium in the direction of increasing its nuclear deterrent force, the U.S. bellicose forces are grumbling that north Korea is obstructing a peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue and aggravating the situation. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary terms such assertion a base attempt to shift the blame on to the DPRK. Recalling that at the six-way talks the DPRK put forward a comprehensive and reasonable proposal for the settlement of the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S. but the U.S. brought the talks to a rupture while demanding the DPRK "scrap its nuclear weapons program first", the commentary says:
    Since the six-way talks the U.S. bellicose forces have been hell-bent on a clumsy and despicable smear campaign to tarnish the image of the DPRK, groundlessly charging the DPRK with "human traffic", "drug smuggling", "issues of human rights and terrorism", etc. in order to isolate and stifle it. They set the International Atomic Energy Agency in motion to escalate their anti-DPRK campaign.
    What is more serious is that they have frantically increased their military threat to the DPRK. The U.S. does not have any political willingness to drop its hostile policy toward the DPRK but is keen to stifle the DPRK by gaining time at any cost.
    Under this situation the DPRK made a switchover in the use of plutonium produced in the course of reprocessing at least 8,000 spent fuel rods in the direction of increasing its nuclear deterrent force while putting the operation of nuclear facilities on a normal footing to cope with the situation created owing to the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK.
    The step taken by the DPRK to cope with such unreasonable hostile policy of the U.S. is a measure for just self-defence from A to Z.
    The DPRK does not feel regretful at all for having made a switchover in the use of plutonium for a self-defensive purpose but will promptly reprocess spent fuel rods to be churned out by the nuclear facilities in the future if necessary.

Stop to Suppression of Chongryon in Japan Urged

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- It is the unshakable resolution of the army and people of the DPRK to force Japan to pay dearly not only for the hideous crimes it committed in the past but for those being committed these days, warns Minju Joson today in a signed commentary. It says:
    The Japanese reactionaries are now going ahead with unprecedented suppression of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), overseas citizens' organization of the DPRK.
    As far as the Koreans in Japan are concerned, they are either those who were forcibly taken and kidnapped to Japan, an alien land, to undergo all sorts of sufferings in the period of the Japanese imperialist harsh colonial rule over Korea or their descendants. The Japanese government authorities are, therefore, under an obligation to protect them.
    The same is true for Chongryon. As an overseas citizens' organization of the DPRK it has conducted activities to protect national rights, dignity and sovereignty of the Koreans in Japan.
    Moreover, it has performed the mission and role as a diplomatic mission for friendship with the Japanese people in the absence of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Japan.
    But Japan is persecuting Koreans in Japan after branding Chongryon as an "overseas organization of a hostile state." This is a gross violation of international law and inhuman fascist terrorism.
    The ulterior aim sought by the Japanese reactionaries in their repressive campaign against Chongryon and Koreans in Japan is to realize their criminal intention to stifle the DPRK through the increased pressure upon it.
    If the Japanese government persists in its moves against the DPRK and Chongryon despite their repeated warning, it will be held fully accountable for all the ensuing consequences.

Removal of Obstacles to National Reunification Called for

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- All the obstacles challenging the era of independent reunification opened by a strenuous struggle of the Korean nation should be resolutely cleared away to achieve its ultimate victory, Rodong Sinmun today says in a signed article. The U.S. imperialists' interference and obstruction are the main roadblock on the way of an independent solution of the issue of national reunification by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation itself, the article notes, and continues:
    The U.S. is the enemy common to the north and the south of Korea as it is persistently seeking its aggressive interests, remaining utterly indifferent to the pain of division suffered by the Korean nation.
    If it were not for the U.S. imperialists' aggressive moves, Korea would not have been divided into two and the Korean nation would have led their lives as one nation to be prosperous from long ago.
    The U.S. imperialists are becoming more hysteric in their moves against the reunification of Korea when all the people are overflowing with the conviction of national reunification after the adoption of the June 15 joint declaration, with the successful promotion of the work to implement it.
    The history and realities show that the reconciliation and unity of the Korean nation, peace and reunification of the country can never be realized without putting an end to the U.S. imperialists' domination and interference.
    The ultra rightist conservatives of south Korea including the "Grand National Party", which stake their destiny at national division and confrontation between the fellow countrymen, are also obstacles to national reunification which must be removed without delay.
    Branding the righteous activities of the patriotic forces for reunification as "enemy-benefiting acts", the ultra rightist conservatives, deeply mired in flunkeyism and dependence on outside forces, are subjecting them to harsh suppression and persecution and working hard to turn the inter-Korean relations back to former relations of distrust and confrontation, staging anti-communist burlesque everywhere.
    The whole fellow countrymen should unite closer under the banner of the June 15 joint declaration, the landmark of national reunification in the 21st century, and bring down a stern sledge hammer blow on the head of the enemies of reunification including the U.S. imperialists and the GNP in the name of the nation.

Korean Revolution Developing under Banner of Independence

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- October 17 is the 77th anniversary of the Down-With Imperialism Union (DIU). The DIU, organized by President Kim Il Sung, was the first revolutionary organization of Juche type in Korea.
    Since it held aloft the banner of independence, the Korean revolution has traversed the course replete with victory and glory for nearly 80 years.
    While leading the revolution, Kim Il Sung had strictly adhered to the principle of independently shaping and implementing all policies by the Korean nation itself in accordance with the demand and interest of the Korean revolution.
    He advanced policies of anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution, foundation of an independent party, armed struggle, united front, etc. in the period of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. All of them made it possible to reject flunkeyism, dogmatism and imitation and adhere to the principle of independence for the first time in the leadership over the revolution and construction.
    After the liberation of the country, he shaped in a unique way the policy of building the Party, state and army, the policy of all democratic reforms and the policy of intellectuals. He also put forward the policy of putting the socialist transformation of the economic form above the technical reconstruction and the basic line of socialist economic construction -- simultaneously developing light industry and agriculture while giving priority to the growth of heavy industry -- according to the will of the Korean people.
    From the independent view of point, he laid down and implemented all the lines and policies including the general line of socialist construction with the ideological, technical and cultural revolutions as the main content.
    It was entirely thanks to the revolutionary line of independence, self-reliance and self-supporting in defence set forth by him that Korean socialism has advanced successfully, unaffected by the complicated situation and the political vortex which swept the globe.
    Today the Korean revolution is victoriously forging ahead along the road indicated by the independent and unique revolutionary line based on the Songun idea advanced by leader Kim Jong Il.

Angling Competition Held

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- A national angling competition took place in the River Taedong flowing in the capital city of Pyongyang on Wednesday. The parade between the Tower of the Juche Idea and Taedong Bridge was crowded with a large number of citizens and anglers. Participating in the competition were 41 anglers who won provincial and city preliminaries. Among them were two women anglers from Hoeryong City, North Hamgyong Province, and Nampho City. Their name is, by chance, the same.
    They fished mainly with rods and lines. But some of them used hooks and lines.
    The competition was sluggish for a while because the weather was not good for angling. With the wind going down, however, they began to strike fishes one after another.
    Their good fishing skill was applauded by the crowd.
    The best angler in the competition was Kim Kwan Chol residing in Pyongyang.
    Pak Su Bok from Nampho City was awarded the technical prize for her special fishing skill.
    The competition provided a glimpse of the Korean people's cultural and emotional life.

Artificial Cultivation of Spirulina

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- The Botanical Institute under the Academy of Sciences of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has succeeded in cultivating spirulina by an industrial method. The home of spirulina is Africa. The plant of a lower order grows in alkaline salty water. It draws a worldwide attention as a highly protein nutritive.
    After years of researches the institute has completed the method of artificially cultivating spirulina at low cost. It can be cultivated easily in greenhouses, too.
    The method has been applied to many greenhouses to produce large quantities of spirulina.
    According to researchers, 3-3.5 tons of spirulina are gathered from 1,000 square meters a year.
    The government plans to introduce the method in all parts of the country to solve the issue of vegetable albumin for the dietary life and health promotion of the people.

World Food Day Observed

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Papers here today observe World Food Day. In their signed articles, they note that the work to solve the food problem is going on briskly on a worldwide scale.
    Minju Joson, the organ of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly and the Cabinet of the DPRK, says:
    The DPRK government has set a solution to the food problem as an important task of the state and worked hard for it. An energetic drive to introduce modern science and technology into agriculture is taking place under the party's policy of agricultural revolution. On the other hand, a large-scale land leveling and rezoning is progressing and special efforts are channeled into double-cropping, seed improvement and potato farming.
    In recent years, significant progress has been made in agricultural production in the DPRK, but no a few problems await solution yet.
    The cooperation and assistance of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN in agriculture are a precious help to many countries in their activities to sufficiently solve the food problem.
    We will continue to direct big efforts to agricultural development for the solution of the food problem to meet the intrinsic demand of the socialist system which guarantees the independent and creative life of the people.
    Rodong Sinmun says that the efforts for the solution of the food problem will gather force on the global scale with World Food Day as an occasion.

DPRK FM Meets Ghanaian Ambassador and Regional Office Director of WHO

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun met and had a conversation with newly appointed Ghanaian Ambassador E.P. to the DPRK Afare Apeadu Donkor who paid a courtesy call on him today. Paek Nam Sun also met and had a conversation with Uton Muchtar Rafei, director of the South-East Asia Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO), and his companion.

Spokesman for DPRK Foreign Ministry on U.S. Rumour over Nuclear Issue

    Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- The Bush administration is now spreading the rumour that it is preparing a sort of "concession proposal" to seek a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue. But its actual move is quite contrary to the discussion on any "concession" or "peaceful solution." A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK said this in an answer given to the question raised by KCNA today as regards the rumour floated by the U.S. over the nuclear issue. He continued:
    This contradictory move of the Bush administration makes it hard to discern whether its loudmouthed "peaceful solution" to the nuclear issue is a jugglery intended to shirk its responsibility for settling this issue between the DPRK and the U.S. or an artifice to buy time to win the presidential election in 2004.
    If the U.S. delays a solution to the nuclear issue to attain something before the presidential election, there will be nothing bad for us.
    During that time the DPRK will have enough time to perfect and strengthen necessary means which has already been opened to the public.
    We do not oppose dialogue itself in settling the nuclear issue between the DPRK and the U.S.
    There is still no change in the DPRK's stand that it will not stick to the format of dialogue if the U.S. shows a will to make a switchover in its policy towards the DPRK and truly intends to co-exist with it.
    What matters is that the Bush administration is persistently pursuing an aim to use talks for disarming the DPRK without any will to make a policy switchover.
    In fact, the position of the Bush administration at the Beijing six-way talks in August last and in the subsequent period suggests that the problem will be more complicated, far from finding a solution, even if the next round of the six-way talks is opened.
    The Bush administration listed the DPRK as "part of an axis of evil" and a "target of its preemptive nuclear attack." If it insists that the DPRK should "scrap its nuclear program first" and doggedly opposes the mode of simultaneous actions, the DPRK will have no alternative but to take measures to maintain and increase its nuclear deterrent force as means for just self-defence.
    It is entirely due to the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK that the nuclear issue surfaced between the DPRK and the U.S. and it has reached such worst phase.
    The United States, however, is working hard to create impression that the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula is a matter related to the relations between the DPRK and its surrounding countries in a bid to sidestep it and gradually shirk its responsibility for it.
    It is not in line with reality for some countries to talk about the resumption of the six-way talks only, failing to see through this ulterior motive of the U.S. and the essence of the nuclear issue and turning away from the U.S. invariable hostile policy toward the DPRK.
    Recently some people of the international community argued whether the DPRK possesses a nuclear deterrent force or not in an attempt to sound out its inmost thought. The DPRK, however, does not care about this.
    When an appropriate time comes, the DPRK will take a measure to open its nuclear deterrent to the public as a physical force and then there will be no need to have any more argument.

For Spanish-speaking people

Revolucion coreana con la bandera de independencia en alto

    Pyongyang, 16 de octubre (ATCC) -- El 17 de octubre se cumple el 77 aniversario de la fundacion de la Union para Derrotar al Imperialismo (UDI), primera organizacion revolucionaria de tipo jucheano en Corea organizada por el Presidente Kim Il Sung, bajo la bandera de la independencia. Durante cerca de 80 anos desde aquel entonces la revolucion coreana registro solo victorias y glorias. Durante todo el periodo de la direccion de la revolucion el Presidente mantuvo firmemente el principio de decidir de manera independiente y realizar con sus propias fuerzas todas las lineas y politicas conforme a la demanda e interes de la revolucion coreana.
    La linea sobre la revolucion democratica antimperialista y antifeudal, la orientacion independiente para la fundacion del partido, la linea por la lucha armada, la linea del frente unido, etc. presentadas por el Presidente en el periodo de la Lucha Revolucionaria Antijaponesa fueron las correctas que hicieron eliminar el servilismo y el dogmatismo, y materializar el principio de la independencia por primera vez en la historia en la direccion sobre la revolucion y la construccion.
    Despues de restaurado el pais, decidio de manera independiente la linea de la construccion del partido, el Estado y el ejercito, la orientacion de todas las reformas democraticas y la politica en materia de los intelectuales y definio segun la voluntad del pueblo coreano la linea de la revolucion socialista de realizar primeramente la transformacion de forma economica que la tecnica y la linea basica de la construccion de la economia socialista de dar prioridad al desarrollo de la industria pesada y, al mismo tiempo, fomentar la industria ligera y la agricultura.
    Tambien, presento y materializo de modo independiente todas las lineas y politicas incluyendo la linea general de la construccion socialista cuyo contenido principal es las tres revoluciones: la ideologica, la tecnica y la cultural.
    Gracias a la linea revolucionaria soberana, independiente y autodefensiva del Presidente, el socialismo coreano salio siempre victorioso sin dejarse afectado por complejas situaciones y gran adversidad politica del mundo.
    Hoy, la revolucion coreana avanza victoriosamente por el camino de la independiente y original linea de la revolucion del Songun (priorizacion militar) presentada por el Dirigente Kim Jong Il.

XII Ronda de Conversaciones a Nivel de Ministro Norte-Sur de Corea

    Pyongyang, 16 de octubre (ATCC) -- Se entablo el dia 15 en esta capital la XII Ronda de Conversaciones a Nivel de Ministro entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea. Participaron los miembros de la delegacion presidida por Kim Ryong Song, consejero responsable del Consejo de Ministros de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y otros acompanantes, por la parte Norte y por la parte Sur, los miembros de la delegacion con Jong Se Hyon, ministro de la Reunificacion como delegado principal y otros acompanantes.
    En ella el jefe de la delegacion de la parte Norte y el delegado principal de la parte Sur pronunciaron las palabras de base.
    Kim Ryong Song dijo:
    Despues de la XI Ronda de Conversaciones a Nivel de Ministro entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea, las entidades no gubernamentales del Norte y el Sur lograron un significado avance en abrir la epoca de "Con las fuerzas unidas de la nacion coreana" bajo la bandera de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio.
    Pero, en ese periodo alguna parte de Corea del Sur calumnio siniestramente a la RPDC e insulto el sistema digno de esta.
    Tales palabras difamatorias son actos provocativos muy peligrosos que contravienen enteramente al espiritu fundamental de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio y a la demanda principal del acuerdo Norte-Sur de reconocer y respetar el sistema de otra parte. Las autoridades surcoreanas deben ver justamente la gravedad del problema y tomar medidas responsables para remediar raigalmente la situacion
    La labor de cooperacion economica Norte-Sur para el desarrollo unificado de la economia nacional no se promueve segun el acuerdo entre ambas partes y la solucion del problema humanitario entre el Norte y el Sur tampoco marcha debidamente conforme a la demanda de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio, lo que se debe a la actitud desleal de la parte Sur.
    El hizo balance del estado de ejecucion de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio despues de la XI Ronda de Conversaciones a Nivel de Ministro entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea y, al aclarar la posicion de principios de la parte Norte por el particular, presento las siguientes proposiciones relativas a los problemas que han de ser solucionados urgentemente.
    Primero, hay que tomar medidas urgentes para prevenir que ocurran incidentes que nieguen, censuren e insulten radicalmente el sistema de la otra parte y que destruyan la base de las relaciones entre el Norte y el Sur.
    Segundo, hay que promover sustancialmente la labor de cooperacion para el desarrollo unificado de la economia nacional.
    Tercero, hay que resolver lo mas pronto posible el problema humanitario segun la clausula 3 de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio.
    El se refirio a los problemas que han de ser solucionados con urgencia entre el Norte y el Sur y presento el proyecto de la parte Norte que se debe acordar en la ronda.
    El subrayo que para lograr un acuerdo satisfactorio para la ejecucion de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio y materializarlo es necesario que se eleven aun mas la responsabilidad y el papel de las conversaciones a nivel de ministro.
    Las conversaciones continuan.

Inaugurada 10o competencia deportiva del pueblo

    Pyongyang, 16 de octubre (ATCC) -- La 10o competencia deportiva del pueblo quedo inaugurada el dia 15 en el Palacio de Deportes de Pyongyang. El presente certamen deportivo se efectuara, dividido en 2 categorias; una de equipos deportivos y la otra de rama general, en los estadios y gimnasios de la capital y las provincias de todo el pais, por diversas disciplinas como el futbol, baloncesto, atletismo, boxeo, levantamiento de pesas, judo, natacion, nado sincronizado, tiro, Sirum (lucha coreana), ajedrez, etc..
    En la ceremonia inaugural participaron Kim Jung Rin, secretario del Comite Central del Partido del Trabajo de Corea y el viceprimer ministro Kwak Pom Gi.
    El viceprimer ministro pronuncio un discurso de felicitacion.
    Pak Myong Chol, presidente del Comite de Direccion de Deportes de Corea tuvo a su cargo palabras de inauguracion y otros intervinieron.
    Luego hubo un desfile de los deportistas.
    Terminada la ceremonia de inauguracion se realizaron los juegos de baloncesto, voleibol, etc..

Responsabilidad del empeoramiento de la situacion recae sobre EE.UU

    Pyongyang, 16 de octubre (ATCC) -- Despues de que la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea declaro la oficial posicion de que cambio el uso del plutonio en direccion a fortalecer la fuerza de detencion nuclear, los belicistas de EE.UU. dicen que Corea "obstaculiza la solucion pacifica" del problema nuclear entre ambos paises y "empeora la situacion". Esto es una vileza para imputar su responsabilidad a la RPDC. Asi senala el periodico "Rodong Sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua:
    En las conversaciones de 6 partes de Beijing la RPDC presento un proyecto comprensivo y racional para la solucion del problema nuclear con EE.UU. Pero, este impuso a aquella la demanda de "renuncia nuclear, primero" llevando asi las conversaciones al fracaso.
    A fin de aislar y aplastar a la RPDC, los belicistas de EE.UU. se aferraron a la vil demagogia tendente a enturbiar la imagen de ella vinculandola obstinadamente con los problemas del "trafico de seres humanos", "narcotrafico" y el "derecho humano y terrorismo". Y elevaron la intensidad de censura a la RPDC al movilizar hasta la Organizacion Internacional de Energia Atomica.
    Lo que no podemos pasar por alto es que ellos recurren mas desesperadamente a las maniobras de amenaza militar a la RPDC.
    EE.UU. no muestra en lo minimo su voluntad politica de abandonar la politica hostil a Corea sino trata de ganar a toda costa el tiempo para aplastarla.
    De esta razon, la RPDC, frente a la situacion dada por la politica de hostilidad y aplastamiento de EE.UU., puso en funcionamiento normal los equipos nucleares y cambio el uso del plutonio obtenido por el retratamiento de mas de 8 000 varillas del combustible usado en direccion a fortalecer la fuerza de detencion nuclear.
    Las contramedidas de la RPDC tomadas frente a la injusta politica hostil de EE.UU. a esta son las medidas estrictamente autodefensivas.
    La RPDC no se arrepiente jamas de las medidas del cambio del uso de plutonio sino retratara sin demora las varillas del combustible usado que saldran sin interrupcion de los equipos nucleares.