Constituencies and sub-constituencies start work

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Constituencies and sub-constituencies were organized for the election of deputies to the 11th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK and deputies to provincial (municipal), city (district) and county people's assemblies and have started their work. They were formed according to the regulations for the application of the law on the election of deputies to the DPRK people's assemblies of different levels.
    Preparations for the election are brisk amid the high political enthusiasm of all the citizens across the country with the election due on August 3.

Mass meetings in cities and counties

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Mass meetings have taken place to mark the "June 25, Day of Struggle Against U.S. Imperialists." Leading officials of city and county people's committees and representatives from all walks of life, addressing the meetings, described the Korean war provoked by the U.S. imperialists with the mobilization of more than 2 million strong troops and combat equipment as the most shameless and brigandish war of aggression to stifle the DPRK in its cradle and make the whole of Korea their permanent colony.
    The Yanks reduced the towns, villages, mountains and fields vibrant with the efforts to create a new life to a heap of ashes as well as an abattoir for the people, they said.
    They charged that the GIs do not hesitate to commit murder, plunder, arson and other brigandish acts in South Korea, sending South Koreans atremble with apprehension and horror.
    They branded the U.S. as a source of all misfortune and pain inflicted upon the Koreans and a ringleader of evil.
    Yanks, oblivious of a historic lesson drawn from the disgraceful defeat in the last Korean war, are making desperate efforts to stifle the DPRK as never before, bringing the dark clouds of nuclear war to hang over the Korean peninsula, they said, adding:
    If the Yankees provoke again a war against the Korean people, who are rallied close around the leader and the party in one mind and purpose and have a strong military deterrent force, they will surely meet self-destruction.
    Attending the meetings were leading officials of local party and power organs and working people's organizations.

Rodong Sinmun on U.S. policy of pressure

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- A declaration taking issue with the DPRK was adopted at the G-8 summit meeting in France some time ago and the U.S. is working hard to bring the Korean issue before the UN to adopt a "president's statement" and openly announcing that it will intensify "pressure through the UN." Rodong Sinmun says this in a signed commentary today.
    The U.S. is advertising its pressure upon the DPRK as if it were a means of dialogue, but it is a preposterous sophism, and dialogue and pressure cannot go together, says the commentary.
    Citing detailed facts that the U.S. is pursuing economic sanctions and blockade, military showdown and war, not paying attention to dialogue for settlement of the nuclear issue in the Korean peninsula, the commentary goes on:
    Pursuing dialogue or pressure is a touchstone deciding whether to want war or peace.
    If the U.S. really aspires after DPRK-U.S. dialogue, it will be welcomed. But if the U.S. pursues a big-stick policy, it will be countered not in a gentlemanly way.
    The DPRK is not frightened by any tactics of pressure because it has a strong war deterrent force. The U.S. gunboat diplomacy is impotent before our army and people who value independence as much as their lives.
    The U.S. would be well advised to stop its policy of pressure upon the DPRK which is incompatible with dialogue, mindful that any base and vicious schemes and means do not work on the DPRK which has great Songun politics and the might of single-heated unity.

DPRK-Malaysia diplomatic relations observed

    Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today runs an article to mark the 30th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Malaysia. Today the Malaysian people work hard to build a new society, independent, developed and stable, the article says, and goes on:
    The Malaysian government regards it as a top priority to boost the economy and achieve peace and stability and takes positive measures to put it into practice.
    While ensuring sustained development of traditional industries, Malaysia is rapidly developing electronics and machine-building industries and other ultra modern technology industries with state investments.
    Various forms of education is going on to achieve unity and harmony among all the nations and tribes and greater efforts are directed to combating drug smuggling and other smugglings and crimes.
    Malaysia, maintaining independent stand externally, is increasing cooperation and exchanges with developing countries and other countries.

Month of Anti-U.S. Joint Struggle opened in Cuba

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- An opening ceremony of a Month of the Anti-U.S. Joint Struggle (June 25-July 27) was held in Cuba on June 20. Chairman of the Cuban Committee for Supporting Korea's reunification Juan Jose Leon, addressing the ceremony, said that the Korean people are marking the 50th anniversary of their victory in the war in which they defeated the U.S. styling itself a "superpower" and achieved a historic victory under the wise guidance of President Kim Il Sung.
    The U.S. imperialists bragged that they would destroy the DPRK in its cradle. But they had to admit their defeat before the world and sign the armistice agreement, he said, and continued:
    The Cuban and Korean peoples love freedom and will defend it at any cost. The Cuban people will as ever support the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea, upholding the banner of solidarity with the Korean people.

Anti-U.S. and anti-war struggle called for

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) reportedly held a meeting of its interim central committee on June 23 at which it issued a special resolution titled "Let us establish headquarters for the promotion of the august 15 joint national functions and open a decisive phase of independent reunification through the July and August anti-U.S., anti-war struggle." Recalling that the U.S. is pushing its moves for a war against the north and isolate and stifle it at the phase of implementation, the resolution called for decisively frustrating the U.S. moves for a war and opening a new phase of the peace and independent reunification of the Korean peninsula by the concerted efforts of all the koreans.
    Underscoring the need for the youth and students to become the vanguard and standard-bearers in the struggle to implement the June 15 Joint Declaration, the resolution declared that Hanchongryon would establish the headquarters for the promotion of August 15 joint national functions involving regional and district organizations and universities and colleges and work hard to expand its forces.
    The resolution appealed to all the Koreans to denounce the U.S. for its moves to ignite a war and demonstrate their will for independence and reunification on the occasion of July 27.

KCNA denounces U.S. mean lobbying

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The United States is scheming to refer the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula to the UNSC after instigating several countries to adopt a "statement of the president" of the ASEAN regional forum accusing the DPRK. The U.S. was reported to have distributed copies of the draft statement among the UNSC permanent members and ten non-permanent members in a bid to have a statement of its president denouncing North Korea for "developing nuclear weapons" adopted at its meeting.
    This proves that the U.S. is keen on bringing the nuclear issue up for discussion at the un in a bid to increase international pressure upon the DPRK and thus isolate and strangle it.
    As the DPRK has already clarified, the point related to the Korean peninsula in the document adopted at the ASEAN regional forum is an interference in its internal affairs and a product of the U.S. mean lobbying aimed at increasing international pressure upon the DPRK.
    The "president's statement" urged the DPRK to resume cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and retract its decision to withdraw from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. But this does not stand to reason from an international legal point of view.
    Article 10 of the NPT stipulates that each signatory to the treaty can pull out of it under the extraordinary situation where its supreme interests are threatened. therefore, the measure taken by the DPRK to withdraw from the NPT was an exercise of its undeniable legitimate right.
    The NPT, by its nature, assumes a noble purpose and mission of preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons internationally, eradicating threats of those weapons and ensuring the use of nuclear energy for a peaceful purpose only.
    However, there is such a serious partiality in the course of implementing the treaty that a few powers resort to high-handed and arbitrary practices for a nuclear monopoly and force non-nuclear states to yield to their subjugation, control and dictation, infringing upon their sovereignty and dignity.
    As unanimously admitted by the world unbiased public opinion it is none other than the U.S. which has most wantonly violated the NPT.
    Even after its accession to the NPT the U.S. has kept developing and manufacturing new types of nuclear weapons of high performance, tested them and massively stockpiled weapons of mass destruction threatening the existence of humankind, instead of opting to cut down or dismantle nuclear weapons.
    This should be called into question as it is a wanton violation of the NPT.
    Given that the U.S. has converted South Korea into the biggest nuclear arsenal in Far East and unilaterally poses a nuclear threat to the DPRK, it was quite just for the DPRK to have withdrawn from the NPT to protect the sovereignty of the country and the vital rights of the nation.
    Such being a stark fact, the U.S. is calling on the DPRK to cancel its decision of withdrawing from the NPT. This is preposterous.
    Moreover, its intention to refer the issue to the UN can never be tolerated as it seeks to use the UN in achieving its criminal aim to isolate and stifle the DPRK.
    The DPRK will regard any move to bring the DPRK's nuclear issue up for discussion at the UNSC as a prelude to a war and take a corresponding measure.

Japan's "laws on emergency" under fire

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The "laws on emergency" adopted by Japan recently are a modern version of the "law on national general mobilization" which the Japanese imperialists used for their war of continental aggression in the past and they are, in essence, war laws. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed commentary.
    It goes on:
    The Japanese reactionaries' frantic arms build-up and the sphere of overseas activities of the "Self-Defense Forces" (SDF) have gained in alarming dimension. In this course the SDF has been further organized and modernized. This indicates that the SDF has developed to be full-fledged regular and offensive armed forces, not forces for "exclusive defence."
    The passage of the "laws on emergency" practically nullified Japan's line of "exclusive defense" and reduced the "peace constitution" to a dead one.
    The "defense" on the lips of the Japanese authorities is nothing but a version of attack and aggression.
    The Japanese reactionaries zealously encourage the U.S. imperialists in their moves to escalate the tensions on the Korean peninsula and deliberately bedevil the DPRK Japan relations in a bid to step up their policy to stifle the DPRK.
    Their moves for aggression will, however, only precipitate another shameful defeat.

U.S. moves to refer Korean issue to UNSC under fire

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Recently the United States instigated several countries to adopt a "statement of the president" of the ASEAN regional forum pulling up the DPRK and officially clarified its stand to refer the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula to the UNSC in a bid to get its presidential statement adopted, a statement which calls for pressurizing the DPRK to scrap its nuclear weapons program. in this regard Minju Joson today says in a signed commentary: This is an undisguised revelation of the U.S. sinister intention to realize its ambition to isolate and stifle the DPRK under the pretext of its nuclear issue.
    The DPRK has already pulled out of the NPT after going through necessary procedures according to international law.
    Therefore, it is not bound to any international law as regards the possession of a nuclear deterrent force as is the case with the U.S. and other countries.
    However, the U.S. seeks to put international pressure upon the DPRK, terming a measure for increasing its self-defensive nuclear deterrent force a "violation of international law". This clearly shows that though it pays lip-service to the "peaceful solution to the nuclear issue" on the Korean peninsula it, in fact, seeks to evade its responsibility for sparking the nuclear crisis and realize its invariable ambition to bring the DPRK to its knees and put it under Washington's control by pressurizing it.
    The U.S. intention to use the UNSC as a platform for escalating the international pressure upon the DPRK is a very unreasonable move to misuse the noble un for achieving its selfish purpose.
    It is the U.S. which should be pressurized internationally.
    If the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula is finally referred to the un, the UNSC should blame the U.S. before any others for sparking the nuclear crisis and escalating tensions on the principle of impartiality, the paper contends.

DPRK FM sends letter to president of UNSC

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a letter dated June 26 to Sergey V. Lavrov, president of the United Nations Security Council. The letter said:
    I would like to express hereby the viewpoint of the government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) with regard to the fact that one permanent member of the United Nations Security Council has started a diplomatic negotiation to bring before the security council the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula.
    The United Nations Security Council assumes an important responsibility of safeguarding international peace and security in accordance with the united nations charter. This task requires greatest impartiality.
    In particular, since the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula is the one between a small country and a big country, only fair approach of the security council would contribute to ensuring peace and security in the Korean peninsula and further the rest of the Asia-Pacific region and to restoring the authority of the united nations.
    In this respect, I wish to draw your attention to the following several points to which I hope the security council will pay primary attention with regard to the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula.
    First, the security council should define its view and express position on the doctrine of "axis of evil" and "preemptive strike", as it is now the most fundamental issue that has a great impact on the international relations and the global peace and security. Targets of the doctrine of "axis of evil" and "preemptive strike" insisted on and adopted as a policy by one permanent member of the security council are the member states of the united nations.
    As this policy is put into practice, it gives rise to complicated situations that jeopardize global peace and security. The nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula and the aggravated tensions in the region surrounding this issue make no exception.
    The security council should make due judgment on whether the said doctrine and the policy based on it conform to the spirit of the United Nations Charter.
    Second, it is important that the security council has a good insight into the essence of the positions of the parties concerned on talks on the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula.
    Either in view of the history of the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, the complexity of its composition or from the viewpoint of the responsibility and ability to resolve it, it will be reasonable that the issue is resolved through an organic combination of all necessary forms of talks.
    It is the stand of the government of the DPRK that bilateral, tripartite and multilateral or any other forms of talks proposed by the concerned parties and other countries concerned should be held in an appropriate order.
    Since there were tripartite talks in Beijing in April, it would be beneficial to have next DPRK-USA bilateral talks and then tripartite or further expanded talks.
    The United States, however, puts up a precondition that one form of talks is acceptable but other form of talks is not acceptable.
    What we desire most with regard to the nuclear issue is to thoroughly eliminate the threats to the security of the DPRK, which have given rise to the nuclear issue.
    The real dire threats do not come from the countries surrounding us, but from the United States.
    This is the only reason why the DPRK attaches priority to the DPRK-USA bilateral talks.
    It is my view that the security council should, if it wants to promote the resolution of the issue, clearly see what kind of position is really helpful to the resolution of an issue and encourage it.
    Third, the United Nations Security Council should avoid giving any impression that it might apply double standards.
    If the security council is truly interested in the extension of the scope of the NPT, it should ask all countries remaining outside the NPT to join it.
    As is well known, the DPRK is not the only country remaining outside the NPT. Among Non-NPT state parties, Israel has been subject to greater suspicion of nuclear development for much longer period of time than the DPRK.
    As for the DPRK's withdrawal from the NPT, it is an exercise of its sovereign rights recognized by the NPT itself and, therefore, does not in any way deserve condemnation.
    Any condemnation by the security council of the rights exercised under article 10 of the NPT, which provides for withdrawal, will be tantamount to the condemnation by the united nations of the NPT itself.
    There is no reason whatsoever to apply such terminology as "non-compliance with the safeguards agreement" of the IAEA in the case of the DPRK.
    According to the DPRK-USA Agreed Framework, we were supposed to fully implement the safeguards agreement only after all non-nuclear parts such as turbines and generators of light water reactor no. 1 had been delivered.
    Unfortunately, however, the agreed phase did not come even until the DPRK withdrew from the NPT.
    If the security council resorts to double standards in the interpretation and application of the international instruments, any decision or measure it adopts will not be persuasive and will be hardly acceptable.
    Fourth, the security council has a moral obligation to judge, in the light of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, whether or not it would be justifiable for one member state of the United Nations to pressurize other member state.
    At present, the United States pursues a policy of combining both "dialogue and pressure" towards the DPRK.
    The United States is seeking to have in place a legal system aimed at check and control by other countries, based on its intelligence information, of the vessels and aircraft passing through their territorial waters and airspace. Japan, which is our neighbor, is already in action to realize it.
    After all, we can say that this has originated from the doctrine of the united states, the world's largest arms seller, that its intelligence should serve as a standard to judge the legitimacy and illegitimacy of the international trade and as a basis to put pressure on any member state of the United Nations.
    The war in Iraq constitutes a well-proven example that the intelligence gathered by the United States may be misused for political purposes in disregard of the principle of impartiality.
    If this is allowed with the support or acquiescence of the security council, it will result in a negative change in the international order.
    It can be said that now, the United Nations is at the crossroads of whether it will maintain the international order led by the united nations or give way to the establishment of a dangerous world order led by an individual country.
    It is the common view of the international community that under no circumstances can the security council be used as a cover-up to justify unilateralism and policy of pressure of a certain country.
    Fifth, we consider that the security council should pay due attention, when considering the situation on the Korean peninsula, to the current status of the Korean Armistice Agreement with which the security council has a deep connection.
    The United States has recently decided to bring into South Korea latest sophisticated weapons estimated at 11 billion us dollars. This is a violation of paragraph 13, article two of the armistice agreement, which bans the introduction into Korea of reinforcing weapons.
    The United States has also decided to redeploy its troops in South Korea and tries to shift the U.S. army responsibility for the control of the demilitarized zone on to the South Korean army. This is a violation of paragraph 10, article one of the armistice agreement which stipulates that the demilitarized zone be controlled by the Korean People's Army and the U.S. Army.
    The sea and air blockade pursued by the united states against the DPRK through "inspection of vessels and aircraft" is a violation of paragraph 15, article two of the armistice agreement, which calls on the contracting parties "not to engage in blockade of any kind of Korea".
    The seriousness of the issue lies in the fact that if the armistice agreement is abrogated by way of such violations as mentioned above, the Korean peninsula will go back to the warring situation.
    It will be inevitable to a certain degree that when the confidence is lost in the power of the armistice agreement to deter war, the demand for other means of deterrence is raised.
    I still wish to think that the security council is not yet away from its objectivity and impartiality.
    In case the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula is debated in the security council, I look forward to its just and reasonable efforts for a peaceful solution of the nuclear issue in keeping with its noble mission and responsibility by taking into due consideration the aforementioned points.

7th reunion of separated families and relatives

    Mt. Kumgang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The 7th reunion of separated families and relatives from the north and south began at Mt. Kumgang resort. According to the agreement between Red Cross organizations of the north and south, the separated families and relatives of the north side had a collective meeting with their kin from the south first on June 27.
    They told their kin from the south about their worthwhile life they have led in the socialist fatherland under the loving care and all-embracing politics of leader Kim Jong Il.
    Those from the south were moved to hear such admirable facts and expressed their deep admiration at the popular policies of the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government.
    Separated families and relatives of the north side had family meetings with their kin from the south again on June 28.
    With the joy of meetings they took meals together, deepening kindred feelings while talking about their pent-up thoughts in a harmonious atmosphere.
    They had photographs taken, expressing their will to contribute to achieving national reunification by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation itself under the banner of the June 15 Joint Declaration.
    They conveyed cloth to their kin from the south and arranged birthday tables for them while exchanging souvenirs.
    The Central Committee of the Red Cross Society of the north side gave a reception for them.
    They saw a performance given by an acrobatic troupe of the north side.

For Spanish-speaking people

en varios paises simposio sobre obra de kim jong il

    pyongyang, 28 de junio (atcc) -- tuvo lugar el dia 17 en katmandu, nepal, un simposio sobre la obra del dirigente kim jong il "el partido del trabajo de corea es el partido del gran lider camarada kim il sung". el secretario general del comite ejecutivo central del partido comunista de nepal (unido), al hacer uso de la palabra, senalo que el dirigente kim jong il, al definir el ptc como el partido del presidente kim il sung, dilucido claramente el caracter y la esencia del ptc y anadio que su obra constituye un valioso manual para los partidos politicos progresistas del mundo, para no hablar de corea.
    el coordinador del partido comunista de nepal (resurgimiento marxista-leninista) senalo que la trayectoria de casi 40 anos del trabajo del dirigente kim jong il en el comite central del partido del trabajo de corea es una historia mas brillante saturada de las destacadas hazanas nunca vistas en la historia de los dirigentes politicos de los paises del mundo.
    el mismo dia, el simposio conjunto de la obra del dirigente "para mantener el espiritu juche y la nacionalidad en el proceso revolucionario y constructivo" tuvo lugar en abuja bajo el auspicio del comite nacional nigeriano de estudio de la idea juche.
    en el simposio se subrayo que hoy que recrudecen las maniobras de "mundializacion" de los imperialistas, la obra reviste un significado enciclopedico dando claras respuestas a los problemas que presenta hoy la humanidad.