South Korean authorities' trip to U.S. accused

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the central committee of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea issued a statement on May 26 to brand the recent trip of the South Korean authorities to the United States as the most dangerous anti-DPRK and anti-reunification tour intended to pave the way for a war against fellow countrymen in league with the foreign forces and bring inter-Korean relations back to confrontation. The statement said:
    It is very just that the tour of the U.S. heedless of national dignity and independence is being seriously condemned in South Korea as a shameful and disgraceful trip which showed pro-American sycophantic relationship and an anti-national trip which will bring about nuclear holocaust.
    Yielding to foreign forces without sovereignty and betraying fellow countrymen in league with foreign forces will lead to shame and ruin. This is a serious lesson drawn from the over half-a-century long history of South Korea under the U.S. domination and arbitrary rule.
    If the South Korean authorities truly want the development of the north-south relations and peace, they should clearly see the trend of the times and take the road of national independence and cooperation instead of flattering and yielding to the foreign forces.

U.S. decision to repeal "law banning smaller nukes" under fire

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The U.S. Senate recently decided to repeal the "law banning smaller nukes" that was adopted and took effect in l993, according to a news report. In accordance with this decision, the U.S. Department of Defense was tasked to work out a plan to develop, manufacture and use smaller nukes such as underground-penetrating smaller nukes and start full-scale research into them.
    This decision discloses a dastardly move of the bush administration to carry out the reckless war strategy to dominate the world by force of arms.
    The issue of developing smaller nukes is nothing new as it has long been clamoured for by the hawkish hardliners of pentagon.
    But the recent decision of the senate arouses profound concern of the world public as it lifted the legal ban on such nukes so that they may be developed in real earnest.
    It is said that the destructive power of an underground-penetrating smaller nuke which the U.S. plans to develop is equivalent to one third of that of the a bomb dropped over Hiroshima late in World War II as its trotyl equivalent is less than 5kt and it is capable of destroying any underground structure 300m deep.
    It is as clear as noonday that the U.S. production of such type of weapon is aimed to maintain an unchallenged edge over other nuclear weapons states and dominate the world.
    This will only escalate the worldwide nuclear arms race and prompt various countries to pull out of the NPT.
    What arouses the caution of the DPRK is the U.S. assertion that the development of smaller nukes is necessary for striking "rogue states" and terrorist organizations.
    What is more serious is that the development of such type of nuke is resumed at a time when the U.S. is increasing its pressure on the DPRK over such non-existent issues as drug trafficking and counterfeit money while blustering that "further steps would be considered in case the danger increases" and "all options are not taken off the table".
    The U.S. nuclear threat compels the DPRK to heighten its revolutionary vigilance and build a deterrent force to counter the use of nukes.
    The DPRK has its own effective method to retaliate against it.
    The People's Army and the people of the DPRK remain unfazed in face of the U.S. undisguised threat of nuclear attack as they have consolidated the country's defences as an impregnable fortress with the might of the Songun policy. They are fully determined to increase the might of singlehearted unity.
    The U.S. is well advised to stop acting rashly, well aware that the DPRK has its own effective method to cope with Washington's nuclear threat.

Japanese rulers' utterances against DPRK under fire

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The Japanese chief executive and other ruling quarters recently let loose such a string of anti-DPRK balderdash over the "issue of nuclear development" and the "issue of abduction" as "examination of economic sanctions" on the DPRK, "formation of an international encircling net" and remarks that there is no need to have access to North Korea and it should be pressurized by economic sanctions and blockade. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary dismisses these utterances as a vicious challenge to the DPRK and a scheme to start a war by aggravating the relations between the DPRK and Japan as they reveal the Japanese rulers' ambition to stage a comeback to Korea.
    It is the criminal intention of the Japanese reactionaries to round off their legal preparations for overseas military expansion and realize their ambition for the reinvasion of Korea at any cost by taking advantage of the U.S. nuclear racket to pressure the DPRK, the commentary says, and continues:
    A few days ago, the Japanese reactionaries passed three bills on emergency through the House of Representatives of the diet despite strong domestic and foreign opposition, thus making a big step forward in preparations for a war.
    It is something unusual that the Japanese rulers are talking about "economic sanctions", "formation of an international encircling net", "use of arms" and "preemptive attack" while making preparations for the reinvasion of Korea.
    In fact, the Japanese reactionaries' moves to stage a comeback to Korea have entered a dangerous phase, which is increasing the danger of a war.
    The army and the people of the DPRK are greatly angered by Japan which is keen on preparations for a war while watching for a chance to reinvade, far from honestly making an apology and compensation for the hideous crimes it committed against Koreans in the past.
    If the Japanese reactionaries embark on the road of reinvasion of Korea with the backing of the U.S. despite our warnings, the army and the people of the DPRK will vent their pent-up grudge against them thousand times.

Materialization of federal formula for reunification called for

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The proposal for reunifying the country by federal formula is a just proposal for national reunification as it is in full accord with the reality and the Korean nation's desire to achieve the independent reunification of the country by its concerted efforts. This fully reflects the demands, interests, will and desire of the nation. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a by-lined article. It goes on:
    The proposal made by President Kim Il Sung makes it possible to reunify the country, not allowing the interests of different classes, strata and political groups in the north and the south to be infringed upon on condition that the differing ideologies and social systems are tolerated. This is because the proposal is an embodiment of the three principles of national reunification -- independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity -- which are the common programme of the nation for reunification.
    The federal formula calls for achieving national reunification by way of establishing a unified national government under whose guidance the north and the south run autonomous governments.
    If the country is reunified according to the proposal, Koreans will not need outsiders' interference and will be able to overcome any deviations in the process of reunification.
    The function of the federal state is basically aimed to respect and protect the interests of the whole nation and a unified government is tasked to discuss and decide any common issues concerning the overall interests of the country and the nation and push ahead with the work to solve them and make positive efforts to realize unity and collaboration in all fields.
    The federal formula for reunification presents itself as a more pressing issue now that the U.S. imperialists, displeased with promoting the cause of national reunification by the concerted efforts of the nation, are fostering division and confrontation between the north and the south and escalating the tensions to unleash a war.
    All Koreans in the north, the south and overseas are struggling to achieve the independent reunification of the country, their supreme task.
    Reunification means patriotism.
    The 70 million Koreans who love the country and the nation will surely achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country in a few years to come, true to the guidance of leader Kim Jong Il to national reunification, in order to carry out the last instructions of Kim Il Sung for national reunification.

Rodong Sinmun calls for defending peace

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The Korean people love peace more than anyone else and the DPRK is a peace-loving state which identifies peace with the basic idea of its foreign policy, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on: Korean-style socialism, by nature, stands for peace and the Korean people's building of a great prosperous socialist power requires a peaceful environment.
    The peace they want is not peace to be brought by servile submission.
    They ardently love peace and do not want war but if anyone dares invade and conquer their country, they will exercise sovereignty and strongly retaliate against the enemy by force.
    Peace is guaranteed by an army.
    Peace is the desire common to humankind and intrinsically needed by the people advocating independence. Peace, the idea of the DPRK's foreign policy, fully represents the desire of humankind.
    The present grave international situation requires humankind to hold higher the banner of peace. As shown by the U.S. Iraqi war, actions speak louder than words.
    It is impossible to meet the imperialists' blatant challenge, avert a war and defend sovereignty and peace of a country and a nation unless a powerful physical deterrent force is built. This a serious lesson drawn from the Iraqi war.
    Peace on the Korean Peninsula is in peril due to the intensified moves of the U.S. imperialists to stifle the DPRK. It will consolidate its defences as an iron-wall to protect its sovereignty and peace from their aggression.

More relics displayed at Koryo Museum

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- Some 60 pieces of historic relics discovered in recent years are on display at the Koryo Museum in Kaesong city of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Among the relics dating back to the period of Koryo are porcelains, gilt bronze belt ornaments, bronze kettle and king's genealogy.
    The blue porcelain dish patterned with phoenix unearthed in Haeson-ri, Kaephung county, is typical of the beautiful and delicately and wonderfully patterned Koryo celadon. Its mouth is 19 centimeters in diameter and 8 centimeters in height.
    A porcelain bowl with a pattern of chrysanthemum flower and a blue porcelain bottle discovered in Jinbong-ri and Pongdong-ri of Kaesong show the developed ceramic workmanship of Koryo people.
    A bonze mirror discovered in Pongdong-ri, Kaesong, is 21.6 centimeters across and 3.5 millimeters thick. It has a handle on its backside with two phoenixes carved with lines.

Japanese reactionaries urged to stop reckless remarks

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today runs a signed commentary castigating the Japanese reactionaries for running amuck, buoyed up by the fever of reinvasion. Recently Prime Minister Koizumi, the chief cabinet secretary and other ruling quarters of Japan busied themselves talking about "examination of economic sanctions" and "formation of an international encircling net" over the "DPRK's nuclear issue," the news analyst observes, and continues:
    The nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula is a bilateral matter that should be settled between the DPRK and the U.S. Japan's sinister repetition of the U.S. assertions will bring nothing but complexity in the settlement of the issue.
    The Japanese ruling quarters seek to evade the settlement of the past hideous crimes of Japan against the Koreans and realize its invariable ambition for reinvasion of Korea by abusing the complicated and tense developments in the Korean Peninsula. That's why they are obtrusively pulling up the DPRK's "nuclear issue".
    The hearts of the army and the people of the DPRK are now burning with towering indignation and grudge against the Japanese imperialists who committed the thrice-cursed crimes against Koreans in the past. They have firm determination and will to revenge upon them thousand times. no one can know what consequences will entail when their wrath bursts out.
    The Japanese rulers should refrain from doing such a reckless act of provoking the DPRK if they think a little of the future of Japan.

Greetings to Ethiopian President

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today sent a message of greetings to Girma Woldegiorgis, President of Ethiopia, on the occasion of its 12th National Day. In the message Kim expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop in line with the desire and interests of the two peoples.

For Spanish-speaking people

la paz es firme aspiracion de politica exterior de la rpdc

    pyongyang, 27 de mayo (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" inserto hoy un articulo individual que senala: el pueblo coreano aprecia mas que nadie la paz, y la republica popular democratica de corea toma por su aspiracion principal de la politica exterior la paz.
    el socialismo coreano es, por su esencia, pacifico y la construccion de gran potencia prospera socialista que acelera el pueblo coreano exige un ambiente pacifico.
    la paz que deseamos no es la que acarrea el obedecimiento esclavo.
    amamos fervientemente la paz, y no queremos la guerra. si alguien pretende agredir y conquistar a nuestro pais, ejerceremos la soberania y le contestaremos. la paz esta preservada solo por el fusil.
    la paz es una aspiracion comun de la humanidad y la demanda esencial de las masas populares que abogan por la independencia. la aspiracion de la politica exterior de la rpdc a la paz refleja fielmente la de la humanidad.
    la severa situacion internacional de hoy exige a la humanidad enarbolar la bandera de paz. como lo muestra la guerra iraqui desatada por ee.uu., sin poderosa fuerza de detencion fisica, puede enfrentar a los crueles desafios de los imperialistas ni detener la guerra ni tampoco defender la soberania y la paz del pais y la nacion.
    debido a las recrudescentes maniobras de ee.uu. de hostilizar y aplastar a la rpdc, la paz de la peninsula coreana se ve amenazada gravemente. la rpdc fortalecera aun mas el poderio defensivo para defender la soberania y la paz del pais desde la agresion de los enemigos.

"rodong sinmun" refuta peroraciones de los gobernantes de japon

    pyongyang, 27 de mayo (atcc) -- en cuanto al "problema del desarrollo nuclear" y "el problema de secuestro" de la republica popular democratica de corea los gobernantes de japon dijeron: "se debe revisar la sancion economica y formar una red de cerco internacional contra ella" y "no es necesario acercarse a norcorea. es preciso ejercer a esta la presion a traves de la sancion y el bloqueo economicos". estos disparates, siendo una revelacion de la ambicion de nueva agresion a corea, constituyen un perverso desafio a la rpdc y una conspiracion para acarrear la guerra agravando mas las relaciones de confrontacion entre la rpdc y japon.
    asi senala el periodico "rodong sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua:
    los reaccionarios japoneses tienen la intencion criminal de dar toque final a su preparacion juridica para la expansion militar a ultramar y realizar a toda costa su ambicion de nueva agresion a la rpdc en adhesion al alboroto nuclear de ee.uu. contra esta.
    recientemente, aprobaron los tres proyectos de ley relativos al "tiempo de emergencia" en la camara de representantes pese a la fuerte oposicion de la opinion interna y externa del pais, dando asi un gran paso en su preparacion de guerra.
    son insolitas las peroraciones de los gobernantes de japon tales como la "sancion economica", la "formacion de la red de cerco internacional", el "uso de las fuerzas armadas" y el "primer ataque".
    de hecho, las maquinaciones de nueva agresion de los reaccionarios japoneses a corea llegan al limite de peligro.
    el ejercito y el pueblo de corea no pueden aguantar una gran indignacion por el proceder de japon que, en vez de pedir disculpa y hacer indemnizacion sincera por sus monstruosos crimenes cometidos en el pasado contra la nacion coreana, acecha la oportunidad de nueva agresion y da espuelas a la preparacion de esta.
    si los reaccionarios japoneses, pese a nuestras advertencias reiteradas, emprenden el camino de la nueva agresion a corea bajo el amparo de ee.uu. el ejercito y el pueblo de corea les descargaran todo el rencor acumulado.