Kim Jong Il inspects KPA detachment defending island

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il inspected an island defence detachment of KPA unit no. 1106 on Tuesday. He was accompanied by KPA generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong and Ri Yong Chol, member of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and first vice department director of the Central Committee of the WPK.
    After being briefed on the performance of the detachment's duty by its commander, he inspected fire positions and posts of the detachment to learn in detail about the deployment of forces.
    He was greatly satisfied to learn that in hearty response to the WPK's military line for self-defence the commanding officers and servicepersons of the detachment have turned the island into an impregnable fortress and reliably defended the gateway to the socialist homeland in the spirit of annihilating the enemy, and highly praised them.
    Noting that the detachment standing guard over the frontline posts of the country has a very important duty to fulfil, he set forth highly important tasks which would serve as guidelines in further increasing the combat capacity of the unit to consolidate the defence theatre as firm as an iron wall.
    After watching the servicepersons of the detachment in combat training, he said that Korean socialism is sure to win and the revolutionary cause of Juche will surely be accomplished thanks to the powerful armed forces, whose core is the heroic KPA ready to dedicate youth and lives to the party and the leader, the country and its people.
    Then he met with officer of the detachment Jo Yong Nam and his families and had a warm conversation with them, acquainting himself in detail with their work and lives.
    The next leg of his inspection was a company under the detachment.
    Looking round an education room, bedroom, kitchen, daily provision store, a washroom and other places, he learned in detail about their diet, sleeping conditions, entertainment and sanitary things. He showed deep loving care for its servicepersons, saying that they should be provided with the best living conditions as they are defending the country from a solitary island far away from the land.
    He enjoyed an art performance given by servicepersons of the company.
    He gave the detachment a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle as gifts before having a photograph taken with the servicepersons of the detachment and their families.

Modern Mangyongdae Chicken Farm commissioned

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- The Mangyongdae Chicken Farm rebuilt on a modern basis was commissioned with due ceremony on Dec. 3. Present there were Hong Song Nam, Premier of the DPRK Cabinet, Pae Tal Jun, Minister of State Construction Control, Kim Chang Sik, Minister of Agriculture, Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee, officials concerned, constructors, employees of the farm and working people in the city.
    A message sent by the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea thanking the constructors for performing labor feats in the project of rebuilding the chicken farm was conveyed at the ceremony.
    The C.C., the WPK in the message said that Kim Jong Il set forth the militant tasks of rebuilding chicken farms in Pyongyang on a modern basis and wisely led the projects.
    Noting that the modernization of the chicken farms in Pyongyang would help greatly contribute to improving the diet of Pyongyangites, the message highly praised the constructors and officials for having successfully completed the projects.
    A reporter and speakers at the ceremony said that President Kim Il Sung chose the site of the Mangyongdae Chicken Farm and saw to it that it was built and it has been rebuilt into a modern farm to meet the need of the 21st century under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    They called on the officials and employees of the farm to take good care of the modern production facilities and keep the production going at a high rate so that the citizens in Pyongyang may benefit from the farm.
    At the end of the ceremony, the participants looked round the production processes of the farm.

DPRK's proposal for concluding non-aggression treaty supported abroad

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- Ugandan Minister of State in Ministry of Water, lands and environment Baguma Isoke, chairman of the Ugandan National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, in a statement on Nov. 26 said that the U.S. should accede to the DPRK's proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty and refrain from straining the situation of the Korean Peninsula. The DPRK proposed that the U.S. should conclude a non-aggression treaty in order to tide over the crisis on the Korean Peninsula created by the U.S., he said, stressing:
    The proposal is the most realistic and reasonable way to settle the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula and ease the tension.
    Meanwhile, Thomas Losch, chief of the group of youth for the study of Kim Jong Il Juche Idea in Vienna, Austria, issued a statement on the same day to resolutely condemn the U.S. unilateral decision to stop providing the DPRK with heavy oil.
    The U.S. decision is an act of escalating the tensions on the Korean Peninsula and throwing a wet blanket over the favorably developing inter-Korean relations and the atmosphere of reunification, the statement said, adding:
    The U.S. is chiefly to blame for posing a nuclear threat on the Korean Peninsula.
    The DPRK's proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty is the most realistic way of settling the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula, the statement said, demanding the U.S. accept this proposal.

KCNA flails U.S. moves to stymie inter-Korean exchange

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- Soligan, deputy chief of the staff of the U.S. Forces command in South Korea, at a recent social gathering blustered that if the north persistently rejects the "U.N Forces'" approval the south-north exchange will not progress smoothly. This clearly reflects the U.S. stand to use its aggression troops going under U.N. helmets in obstructing the whole process of inter-Korean cooperation and exchange and hamstringing the Korean nation's efforts to achieve reconciliation and unity.
    The north-south cooperation and exchange are patriotic undertakings to reconnect the severed ties of the nation and accelerate its reunification, the cherished desire of the 70 million Koreans, and sacred ones to ensure peace and security in the north and south of Korea and, furthermore, in the rest of the world.
    However, the U.S. obstructed the mine clearing in the demilitarized zone, a process of key importance in the projects of reconnecting the rail and road links between the north and the south, while talking about the approval of verifying personnel at the UN command. It has gone so fool as to attempt to hinder the inter-Korean cooperation, saying that overland tour of Mt. Kumgang cannot take place without its approval.
    The U.S. brigandish and unreasonable behaviour delayed all the projects of reconnecting the eastern and western coastal rail and road links and put the once brisk inter-Korean cooperation and exchange into rough weather.
    This is a blatant challenge to the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration that reflects the nation's will to promote co-existence, co-prosperity and common interests between the north and the south and high-handed interference in the internal affairs of the Korean nation.
    Plainly speaking, the U.S. is an aggressor that occupied Korea half a century ago and a stranger to the Koreans from a to z.
    Therefore, the U.S. has no justification to say anything on the issues arising in the inter-Korean cooperation and exchange as they are conducted by the Koreans themselves as desired by them.
    Nevertheless, the U.S. is poking its nose into those undertakings in a bid to hamstring them. It is directing its efforts to stymying the inter-Korean cooperation while escalating the international cooperation to force the DPRK to disarm itself and yield to it under the pretext of its "nuclear issue".
    It is the calculation of the U.S. that it will never succeed in international cooperation to force the DPRK to scrap its "nuclear program" unless the inter-Korean cooperation is hampered.
    It is, however, nothing but a pipe dream.
    The north will boost the inter-Korean cooperation to frustrate the U.S. reckless moves for international cooperation and open up a bright prospect of national reunification without fail.

Reception given on Day of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- Military attache of the Cuban embassy here Giraldo Abreu Morales gave a reception at the embassy on Tuesday on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba. Present at the reception on invitation were Ryo Chun Sok, Vice-Minister of the People's Armed Forces, generals and officers of the Korean People's Army and officials concerned.
    Cuban Ambassador to the DPRK Esteban Lobaina Romero and embassy officials were on hand.
    Speeches were made at the reception.

Candle demonstrations in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- South Korean citizens held candle demonstrations in the areas of Kwanghwamun and Myongdong Cathedral on Sunday evening in protest against the verdict of not guilty given to the GI criminals, according to news reports from Seoul. The participants sang "Arirang" and other songs, vowing to give the vent to the bitter grudge of the girl students killed in cold blood by a U.S. armoured car.
    There was a six-year-old girl who took part in the demonstration, taking her mother by the hand. She was applauded by the participants when she said "I feel pity for the slain sisters," shouting "sisters and brothers, let's fight."
    In the evening of Nov. 30 a candle rally and demonstration were held in Kwanghwamun, Seoul, with more than 10,000 Seoul citizens attending.
    At the end of the rally, the participants marched from Kwanghwamun to the U.S. embassy with candles in their hands.
    They denounced the verdict of not guilty given to the GI criminals and demanded the total revision of the shackling South Korea-U.S. "status of forces agreement."
    Meanwhile, citizens launched a campaign of sending e-mails to the White House in token of protest on Sunday.

Jangsu Spring

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- There is a famous spring at the foot of a hill in Wonsin-ri, Samsok district, Pyongyang. Its main ingredients are calcium and strontium. It is efficacious for hardening bones, preventing various kinds of diseases including cerebral thrombosis and improving the function of brain. So, it is called Jangsu (good health) spring.
    It has no harmful effects on human body. A regular drink of the water helps cure various kinds of diseases.
    A survey shows that the villagers including those far above 60 enjoy good health, free from cancer, cerebral thrombosis, hypertension, colitis and other diseases.
    It is also said that some people who had suffered from serious dyspepsia moved to the village and had their disease cured completely.

NC machine tools in great demand

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- Numerical control machine tools produced by the Korean Ryonha Machinery Joint Venture Company are popular in foreign markets. They rapidly process materials of complicated shape, ensuring a high degree of precision.
    The NC sparking lathe processes materials 200 square metres per minute, ensuring 0.001 mm in precision and 1.5 micrometres in cleanness.
    For its good performance and quality it won popularity in the Pyongyang International Economic Technology and Infrastructure Exhibition held in September.
    The NC machine tools were registered by the ISO (international standards organization) as 9002.
    An increasing number of the company's products have been exported to other countries in recent years.

Bush's apology criticized in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- South Korean organizations have strongly denounced Bush's deceptive apology, according to a news report. The South Korean Alliance for Democracy and Reunification issued a commentary on Nov. 28 to denounce Bush's apology without referring to nullification of verdict of "not guilty" and revision of the South Korea-U.S. "status of forces agreement" as a mockery of the South Korean people.
    The commentary said:
    Bush, turning aside from people's anger and demand for a few months after the girl students were killed, uttered a few words to calm down the anti-U.S. sentiment which was growing in South Korea.
    Bush should kneel down to apologize to the South Korean people. He should nullify the U.S. military trial and transfer the criminals to the South Korean court to punish them.
    At the same time the unequal South Korea-U.S. "status of forces agreement" should be revised without delay.
    The strong anti-U.S. resistance spreading across South Korea reflects the mind and will of the South Korean people to punish the murderers at any cost. This people's resistance can not be calmed down by his apology for form's sake, the statement stressed.

U.S. superpower logic under fire

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- If the U.S. shows good faith we will reciprocate it and if it pursues a hard-line policy we will react to it with the toughest stand. This is an invariable stand of the DPRK and its principled stand and the mode of its counteraction will never change, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. It goes on:
    The U.S. is accusing the DPRK of violating the DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework (AF). This is a mean act intended to isolate the DPRK internationally. Its talk about nuclear threat from the DPRK is a crafty maneuvers to cover up its true nature.
    The U.S. announced its decision to stop the supply of heavy oil to the DPRK from December which has been under way under the AF, thus unilaterally giving up its commitment to supply the heavy oil, the only point that has been implemented out of the four articles of the AF.
    The dishonest forces of the U.S. are talking nonsense that such measure is taken because the DPRK has violated the AF.
    Their absurd assertion is aimed to create the impression that the U.S. took the measure because the DPRK breached the AF posing a threat to the U.S. though it made efforts to implement the AF.
    This can not be construed otherwise than a U.S.-style superpower logic.
    Another aspect of its logic is that such a small country as the DPRK should not stand against the threat posed by a big country like the U.S.
    The DPRK's sovereignty and right to existence have been placed in greatest jeopardy due to the U.S. reckless moves to stifle the DPRK by force of arms. This compels the DPRK to possess military means powerful enough to cope with the threat.
    The U.S. is however, faulting this.
    The U.S. should clearly understand the DPRK's mode of counteraction, give up its superpower brigandish logic and promptly accept the DPRK's proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty.

Greetings to Thai Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, Premier of the DPRK Cabinet, sent a message of greetings to Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of Thailand, on the occasion of its National Day. The message sincerely wished the prime minister new success in his responsible work for the prosperity and development of the country and expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger.
    Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun also sent a message of greetings to his Thai counterpart Surakiart Sathirathai.

Greetings to Thai King

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today sent a message of greetings to Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand, on the occasion of his birthday and National Day. The message extended warm congratulations to the king and, through him, to the Thai people on his birthday and National Day.
    It sincerely wished the king good health and happiness and the Thai people wellbeing and prosperity and expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms in the future, too.

DPRK's principled stand on nuclear issue clarified

    Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a letter to general director of the board of governors of the IAEA Mohammed El Baradei. In the letter dated Dec. 2 Paek clarified that the DPRK Government cannot accept the November 29, 2002 resolution of the IAEA board of governors in any case and that there is no change in its principled stand on the nuclear issue, in particular.
    Upon receiving the general director's letter dated Nov. 29 and that resolution, I was disappointed at the IAEA board of governors still acting under the manipulation of the United States while following its policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK, the letter noted.
    Attributing the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula to the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK and the partial behavior of the IAEA intended to serve the U.S. purpose, the letter referred to the fact that the agency has handled the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula unfairly.
    This crisis is a product of the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK from a to z, it said, adding:
    Failing to call this policy into question, the IAEA has adopted an extremely unilateral resolution against the DPRK this time.
    This can never be considered as an impartial one, and it will only lay one more serious obstacle in the way of solving the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula.

For Spanish-speaking people

comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciona unidad no. 1106 del epc

    pyongyang, 4 de diciembre (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea, presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea y comandante supremo del ejercito popular de corea inspecciono el dia 3 la subunidad de defensa de la isla de la unidad no. 1106 del epc. le acompanaron los generales de ejercito del epc ri myong su, hyon chol hae y pak jae gyong, y el primer subjefe de departamento del cc del ptc ri yong chol, quien es miembro de la comision militar central del ptc.
    el comandante supremo, despues de enterarse del estado de cumplimiento del deber de la subunidad por parte del jefe de esta, recorrio las posiciones de fuego y los puestos de la subunidad de defensa de la isla para hacer conocimiento concreto del estado de ubicacion de las fuerzas.
    se mostro muy satisfecho de que los miembros directivos de la subunidad, en pleno acato a la linea militar autodefensiva del partido, han convertido la isla en una fortaleza inexpugnable y con el espiritu combativo de aniquilar a los enemigos defienden fidedignamente la puerta de la patria socialista y evaluo altamente sus exitos de lucha.
    diciendo que el deber de la subunidad encargada del puesto de avanzada de la patria es muy importante, presento las tareas programaticas que serviran de guia para intensificar aun mas las fuerzas combativas de la unidad y consolidar como muralla de acero el area defensiva.
    tras ver el ejercicio de manejo de canones de los militares de la subunidad enseno que nuestro socialismo es invencible y la causa revolucionaria del juche se llevara a feliz termino sin falta al contar con las poderosas fuerzas armadas cuyo nucleo es el heroico ejercito popular de corea quien esta bien dispuesto a sacrificar sin vacilacion la juventud y la vida para el partido y el lider, la patria y el pueblo.
    el dirigente se encontro con el oficial jo yong nam de la subunidad y sus familiares y departio cordialmente con ellos para enterarse de los detalles de su labor y vida.
    seguidamente, inspecciono una compania de la subunidad de defensa de la isla.
    al recorrer la sala de educacion, dormitorio, cocina, deposito diario, bano y otros varios lugares se entero detalladamente de las condiciones de comida y de cama, el estado de vida cultural y las propiedades de sanidad, y al decir que se deben ofrecer las mejores condiciones de vida a los militares del lugar quienes se dedican a la defensa de la patria en la isla apartada lejos de la tierra y les dispenso el amor y beneficio infinitos.
    presencio la funcion de piezas artisticas de los militares de la compania.
    el dirigente les dio binoculos y el fusil automatico como recuerdo y se fotografio junto a los militares y sus familiares del lugar.

maquinas herramientas de manejo numerico

    pyongyang, 3 de diciembre (atcc) -- la compania mixta de maquinas ryonha de corea produce el torno de manejo numerico, elaboradora universal, elaboradora de descarga de manejo numerico y las demas maquinas herramientas de igual indole que gozan de reputacion en varios paises. la produccion de las maquinas herramientas de manejo numerico requiere la tecnica de diseno ultramoderno y de acabado y ensamblaje con la alta precision.
    estas maquinas herramientas aseguran la alta precision y la prontitud en la elaboracion de las piezas de formas complejas.
    en particular, la elaboradora de descarga de manejo numerico transforma el material a la velocidad de 200 metros cuadrados por minuto asegurando la precision de 0.001 mm y la pulidez de 1.5 milimicron.
    esta maquina herramienta fue estimada altamente en la exposicion internacional de la tecnica economica e infraestructura de pyongyang efectuada en septiembre.
    las maquinas herramienta de manejo numerico fueron registradas en iso 9002 (norma de verificacion de calidad de la organizacion internacional de estandarizacion).
    en los ultimos anos estas maquinas se exportaron a varios paises.

agregado militar de la embajada de cuba ofrece un banquete

    pyongyang, 4 de diciembre (atcc) -- giraldo abreu morales, agregado militar de la embajada de la republica de cuba en corea ofrecio el dia 3 en la sede diplomatica un banquete con motivo del 46 aniversario de la fiesta de las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias de su pais. a la comida fueron invitados ryo chun sok, viceministro de las fuerzas armadas populares, generales y oficiales del ejercito popular de corea, y otros funcionarios.
    estuvieron presentes alli esteban lobaina romero, embajador cubano y otros miembros de la embajada.
    en el banquete pronunciaron discursos.