Kim Jong Il gives field guidance to construction in Samjiyon county

    Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il said that there are many revolutionary battle sites, important bases of education in the revolutionary traditions in Samjiyon and Taehongdan counties and other areas of Mt. Paektu and to build up the battle sites well is a sacred work to resolutely defend and carry forward the revolutionary traditions, an eternal treasure of revolution.. He gave field guidance on Monday to the construction in Samjiyon county, a time-honored land of revolution which has turned into a large open-air museum.
    He was greatly satisfied to see the Paektu museum of educational significance built in Samjiyon township as one more splendid base of education in the revolutionary traditions.
    He said that the museum should be arranged better and run effectively to give purposeful education because it is an important educational site which will greatly contribute to imbuing visitors to the revolutionary battle sites with the revolutionary traditions of the party. And he indicated tasks and ways to do so.
    Looking round the Chonji Health Complex and a hotel, new service establishments, he said that even a house should be built best to meet the need of the new century and everything be constructed as required by the era of the workers' party.
    He visited the new house where the family of Jon Jang Ryong lives. He said that the house was designed and built well to suit the features of the highland and such more modern dwelling houses should be built for the people.
    He looked round new buildings and set forth the tasks which would serve as important guidelines in the construction in Samjiyon county.
    He noted with great satisfaction that the members of the party propaganda officials' shock brigades from ministries, national institutions and all provinces have brought about such leaping advance and innovations as changing the appearance of Samjiyon with intense loyalty in a matter of one and half years since volunteering to build up better Samjiyon county which has many historic sites of President Kim Il Sung's revolutionary activities.
    He highly praised their proud achievements.

Ten million-men signature campaign declared

    Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- The preparatory committee of the solidarity for agricultural recovery for protecting Korea's rice reportedly held a press conference on October 1 to declare a ten million-men signature campaign. The press release read out at the conference said that South Korea is standing at the crossroads of completely opening its rice market to foreign countries in 2004 or not as an outcome of the Uruguay-round negotiations held in 1994.
    It stressed that the opening of the rice market is little short of depriving the rural community of its foundation and threatening the existence of the nation.
    It urged all the members of the society to strive to protect the locally produced rice and achieve agricultural recovery.

DPRK delegate calls for U.N.-led anti-terror struggle

    Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- It is a primary task before the U.N. to combat all forms of terrorism, said a delegate of the DPRK in his speech at the meeting of the 6th committee of the 57th U.N. General Assembly on October 2. Holding that an "anti-terror war" should not be waged to attain the strategic objective of a specified country, he stressed that attempts to escalate this war into different parts of the world without any reasonable ground are only rendering the world more unstable.
    Singling out a number of countries as targets of preemptive attack and attempting to carry out even undisguised armed intervention after listing them as members of an "axis of evil" and "terror-sponsoring states" under the pretext of "anti-terror" to meet one's own interests is, in fact, a form of state-sponsored terrorism, he noted, and continued:
    The anti-terror struggle should be led by the U.N. under any circumstances. It should be strictly based on the purpose and principles of the U.N. Charter.
    It is the consistent stand of the DPRK government to oppose all forms of terrorism and any support for it.
    The DPRK will strongly denounce and reject all forms of terrorism including acts of organizing, supporting, inciting and conniving at it in the future, too.
    He expressed the hope that the meeting would have exhaustive discussions on realistic ways to combat terrorism and reach an agreement on them in line with the aim and principles of the U.N. Charter.

Chinese embassy officials help Korean farmers

    Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- Ambassador Wu Donghe and officials of the Chinese embassy here on Monday helped farmers of the Korea-China Friendship Thaekam Co-operative Farm in harvesting. They harvested rice together with the farmers who were busy gathering in time the crop they raised with much effort despite the unfavorable climatic conditions.
    At a break, they conversed with farmers, deepening friendly feelings.
    Saying they were glad to harvest with the farmers, the ambassador expressed belief that the friendship between them would further be deepened.
    He said he was convinced that the China-Korea friendly ties would be boosted under the deep concern of Jiang Zemin and Kim Jong Il.

DPRK shooter wins gold medal

    Pusan, October 7 (KCNA correspondent) -- DPRK shooter Kim Jong Su won a gold medal with 587 points in men's individual 25m centre fire pistol event of the 14th Asian Games on Monday. He bagged a silver medal in men's individual 10 m air pistol event on Oct. 3.

National meeting held

    Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- A national meeting was held at the April 25 House of Culture today on the occasion of Kim Jong Il's election as General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea. Present there were senior officials of the party, the state and the army.
    At the meeting Jon Pyong Ho, member of the political bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, delivered a report titled "the cause of our party led by the great brilliant commander is sure to win".
    The reporter recalled that by having Kim Jong Il at the head of the WPK it has been able to develop into an ever-victorious revolutionary party which firmly preserves its revolutionary nature as the great revolutionary party of Juche type, the glorious party of President Kim Il Sung, and leads the socialist cause of Juche in the era of the army-based policy to brilliant victory despite the rapidly changing political situation in the world.
    The WPK is leading the march under the socialist red flag in the 21st century to victory after radically changing its appearance as a militant party for the army-based revolution, an invincible party in which all its members form a harmonious whole with its leader, he noted, and continued:
    It is the brilliant result of the great leadership, rare creative wisdom and tireless efforts of Kim Jong Il, who has strengthened the WPK into a powerful force steering the era of the army-based policy, that the army and people of the DPRK have fully demonstrated their revolutionary spirit and creative ingenuity, the power and high civilization of Korea of Juche.
    Thanks to his noble great patriotic decision, distinguished far-sightedness and independent external activities, the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, a landmark of national reunification in the new century, was published, the DPRK-Russia friendly ties have grown stronger again recently and a turning-point was brought about in improving the DPRK-Japan relations, which have remained in an extremely abnormal state for one century due to discord and confrontation.
    He underscored the need to model the whole party on the Juche idea with a view to eternally glorifying the party as the party of Kim Il Sung and vigorously accelerating socialist construction and thus building up powerful state economic power commensurate with the era of army-based revolution.
    The workers' party and people of Korea will surely achieve the historic cause of national reunification by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation in the spirit of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, he noted, and declared:
    The WPK will in the future, too, firmly unite with all the people of the world advocating independence and carry on the vigorous struggle to build a free and prosperous new world free from domination and subordination.

Anecdotes of President Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung visited a farm machine plant just before its commissioning in Juche 44 (1955). Making a round of the production processes of the plant, the president said to an official accompanying him to put off its commissioning.
    He said that officials were not bold, the plant was too small to mechanize the rural economy and it would be better to expand the plant twice before its commissioning.
    The official was surprised because he thought that the plant was large in its scale in the light of the actual conditions of the country.
    Three years later the president visited the expanded plant in October 1958 and put forward the task to produce 5,000 tractors a year.
    At last officials realized his intention.
    It happened in Juche 49 (1960) when the construction of Okryu bridge was completed.
    The constructors asked the president to write the calligraphic sign board of the bridge.
    According to the repeated petitions of the constructors the president wrote "Okryugyo" with a writing brush in India ink at a breath. Looking it for a while, the president said to officials to bring it to professionals for correction.
    The officials concerned invited an old man who had a profound knowledge of calligraphy and requested him to correct it without saying who wrote it.
    After studying it, he rose up from the seat and politely said: "I have never seen such a wonderful calligraphy. It was written by a great man. It is not proper for me to correct it."
    When the officials requested another calligrapher, he also said same words.

S. Korean delegation here

    Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- A south Korean delegation arrived here today for a preview of the silent film "Arirang" accompanied by movie narration.