State commendations awarded

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- State commendations were awarded to officials of party, state, military and administrative and economic organs and public organizations, servicemen and working people on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
    A ceremony of awarding commendations took place at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Tuesday.
    Present there were President Kim Yong Nam and secretary Kim Yun Hyok of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly and officials concerned together with officials, servicemen and working people of merited service.
    At the ceremony, Kim Il Sung Order was conferred on 126 persons, who have performed distinguished feats at important posts of different fields, and Kim Il Sung Prize on three persons. And a commendation of wrist watch bearing the august name of Kim Il Sung went to 49 persons and a citation of leader Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, to 40 persons.
   besides, National Flag Order First Class was awarded to 133 persons, Order of Labour to 229, National Flag Order Second Class to 279, National Flag Order Third Class to 238 and Medal of Merit to 65.

Foreigners and overseas compatriots arrive

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Vishwanath, director general of the International Institute of the Juche Idea, a delegation of the Brazilian Communist Party led by vice-president of its central committee Jose Reinaldo Carvalho, a delegation of the Korean Association for joint venture and economic exchange in Japan headed by its chairman Ryo Song Gun, Chinese anti-Japanese revolutionary fighter Jiang Huanzhou and his family members and Kim Sun Ok related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle and her family members arrived here yesterday on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.

Reception given by Cuban ambassador

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Esteban Lobaina Romero, Cuban ambassador to the DPRK, gave a reception at the embassy here last evening on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
    He said in a speech that the unbreakable relations of fraternal friendship between the two countries were provided by Kim Il Sung and Fidel Castro Ruz on the basis of their close friendship. They continue to favorably develop under the deep care of Kim Jong Il and Fidel Castro Ruz, the supreme leaders of the two countries.
    He went on:
    The Cuban people feel thankful to the Korean people for their strong support given to their struggle.
    Extending congratulations to Kim Jong Il on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of his election as Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, he wished the Korean people greater success in their endeavours for the independent and peaceful reunification of the country and the building of a powerful nation under his wise leadership.
   Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, in a speech said that Kim Il Sung's birth marked a historic event which paved a wide avenue of national rebirth and prosperity for the country and people and promised a bright prospect of achieving the human cause of independence.
    He noted that the relations between the two countries are traditional and particular ties of friendship and cooperation based on the deep and close relations of comradely friendship between Kim Il Sung in his lifetime and Fidel Castro Ruz and they are steadily growing stronger under the profound care of the leaders of the two countries.
    The Korean people will make all efforts to steadily expand and develop the friendly and cooperative relations with socialist Cuba in different fields of politics, economy and culture in the future, too, he stressed.

National book exhibition opens

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- A national book exhibition was opened on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
   On display are famous works of Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and more than 38,000 books and magazines of over 21,300 kinds among those published in the DPRK and different countries.
   The exhibition consists of an introductory hall and 16 other rooms.
    Exhibited are "Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works," "Kim Il Sung's Works," reminiscences "With The Century" and "Selected Works of Kim Jong Il," books on the greatness and feats of the party and leaders, books on revolutionary traditions, books on the Juche idea and the party's policies and socio-political, economic, scientific and technological books and magazines.
    Also exhibited are newspapers, books and magazines published by the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan and books published in various countries in praise of the greatness and undying exploits of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk.
   Put on display are books on the single-hearted unity of the Korean people and their achievements in socialist construction.
    An opening ceremony took place at the Grand People's Study House yesterday.
    Present at the ceremony were Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and Kwak Pom Gi, vice-premier of the cabinet.

Mongolian art troupe gives performance

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- A Mongolian art troupe which has come to participate in the 20th April Spring Friendship Art Festival gave a performance yesterday at the East Pyongyang Grand Theatre before the opening of the festival.
    Among the audience were vice-chairman of the Pyongyang city people's committee Choe Yun Sik, who is also vice-chairman of the festival organizing committee, officials concerned and working people in the city.
    Also seeing the performance were foreigners staying in the DPRK.
    Mongolian artistes staged colorful numbers with profound reverence for President Kim Il Sung.
    The performers vividly represented the Mongolian people's traditional culture and customs and ardent love of their country through Mongolian songs and dances with elegant and rich voice and beautiful rhythm.
    They were highly praised by the audience for singing well Korean songs.
    The performance continues:

Kim Jong Il visits newly built gift exhibition of Ministry of PAF

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il went round the newly-built gift exhibition of the ministry of the People's Armed Forces.
    With a total floor space of over 10,000 square metres the gift exhibition is another monumental edifice of the country capable of preserving forever the gifts presented to President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il by the servicemen of the KPA with sincerity.
   On display there are Korean paintings, oil paintings, jewel paintings, sculptures, handicraft works and many other fine art works created by the servicemen in reflection of the immortal leadership feats Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il performed in the army building, the might of the heroic KPA that has grown to be an invincible army and their pledge of loyalty to firmly defend the revolutionary cause of Juche with arms.
    Seeing round the exterior and interior of the exhibition, Kim Jong Il acquainted himself with its construction. He highly praised the builders, expressing deep satisfaction over the successful construction of the exhibition which would remain impeccable in the distant future, too.
    Seeing fine art works on various themes created by servicemen by use of different materials, he expressed great satisfaction with the creation of many excellent works of high ideological and artistic value and highly praised the servicemen for their success in the creative activities.
    Saying that all the works created by servicemen with collective wisdom and talents are the masterpieces worth national treasures, he noted that such rare excellent works can be created only by our army, the army of the party and the revolution.
    Our servicemen are not only a-match-for-a-hundred soldiers firmly prepared politically and ideologically and in military technique but also proud ones with high cultural and artistic attainment, he said, adding the Korean revolution is sure to win as the KPA, a model in all aspects, is standing firm as the pillar of the Korean revolution, the main force for the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche.
    then he saw various musical instruments produced by servicemen.
    It is very gratifying that servicemen are making lots of good quality musical instruments by their own efforts, he said, stressing that more musical instruments of various kinds should be produced and sent to units so that all the servicemen may always lead a joyful and optimistic life, enjoying cultural entertainment.
    Saying that an ideological work is the most important issue to which primary attention should be paid at all times to further strengthen and develop the revolutionary armed forces, he advanced highly important tasks to be carried out for the political and ideological education of the servicemen.
    He was accompanied by Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political department of the KPA, Kim Yong Chun, chief of the KPA general staff, Kim Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, Ri Yong Mu, vice-chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, KPA generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong, KPA colonel generals Kim Yun Sim and O Kum Chol, and other general officers of the KPA, Kim Kuk Thae, Jong Ha Chol, Kim Ki Nam and Kim Yong Sun, secretaries of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, other senior officials of the WPK Central Committee and senior officials of culture, arts and the press.

Pyongyang in festive atmosphere

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Pyongyang is now wrapped in a festive atmosphere with the 20th April Spring Friendship Art Festival just at hand.
    The festival is an annual event but the festival this year is drawing more keen interest of the public at home and abroad as it is to open on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
    National flags, festival flags and coloured buntings are seen fluttering and slogans, large picture boards and decorations welcoming goodwill envoys from the five continents are displayed in all the festively bedecked streets of the city.
    Posters on various themes seen here and there add to the festive atmosphere.
    The Mansudae Art Theatre, the Pyongyang Grand Theatre, the Ponghwa Art Theatre and other theatres in the city are ready to receive participants in the festival.
    Various sites including Mangyongdae, the birthplace of Kim Il Sung, the Tower of the Juche Idea, the Arch of Triumph, the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace and hotels have completed their arrangements to welcome guests.
    The participants will have an opportunity to enjoy the mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang," a masterpiece of the century.
    The art envoys coming to Pyongyang with the desire for independence, peace and friendship will certainly receive the cordial hospitality of the Korean people from the moment of their arrival in Pyongyang and find their stay here enjoyable.
    The city is now resounding with songs of boundless reverence and praises of the sun of humankind, the peerlessly great man.

Saturday campaign for abolition of sl starts in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The people's solidarity for abolition of the "security law," the measure committee of all public figures for the guarantee of legitimate activities of the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon), the measure committee for the release of detainees related to the national alliance of youth and students for the country's reunification and the measure committee to release those involved in the occupation and the sit-in strike at the U.S. chamber of commerce and industry and other organizations were reported to have agreed to launch a "Saturday campaign to demand the abolition of the 'security law,' the release of prisoners of conscience, a stop to the search for political 'offenders' and the guarantee of Hanchongryon's legitimate activities" every Saturday from April 6.
    The majority of people are demanding the abolition of the sl and the nation's desire for reconciliation, cooperation and unity are mounting higher than ever before after the publication of the June 15 joint declaration, the organizations said.
    The Cold War forces who deny cooperation between compatriots and reunification and use the sl as a weapon in "cooperation" with the U.S. which is forcing South Korea to purchase its weapons including F-15K and increasing the danger of war are the publicly recognized enemy, they noted.

Talks on "joint land management plan" flailed

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Federation of University Student Councils was reported to have released a statement on April 5, blasting the outcome of the talks held to follow up the "joint land management plan."
    The statement said:
    The "joint land management plan" is aimed to return the land considered to be useless in the light of the change in the U.S. military strategy towards the Korean Peninsula and grab under the pretext of negotiation new land necessary for the U.S. forces' long-term presence in South Korea and their overall redeployment to ensure a shift to the MD. It is, therefore, a deceptive "agreement" to calm down the growing anti-U.S. sentiment of the South Korean people.
   Calling for renegotiating the deceptive "joint land management plan," the statement demanded the U.S. return its forces' bases in South Korea including their base in Ryongsan and restore the devastated land to its original state.
    According to the plan, the South Korean military decided to deliver 1,540,000 phyong of land, double that under an initial plan, to the U.S. forces side while the authorities decided to spend 1,490 billion won for setting up new U.S. military bases or expanding the existing ones.

"Arirang" performance praised

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Admiration for the mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang" in preparation is growing deeper as the days go by.
    Many foreign groups have visited the DPRK to study this extravaganza. Over 50 study groups, delegations and press corps from 14 countries had been to Pyongyang in a little more than one month since a study group of china (Hong Kong and Macao) made up of representatives of nearly 20 units watched it on march 5.
    During their stay, they appreciated some scenes of the performance "Arirang" in all-round rehearsal at the may day stadium on the scenic Rungra islet on the River Taedong and went round different tourist spots.
    They expressed admiration at distinguished artistic talents and strong sense of organization of the performers, saying that "Arirang" is the greatest masterpiece beyond human imagination, which could be created in the DPRK only.
    And they said they would do best to let as many people as possible see the performance, adding that one would feel sorry forever if one fails to see such performance which will present fascinating scenes of mystery in three dimensions in the huge stadium.

Message to Kim Jong Il from V. Putin

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il on April 9 received a message from V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation, on the occasion of the Day of the Sun, the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
   In the message Putin extended congratulations to Kim Jong Il and all the Korean people on the Day of the Sun, the national holiday.
    The message continued:
    I am convinced that the traditional relations of friendship and good neighborliness between the two countries provided by the respected President Kim Il Sung would be further developed and consolidated on the basis of the agreement reached between us.
    I sincerely hope that security and stability will be achieved on the Korean Peninsula and on its basis the DPRK will achieve wellbeing and prosperity under your leadership.
    The message wished Kim Jong Il good health and fresh success in his responsible work and the Korean people peace and happiness.

Memorial service for Choe Hyon held

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- A national memorial service for communist revolutionary fighter Choe Hyon was held at the People's Palace of Culture today on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his death.
    Present there were senior party and state officials, officials of ministries and national institutions, servicemen of the Korean People's Army and working people in the city.
    Vice marshal Kim Il Chol, vice-chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and minister of the People's Armed Forces, made a memorial address.
    He said:
    An elder of the Korean revolution and invincible veteran general Choe bravely fought to firmly guarantee the revolutionary cause of Juche with arms all his life holding aloft the banner of the idea of giving priority to the army set out by President Kim Il Sung.
    After joining the revolution with arms in hand in his early years, he performed shining feats in the glorious history of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, remaining loyal to the president.
    After the liberation of the country he worked heart and soul to found the Workers' Party of Korea and build regular armed forces, guided by the president. During the grim fatherland liberation war he greatly contributed to the victory of the war as a divisional commander and an army corps commander.
    In the post-war period he devotedly worked to consolidate the unity and cohesion of the party, accelerate socialist construction and bring earlier the accomplishment of the cause of national reunification, holding important posts of the party, the state and the army.
    His life was a brilliant life of an army-based revolutionary fighter who devotedly defended the headquarters of the revolution with arms with absolute worship of Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and a life of a genuine communist revolutionary who dedicated his all to the party, the revolution, the motherland and the people.
   His revolutionary life and exploits are shining more brilliantly as he loyally upheld and assisted Kim Jong Il in conducting dynamic revolutionary activities while successfully inheriting and developing the Juche-oriented cause of building the army pioneered by Kim Il Sung.
   Choe had held Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the lodestar of the times which would bring about a bright future of the revolutionary cause of Juche since the nation greeted the birth of the bright star of Mt. Paektu as a great auspicious event. He energetically worked to establish the leadership of Kim Jong Il over all fields of army building.
    The whole course of his revolutionary activities, indeed, represented a worthy life of a revolutionary, a life characterized by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il's trust and love of him and his reciprocation of them.
    The address called on the Korean people to single-heartedly unite around Kim Jong Il and advance more dynamically for the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche under the uplifted red flag of revolution that fluttered on Mt. Paektu.

Agreement on cooperation in economy and technology signed DPRK and Sweden

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- An agreement on cooperation in economy and technology was signed between the Committee for the Promotion of International Trade of the DPRK and the International Council of Swedish Industry at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.
    Present at the signing ceremony were Kim Jong Gi, chairman of the committee, officials concerned, members of the delegation of the council led by chairman Jan Walldorf and Paul Beijer, Swedish ambassador to the DPRK.
    Kim and Yan signed the agreement.