Kim Jong Il receives personal letter from Russian President

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il on June 23 received a personal letter from V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation.
    The letter said:
    Respected your excellency Kim Jong Il, please accept my thanks for your congratulations and warm wishes sent on the National Day of Russia.
    I, at the same time, extend congratulations to you on the successful holding of the top-level Pyongyang meeting, the first of its kind in the history of inter-Korean relations.
    All agreements reached in the course of the meeting will undoubtedly contribute to the cause of Korean reunification.
    Russia is ready to render cooperation in this important process.
    It is my belief that the forthcoming meeting between us in Pyongyang will mark an important step toward strengthening and developing dialogue and cooperation between the Russian Federation and the DPRK.
    Respected your excellency Kim Jong Il, I wish you good health and success in your activity.

Congratulations to Jordanian PM and FM

   Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the cabinet of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, sent a congratulatory message to Ali Abu al Ragheb, newly appointed Prime Minister of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
    The message extended warm congratulations to the Jordanian Prime Minister and wished him great success in his new responsible work for the stability and prosperity of the country.
    It expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms in the future, too.
    DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a congratulatory message to his Jordanian counterpart Abdallah al-Hatib on his reappointment.

Foreign diplomats help Korean farmers

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Russian ambassador to Korea Valery Denisov and embassy officials helped the Korea-Russia friendship Kochang co-op farm in Chollima district, Nampho on June 23 and Milorad Kosovac, charge d'affaires ad interim of the Yugoslav embassy here, and an embassy official went to the Myongsok co-op farm in Sinchon county, South Hwanghae Province, to help its farmers on June 27.
    They did weeding. During break they had a recreation gathering with farmers and talked with them, deepening the friendship.
    They handed aid materials to the farms.

Jong Ju Yong and his party here

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Jong Ju Yong, Honorary President of the South Korean Hyundai Business Group, and his party arrived here today via Panmunjom.
    At Panmunjom they were warmly greeted with compatriotic feelings by Kang Jong Hun, general secretary of the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, and officials concerned.

Placing common interests of nation above all

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- All the fellow countrymen in the north, south and overseas should rise above the differing ideologies, ideals and systems to place the common interests of the nation above all and subordinate everything to the cause of the national reunification, Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article says, and continues:
    National community formed and consolidated through a long history spanning 5,000 years is much bigger than the difference in systems, ideologies, ideals, political views and religious beliefs caused by the national division.
    The common desire of the nation to be one reunified nation is more important than the interests of any particular class and social strata.
    The country's reunification will never come, if the Korean nation, failing to make efforts for national reunification on the principle of placing the common interests of the nation above all, puts the regional and class interests above the national interests or considers the struggle for national reunification as part of the struggle for meeting the class demands, carried away by narrow interests and prejudice.
    It is essential to strictly adhere to and implement the nation-first, give-priority-to-the-nation stand and the principle of placing the common interests of the nation above all in the efforts to settle the issue of national reunification. Herein lies the most right way of achieving the great unity of the whole nation.
    If all the fellow countrymen promote co-existence, co-prosperity and common interests and unite on the principle of subordinating everything to the common interests of the nation and the cause of national reunification, they will be able to set up a federal unified state without doing any harm to any side or anyone, keeping the differing systems and governments in the north and the south as they are, the article stresses.

Increasing damage by long spell of heat and drought

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- An unprecedentedly long spell of drought and heat persists in the DPRK.
    Crops in all parts of the country are severely affected by shortage of water caused by heat and drought.
    In June a large area of paddy and non-paddy fields in plain areas on the west coast including South Phyongan Province, north and south Hwanghae provinces, Kaesong city and Nampho city are hard hit by a long spell of drought and heat.
    Over 70 percent of the cultivated land in Onchon county, Jungsan county, Taedong county and Kaechon city in South Phyongan Province are badly struck by drought while 50 to 60 percent of that in Pongchon county, Sinwon county, Samchon county, Anak county in South Hwanghae Province, and Kaesong city and North Hwanghae Province suffered the same damage.
    Non-paddy crops in some northern inland areas including Jagang Province and South Hamgyong Province are parched up.
    Due to scorching heat pastures are dried up, causing a serious shortage of fodder for domestic animals.
    Damage caused by drought and heat remains very serious.
    Positive measures are being taken by agriculture and other domains of the national economy to recover from damage by drought and heat.

Japan's anti-DPRK charade

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries are staging one more charade to tarnish the DPRK's international authority and image.
    A proof of this is Japan's linkage of the DPRK to "the monazite case." They claimed that a mail matter containing a letter of complaint about "an intention to smuggle nuclear materials into North Korea" and monazite was separately sent to the residence of the Japanese Prime Minister and the Police Agency.
    The DPRK can never overlook the assertion of the Japanese paper Sankei Shimbun that the "shadow of North Korea is cast over this case."
    The Japanese reactionaries described the attempted illegal sale of unlicensed substance used at spas which has been disclosed in the course of frequent trafficking in the capitalist society where "money is everything" as a "nuclear material smuggling case "from its very outset in a bid to mislead the public opinion by groundlessly linking the DPRK with the case. This clearly indicates that sinister political aim of the reactionary forces of Japan is lurking behind this case.
    Sankei Shimbun said that the public peace department of the Japanese Police Agency is "poised to seek a clue to the deal in special materials between Japan and the DPRK, the truth of which still remains almost unclear, with the case as a momentum."
    This only lays bare the sinister intention of the Japanese authorities to charge the DPRK with "nuclear development" as a new "shock therapy" and thus achieve their foolish goal, instead of repenting of the reckless hostile acts they committed against the DPRK under the pretext of its "nuclear threat".
    The actual conditions of the nuclear power stations in Japan and its massive shipment from overseas and stockpiling of nuclear materials eloquently prove that Japan is plagued with the most serious nuclear issue.
    This notwithstanding, Japan is slinging mud at the DPRK for no reason, instead of curing its own sore spot. This is a height of folly and shamelessness.
    The Japanese authorities are well advised to take a proper stand toward the dastardly diatribe launched against the DPRK under the pretext of the "monazite case" and mull the issue of the DPRK-Japan relations over.

Books and video cassettes from Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The library of the Grand People's Study House situated in the center of the capital city of Pyongyang is on a steady increase.
    General Secretary Kim Jong Il recently sent more than 400 volumes of books and video cassettes including an album of ancient paintings from the Gugong museum, which the officials of the museum on the Tiananmen rostrum presented to him during his unofficial visit to China.
    Among them are 70 odd books of music of different countries, technical books on potato farming, fishing, medicine, construction and measurement, video cassettes and computer programs.
    Kim Jong Il sent at least 10,200 volumes of books of more than 6,400 kinds on natural and social sciences in 30 installments this year alone.
    This has brought the number of volumes and varieties of books, video cassettes and other materials the Grand People's Study House has received from Kim Jong Il since it was opened in April 1982 to well over 621,200 and some 447,000 respectively.

Indian national seminar on Kim Il Sung's immortal exploits

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- The Indian national seminar on the immortal exploits made by the President Kim Il Sung was held in New Delhi on June 23 on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of his passing away.
    The Minister of Rural Development of the Delhi State Government of India said in his opening speech that President Kim Il Sung was the great leader of the people, who founded the Juche idea and devoted his whole life to the country and the people, guided by it.
    The secretary general of the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea (ARIJI) said in his report that the history of President Kim Il Sung is one of the sun who brightly indicated the road for the people to follow through his outstanding ideological and theoretical activities and of a great revolutionary, who devoted his whole life to independence of the popular masses and the building of an independent new world.
    He waged a resolute struggle for the genuine unity in the socialist movement based on independence and energetically led the non-aligned movement which appeared as powerful independent anti-imperialist forces to shatter the imperialists and dominationists' moves and fulfil its mission, the reporter said, and went on:
    The main trend of the historical development in the 20th century including the national liberation movement in colonial countries, the socialist movement, the non-aligned movement and the global peace movement would have been unthinkable without Kim Il Sung's opening up of the era of independence and dedication of his whole life to the cause of independence of popular masses.
    The directors of the board of the ariji and chiefs of various groups for the study of the Juche idea in India made addresses.
    A letter to General Secretary Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar.

Korea's reunification supported

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- Puran Prasam, organizational secretary of the Guyanese Progressive Youth Organization, signed the signature paper supporting the three-point charter of Korea's reunification on June 21 on behalf of 20,000 members.

Joint seminar of Guyanese political parties on Kim Jong Il's work

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- A joint seminar of Guyanese political parties on General Secretary Kim Jong Il's famous work "On Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the Revolution and Construction" was held in Georgetown on June 19.
    General Secretary Kim Jong Il in his work clarified the significance of preserving the Juche character and national character and the ways of carrying them out, the leader of the Good Green Guyana said, adding:
    The Guyanese people should achieve national unification and prosperity by preserving and developing their national character as Kim Jong Il taught.
    A member of the executive committee of the People's Progressive Party of Guyana said it is of great significance in development of thoughts and theories that Kim Jong Il defined it as the basic link in the development of the national character to keep alive the historic national heritage.
    It is essential for strengthening international unity and solidarity and contributing to the world's development to preserve the Juche character and national character in the revolution and construction and to ensure the independent development of the country and nation, a member of the central executive committee of the Guyanese people's national congress said, noting that every nation should preserve the Juche character and national character in the spirit of unity and cooperation.
    The leader of the Guyanese national congress stressed that only when all nations preserve and develop their national character, can they achieve genuine unity and development of the country.
    The seminar adopted a message of greetings to Kim Jong Il .

Kim Jong Il's work published

    Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- "On Intensifying Education In Revolutionary Traditions Through Revolutionary Battle Sites and Revolutionary Sites," a talk of General Secretary Kim Jong Il with officials during his on-the-spot-guidance to the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu in March Juche 89 (2000), was brought out in booklet by the Worker's Party of Korea Publishing House.
    Expounded in the work are profound ideas and theories on defending, preserving and carrying forward the revolutionary traditions for ever and on accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche to the end on the basis of the great traditions.
    The work says that Mt. Paektu area, the holy land of revolution, has been built well into a grand open-air museum and a creditable center of education in the revolutionary traditions and that the system of management and scientific study of the revolutionary relics and the system of educating lecturers of the revolutionary relics have been established in order in Korea.
    Expounded in the work is the point of constantly intensifying education in the revolutionary traditions.
    Kim Jong Il clarified in the work the importance of intensifying the education through the revolutionary battle sites and revolutionary sites around Mt. Paektu in the education in the revolutionary traditions and ways of intensification.
    He stressed that the revolutionary battle sites and revolutionary sites should be built up better for eternal value and be preserved and managed well.