Military attaches corps visits Korean Revolution Museum

    Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- The military attaches corps of foreign embassies here visited the Korean Revolution Museum on Monday on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the start of the great leader Kim Jong Il's work at the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    The military attaches at the room dedicated to the five-year revolutionary activities of Kim Jong Il looked round with keen interest his photos, his celebrated works, materials of his revolutionary activities, revolutionary historic relics and data.
    They admired Kim Jong Il for his epoch-making revolutionary exploits performed for the times and the revolution.

Friendship meeting held at Cuban embassy

    Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Cuban ambassador to Korea Jose Manuel Inclan Embade sponsored a friendship meeting at his embassy yesterday on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    Invited there were Choe Jin Su, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee, and other officials concerned.
    The participants talked with each other about the immortal revolutionary exploits of Kim Jong Il and expressed the determination to further strengthen and develop the friendly relations between the two parties and countries, deepening the feelings of friendship.
    And the ambassador and embassy officials visited the construction site of the Pyongyang-Nampho Motorway to give labour assistance on the occasion of the day.

Damage by long spell of drought and heat increases

    Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- A long spell of drought and heat persists in different regions of the DPRK.
    Such a long spell of drought and heat that began in the middle of May is something unprecedented in the last 50 years.
    Areas such as Pyongyang, Nampho, Haeju, Sariwon and Kaesong are hardest hit by this severe drought and heat.
    Rainfall registered in these areas from January to the middle of June was 91-126 mm, 48-61 percent of normal years.
    Haeju and Sariwon cities hardly registered any rainfall from the middle of May. Pyongyang, Nampho and Kesong cities had little rain from May 20.
    In June, too, no rain fell in Pyongyang, Phyongsong, Sariwon and Haeju areas.
    The regions south of Pyongyang are hard hit by heat from the latter part of May.
    The highest temperature in Pyongyang, Haeju and Kaesong areas from June 3 to 6 was 31-33 centigrade, 6-8 degrees higher than normal years. Heat is persisting in June, too.
    On June 17 the highest temperature in Pyongyang was 35 centigrade, 8 degrees higher than normal years while in Sinuiju 36 centigrade, 10 degrees higher than normal years and in Phyongsong 35 centigrade, 8 degrees higher than normal years. All this is an all-time high in the history of meteorological observation.
    The sunshine rate in the first part of June was 55 percent, 6 percent higher than normal years, which increased evaporation.
    Such a long spell of drought and heat is expected to persist in the days ahead.

Schoolchildren's camping

    Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Summer camping of schoolchildren is now under way at all children's camps in the DPRK.
    The Songdowon International Children's Camp received at least 1,000 schoolchildren from different parts of the country for a 9-day camping program.
    In this period they consolidate what they have learned at school, conduct multifarious activities including maritime sports, mountaineering, sports and entertainment and folk games and train their bodies and minds.
    The Myohyangsan children's mountaineering camp is alive with many schoolchildren who are interested in climbing scenic sites of Mt. Myohyang, in particular.
    Their program includes such interesting activities as collecting plants, scaling cliffs, cooking, art contests and sports games.
    Pleasant camping is also going on at the Mangyongdae children's camp, the Sokam children's camp, the Jangjasan children's camp and other camps across the country.
    Singing and dancing, computer games, tree planting and boating are part of their camping program.
    Schoolchildren's camping starts in the middle of February and lasts till the middle of November in the DPRK.

Preservation of Juche character and national character called for

    Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Adherence to the Juche character and national character of the revolution and construction is a basic principle to be maintained to accomplish the cause of independence of popular masses, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
    Whether to preserve the Juche character and national character in each country and nation or not is an issue of key importance on which hinges the victory of the revolution and construction and a vital matter decisive of the fate of each country and nation, the article says, and goes on:
    Each country and nation should firmly adhere to the Juche character and national character, if it is to successfully push forward its independent development and the cause of independence of the popular masses from a firm independent stand of the nation to solve its own issues on its own responsibility.
    If a country and nation is to achieve victory in the revolution and construction, it should establish Juche and adhere to the principle of settling all problems in carving out its destiny in a responsible manner with its own independent judgement and decision.
    It is not the stand to be responsible for the destiny of the nation to like things foreign and blindly copy others' style, bereft of Juche in the revolution and construction.
    If one is accustomed to relying on others, he will lose creative ingenuity and independence, and then become unable to properly carry on the revolution and construction and end up in falling victim to foreign forces.
    Preserving the national character is an important requirement for the independent development of the country and the nation.
    Paralysis of the national character would result in the withering away of patriotism, abandonment of advantages and tradition of the nation and the blind copying of things foreign not suited to national interests and customs, and make a mess of the revolution in the end.
    The imperialists are the main forces violating sovereignty and blocking the independent development of the nation.
    Not a few countries are in the grip of subjugation, poverty and political confusion, far from making an independent development of the nation, after discarding revolutionary principles and independent stand and opting for compromise and concession, caving in to the imperialists' pressure and being tricked by their appeasement and deception.
    All the countries and peoples aspiring after an independent development should maintain independence and an independent stand, shape lines and policies suited to their specific conditions and implement them to the end.
    Adherence to the Juche character and the national character is a universal principle and a factor of victory which all the countries and nations should maintain in the revolution and construction and the building of a new society.

Preparatory committee to celebrate WPK foundation held in Peru

    Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of the Peruvian national preparatory committee to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the foundation of the Worker's Party of Korea was held in Lima on June 12.
    The general secretary of the central committee of the Communist Party of Peru (Red Motherland) was elected chairman of the committee at the ceremony.
    The ceremony discussed and decided on plans for political and cultural events to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the WPK foundation as a grand international political festival.

Preparatory committees to remember Kim Il Sung formed

    Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees to remember the President Kim Il Sung were inaugurated in Tanzania and Ecuador.
    The vice-chairman of the Tanzanian National Coordinating Committee of the Juche Idea Study Groups at an inaugural ceremony said that President Kim Il Sung is the founder of socialist Korea who built Korea as a people's paradise, a powerful socialist country best in politics, ideology and military affairs and a publicly recognized veteran statesman in the world who made a distinguished contribution to the cause of global independence.
    The inaugural ceremonies decided to hold colorful events including a meeting, lecture meeting, symposium, reading session and film show during a month of remembrance.

Kim Jong Il's work studied and disseminated abroad

    Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- The famous work of General Secretary Kim Jong Il "Giving Priority To Ideological Work Is Essential for Accomplishing Socialism" has been studied and disseminated on a world-wide scale for five years since its publication.
    The work has been reported by more than 180 news media of at least 70 countries. Among them were the Bangladesh newspaper Natun Bangla, the Zimbabwean newspaper The Star, the Russian newspaper Patriot, the United News of India, the Angolan magazine Angop and Italian radio Citta Aperta.
    The work was printed in pamphlet and bulletin by the press organs, political parties and organizations in Laos, Syria, Bulgaria, Russia, Romania, Tanzania, Peru and other countries.
    Meanwhile, seminars on the work were held in over 80 countries including Mongolia, India, Madagascar, Democratic Congo, Austria and Guyana.
    The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks distributed copies of the work to the participants in the party congress and had local party organizations study the work.
    The Bangladesh People's League, the Party for Unity and Progress of Guinea and other political parties and public organizations of different countries held joint seminars, lectures, explaining meetings and so on to study the work.
    Statements and articles on the work were made public by the first secretary of the central committee of the Party of Communists of Belarus, a secretary of the c.c., the All-India Forward Bloc and many other political party leaders, political and public figures, men of the press and chiefs of Juche idea study organizations of different countries.

Anthology and book published in Russia

    Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- The Paleya-Mishin Publishing House of Russia brought out an anthology "Three Commanders of Mt. Paektu" and a book "Miracle In Korea."
    The anthology consists of the preface and 17 poems including an epic poem "March for Kim Il Sung's Immortality," long poems "Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il" and "Woman Commander of Mt. Paektu."
    The poems eulogize the greatness of the three commanders of Mt. Paektu, the president Kim Il Sung and Marshal Kim Jong Il and the anti-Japanese heroine Kim Jong Suk, their immortal exploits, advantages of the socialist system in Korea and the heroic struggle of the Korean people. They highly praise them as "three commanders of Mt. Paektu who are deeply respected and revered by the whole world," "eternal sun of humankind," "the great sun of the 21st century" and "woman commander of Mt. Paektu."
    The book has 34 subtitles such as "Small Brushwood Gate Which Produced Great Miracle of Korea," "Lodestar of 21st Century" and "Korea Running At a Canter On a Steed."
    The book gives a detailed account of the successes achieved by the Korean people in different fields under the wise leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il despite difficulties. The book says these achievements made by the DPRK through the application of the Juche idea to every field are, indeed, great miracles rare to be seen in any other parts of the world.
    The DPRK will surely emerge as a powerful country in the near future, stresses the book.