Preparatory committees formed to commemorate Sun's Day

    Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- A remember-the great leader Kim Il Sung standing committee of Bangladesh, was formed in Dhaka on March 1 on the occasion of Sun's Day, his birth anniversary.
    At its inaugural meeting the committee set a period from April 15 to July 8 for remembrance and decided to make it an annual traditional event to remember him.
    The general secretary of the c.c., the Worker's Party of Bangladesh was elected chairman of the committee.
    A Swedish preparatory committee was inaugurated on March 4 to commemorate Sun's Day.

Inevitable product of anti-social misrule

    Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today describes an increasing number of emigrants in South Korea as an inevitable product of the colonial rule of the U.S. and the anti-national, anti-social rule of the authorities.
    According to an official release of data, the number of emigrants last year was at least 14,000.
    The news analyst says:
    All things national disappeared and politics, economy and culture of South Korea all went bankrupt. This is entirely attributable to the ruinous policies pursued by the authorities under the watchwords of globalization and internationalization.
    In recent years tens of thousands of enterprises went bankrupt and one million more workers lost their jobs because of the layoff and restructuring by the authorities who gave in to the mandate of the International Monetary Fund.
    Tens of thousands of people destroyed themselves and psychopaths numbered over one million in a year.
    The ever-growing number of emigrants fully proves that South Korea is least fit for human habitation and it is a thrice-cursed society with no future.

Anti-U.S. struggle supported

    Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland released a statement on Friday as regards the ongoing vigorous struggle for independence against the United States in South Korea.
    Pro-reunification patriotic organizations, including the south headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification and the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils, are staging large-scale rallies and demonstrations in Seoul and other major cities and at campuses in response to the proposal of the DPRK political parties and organizations for setting up a nationwide ad hoc committee for probe into the truth behind the GIs' massacres, the statement noted, and said:
    The CPRF expresses full support to the massive anti-U.S. struggle for independence launched by the pro-reunification organizations, citizens and public organizations and people from all walks of life in South Korea which oppose the U.S.'s occupation of South Korea and war preparations, highly praising this as a patriotic and just struggle for retaking the national dignity and sovereignty trampled underfoot by the yankees and achieving peace and peaceful reunification of the country.
    The South Korean authorities should look squarely at the nation's will and the trend of history and stop at once such anti-national deeds as begging for the U.S. forces' permanent presence in South Korea and following the war policy of the yankees.
    The statement expressed the firm belief that the South Korean people from all walks of life would more vigorously struggle to drive the aggressors out of South Korea as soon as possible and build a peaceful, reunified country free from war under the banner of independence against the U.S.

Korean socialism praised

    Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- Heikki Mannikko, general secretary of the for Peace and Socialism-the Communist Worker's Party of Finland, had an interview before his return home. He visited the DPRK as a member of the party delegation to celebrate the auspicious February holiday.
    Giving his impressions of the DPRK, he said Korean socialism striking its roots deep into the people would always emerge victorious.
    What impressed him was the grandiose reality in which the Korean people are pushing ahead with the building of a powerful socialist country, rallied close around their leader, he said, adding:
    The reality made me keenly feel that with nothing the imperialists could break the DPRK's strength of single-hearted unity and the Korean people's will and faith in the victory of socialism.
    The Korean people led by the great Kim Jong Il is a people strong in independence and Korean socialism is a social system which fully provides the working masses with independent status and rights.
    It is a pride and honor of humankind to have this system in the earth. In this sense socialism of Korea should be defended not only by the Korean people but also by the revolutionaries and progressive people the world over.
    He expressed the belief that under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il the Korean people would smash the imperialists' moves, more firmly defend their own socialism and achieve a brilliant victory in the building of a powerful nation.

Tokyo metropolitan governor's anti-DPRK diatribe blasted

    Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA)-- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary blasts Tokyo metropolitan governor Shintaro Ishihara's anti-DPRK diatribe.
    In a lecture on security issue given at a seminar of members of the House of Councilors from the Liberal Democratic Party and the Liberal Party at a hotel in Tokyo on March 7 Ishihara let loose reckless remarks that Japan would destroy North Korea at a blow if it resorts to a folly, the commentary notes, and goes on:
    His outbursts are not his personal view but represent the attitude and intention of the reactionary ruling quarters of Japan for their militarist aggression.
    He must be better informed of not only Japanese politics and economy but its foreign policy than any others as he is playing an important role in their shaping and execution as one of the leading figures of the ultra-right forces of Japan. It is by no means fortuitous that he made hysteric remarks seriously provoking the DPRK. What merits particular attention is that his war outcries came at a time when the theory of preemptive attack on the DPRK is more openly advocated by the Japanese reactionaries and the reorganization of the Japan self-defence forces and their redeployment are going in full gear pursuant to its military strategy of paying attention to attack from west.
    All this lays bare the real aim sought by officials of Japan in kicking up the row about missile threat from the DPRK and the anti-DPRK smear campaign.
    Ishihara's outcries lash the Korean People's Army and people into great fury.
    Their hearts are burning with the resentment and hatred for the Japanese. They possess strength and capabilities more powerful than A-bombs.
    If the Japanese reactionaries dare mount a preemptive attack on the DPRK, defying its repeated warnings, the KPA and the people will throw them into the bottom of the sea so that Japan may not exist on this earth any more.
    The Japanese reactionaries had better shut up and drop their attempt at reinvasion.

Invincible DPRK-Cuba friendship

    Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- Papers here today dedicate articles to the 14th anniversary of the signing of the DPRK-Cuba treaty of friendship and cooperation.
    They highlight the need to upgrade the militant bonds and friendship between the two countries.
    Rodong Sinmun says:
    The DPRK-Cuba friendship is a militant one between class brothers who fight for the victory of socialism against imperialism.
    The most significant event in history of the DPRK-Cuba friendship was a meeting of the great leader Kim Il Sung and the respected Fidel Castro Ruz in Pyongyang in March 1986.
    The meeting marked a historic occasion in upgrading the bilateral relations of friendship and cooperation and giving a strong impetus to the accomplishment of the cause of independence against imperialism, the cause of socialism.
    It is the fixed will of the Korean people to upgrade the friendship the leaders of the two countries provided and brought into full bloom.
    The friendship will always grow stronger and develop in conformity with the desire and interests of the peoples of the two countries, withstanding all ordeals of history.
    Minju Joson says the Korean people will in the future, too, work hard to upgrade the friendship and unity with the Cuban people.

Meeting of young Korean businessmen in Japan held

    Tokyo, March 9 (KNS-KCNA) -- The 5th meeting of the Association of Young Korean Workers in Commerce in Japan was held in Tokyo on March 4.
    O Hyong Jin, vice-chairman of the central standing committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, made an address at the meeting and then followed a report by ri hong il, secretary general of the association.
    The meeting discussed and decided on the issues of enhancing the role of the organization and perfecting its work system.

U.S. brazen-faced method of aggression

    Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article brands U.S. as a most brigandish and impudent imperialism.
    The brigandish and impudent nature of the United States finds its expression in that it is fond of playing a double game and falsifying undeniable truth to meet its aggressive demands, the article notes, and goes on:
    The United States is to blame for the unabated bloody violence between ethnic Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo.
    The United States and NATO treat Serbs with prejudice, while conniving at and fostering Albanians' violence and separatist activities.
    In a bid to evade the responsibility for this the United States asserts that "violence in Kosovo should be settled by its population themselves".
    It is the true intention of the United States to establish a full control over the Balkans with Kosovo as a springboard.
    The U.S. Brigandish and sinister design to justify its criminal moves under absurd pretexts was brought to light by the seizure of a Russian oil tanker in the Persian gulf.
    It is an unreasonable pretext for the U.S. to insist on "watch over waters under control" in the Persian gulf which is far away from its mainland.
    The United States seeks to justify its military presence, aggression and interference in the area at any cost under the pretext of handling the complicated situation in the gulf area.
    Pointing out that the U.S. brigandish and brazen-faced nature finds a most vivid expression on the Korean peninsula, the article assails the U.S. for persistently provoking the DPRK under absurd pretexts.
    The U.S. President, secretary of state and secretary of defense and other senior officials persist in their anti-DPRK campaign under the pretext of its "nuclear issue".
    The U.S. projected establishment of "missile defence" system under the pretext of "threat" from the DPRK is meant for attacking it. The world people should clearly see through the true nature of the United States and heighten vigilance against it, the article concludes.

U.S. advised to draw lesson from its defeat in 50s

    Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a commentary condemns the U.S. authorities for attempting to hold a "function to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Korean War" together with the South Korean ruling quarters after getting congress approval.
    The U.S. suffered a shameful defeat in the three-year-long Korean War in the 1950s.
    This is a stark historical fact admitted by the Americans themselves.
    Yet, the U.S. is talking about a "commemoration event."
    Lurking behind this is a sinister political intention.
    The ambition to dominate the whole of Korea which the U.S. failed to realize through the war remains unchanged.
    This is evidenced by the fact that the U.S. defined "a phase of rule after occupation" in the "operation plan 5027-98", its new scenario for war.
    Social climate is needed for the U.S. to realise such domination.
    Hence, the U.S. is keen on whitewashing its defeat in the Korean War and fostering war hysteria.
    The U.S. is seriously mistaken if it thinks it can get something by provoking the second Korean war.
    If the U.S. warmongers ignite a new war, the people's army and people of Korea will deal merciless blows to them, root out the source of war and achieve the historic cause of national reunification.
    The U.S. should properly understand their faith and will and stop the foolish act of inciting war fever.
    The United States is well advised not to forget the lesson from the defeat it suffered in the Korean War in the 1950s, the most serious one in its history.

New drama

   Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- The State Theatrical Company has recently produced a drama "Perfume of the Times". It features a girl who comes across and then marries a disabled soldier. It gives an impressive portrayal to the Korean youngsters' noble sense of dedication to their society, collective and comrades.

Japanese government decides to deliver food to DPRK free

    Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- The Japanese government decided to deliver 100,000 tons of food to the DPRK free through an international organisation from a humanitarian stand on March 7.

Provocative remarks of Japanese right-wing reactionaries

    Pyongyang, March 11 (KCNA) -- We will never remain a passive onlooker to a frantic and reckless provocative smear campaign kicked off by such right-wing reactionaries as Tokyo metropolitan governor Shintaro Ishihara, but sternly deal with any design against the DPRK.
    The spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK stresses this, answering a question put by KCNA today as regards the bellicose remarks made by Ishihara harmful to the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK.
    He said:
    According to Mainichi Shimbun March 7, Ishihara at a seminar of members of the House of Councilors from the Liberal Democratic Party and the Liberal Party in a hotel in the metropolis, referring to the "security issue," said that "Japan would destroy north Korea at one blow."
    His remarks came at a time when the full-dress intergovernmental talks and red cross talks between the DPRK and Japan were high on the agenda. The bellicose remarks do not represent his personal view, we think. The remarks mirror the stand of the ultra right reactionaries of Japan who do not want the improved relations between the two countries.
    The reckless and provocative anti-DPRK diatribe of the right-wing reactionaries who are inciting the fever of militarism in their own country are of very dangerous nature, causing our strong precaution.
    If the Japanese government connives at the stand of the ultra right reactionaries who are pursuing the hostile policy towards the DPRK, it will be held entirely responsible for the ensuing consequences.