Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit on forefront

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- The Korean People's Army, which has inherited the brilliant traditions of the anti-Japanese guerrillas, is demonstrating its might as invincible ranks with indomitable fighting spirit, unflagging tenacity and war methods of always taking the initiative and mercilessly striking the enemies. The Korean revolution is invincible as this great army strong in faith and ideology firmly defends the socialist fatherland.
    General Secretary Kim Jong Il stressed this while inspecting KPA Kum Song lifeguard unit no. 894, on the forefront on Friday.
    Accompanying him were KPA vice marshal Jon Jae Son and staff members of the KPA supreme command.
    He went round the education room, bedroom, kitchen, and other facilities of the DPRK hero Kim Sok Ju company under the unit to acquaint himself with the living conditions of servicemen.
    He was greatly satisfied to learn that the company has built the education room suitable to the characteristics of young soldiers so as to effectively conduct the revolutionary and class education of them and done a diverse sideline job to better servicemen's diet.
    Noting that the unit is managing its economic life assiduously by fully displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance, he highly praised its admirable fighting spirit and way of life.
    Special care should be shown for the living conditions of servicemen of the unit as they are faithful revolutionaries and precious revolutionary comrades who are creditably carrying out their difficult military duty on a rugged height on the forefront to safeguard the security of the country and the people, he stressed.
    Then he saw a military training of soldiers of the unit, and advanced highly important tasks which would serve as a guideline in increasing the combat capability of the unit in every way.
    He highly praised the feats of the servicemen of the unit, saying that they have done a lot of work in terms of military and political training and management of the unit over the past years, true to the WPK's military line.
    He gave the unit a pair of binoculars, a machine gun and an automatic rifle as gifts and had a picture taken with its servicemen,

Kim Jong Il meets Om Pok Sun's family

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il met the family of Om Pok Sun, an officer of the Korean People's Army on February 17.
    Present there were KPA officers Son Mun Gyu and Om Pok Sun and their daughters Son Kyong Sil and Son Kyong sun, soldiers of the KPA.
    Also present were secretaries of the WPK Central Committee Kim Kuk Thae and Kim Yong Sun, KPA generals Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong and other KPA general officers.
    He highly praised the patriotic devotion of the couple Son Mun Gyu and Om Pok Sun.
    They have not only defended the posts of the country in uniform all their life but also brought up their children to be good soldiers and let them defend outposts of the country in place of them, he said, adding that the WPK, the country and the KPA are strong as there are many families of revolutionary soldiers like this.
    Following the example of them who were the first to emerge as a family of revolutionary soldiers, many people are coming out to honorably defend the country in different parts of the country, he said, stressing: Our socialist country is impregnable thanks to this all-people national defence.
    He arranged a luncheon for them and posed for a photograph with them.
    They made allegiance to single-heartedly safeguard with arms General Secretary who showed deep loving care and trust for them and sincerely wished him a long life in good health.

Kim Yong Nam meets delegation of English political party

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, member of the political bureau of the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea and President of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a talk with a delegation of the New Communist Party of Great Britain headed by its general secretary Andy Brooks at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.
    The head of the delegation said that his party greatly treasures the friendly relations with the WPK, adding that the activities of the WPK successfully building Korean-style socialism by thoroughly applying the principles of socialism as a science serve as a model for all the revolutionary parties of the world.
    He noted that his party would extend invariable support and solidarity to the WPK and Korean people in the struggle to defend socialism.

Gifts to Kim Jong Il prove his greatness

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Kim Chang Il, member of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea, visited the international friendship exhibition on Mt. Myohyang and wrote an article on the great national honor and pride of holding a peerlessly great man in high esteem on the occasion of February holiday.
    Recalling that as many as 44,900 gifts to General Secretary Kim Jong Il presented by party and state leaders and prominent public figures of nearly 160 countries are preserved at the exhibition, the article said that it is entirely attributable to human fascination and reverence for his distinguished greatness.
    The article continues:
    The gifts have come from all the continents and regions including South Korea, one part of the divided country, Asia, Europe, Africa, America and Oceania.
    The rare animals presented are more than several hundreds of over 130 species and the rare plants are more than 8,700 of some 2,600 kinds.
    The international friendship exhibition represents a great crystal showing the absolute authority of Kim Jong Il, sun of the 21st century who has personified the greatness of the sun, the President Kim Il Sung, together with the latter.
    Over 1,000 organizations for the study of the Juche idea were formed in more than 100 countries, 250 political parties signed the Pyongyang Declaration and progressive people are vying with each other to present gifts in praise of his greatness. These facts clearly prove that humankind is firmly convinced that independent and peaceful new world will dawn only on the road of following him.

Film show and cocktail party for Chinese embassy officials

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Foreign Ministry gave a film show and a cocktail party at the Taedonggang club for the diplomatic corps on Friday for the Chinese embassy officials on the occasion of the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Invited to them were Chinese ambassador to Korea Wan Yongxiang and embassy officials.
    Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Pak Kil Yon and officials concerned were present.
    The participants saw a Korean documentary film "the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il Gives On-site Guidance To Different Sectors."
    Then followed a cocktail party.

Foreigners visit art exhibition

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Representatives and members of foreign embassies and members of missions of international organizations in the DPRK visited the exhibition of photographs of the sunrise over Mt. Paektu, the holy mountain of revolution, on Friday to mark the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    The exhibition was also inspected by chief Pak kwang gi and members of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea.
    The Palestinian ambassador wrote in the visitor's book that Mt. Paektu has been kept deep in the mind of the Korean nation. Visitors to the exhibition will cherish the sacred place of revolution where Kim Jong Il's old home is located.

Kim Jong Il praised as greatest man of ability

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Ho Jong Man, chief vice-chairman of the central standing committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), dedicated an article titled "He is the greatest man of ability in the world" to the 58th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    In the article ho wrote on the basis of his experience that Kim Jong Il is the greatest man of ability in the world.
    Recalling the day in April, Juche 87 (1998) when he had the honor of being received by Marshal Kim Jong Il, the author said:
    The Marshal made an in-depth analysis of the situation in the world and areas surrounding Korea and advanced the immediate and strategic tasks for the cause of Juche under such conditions, unfolding a splendid plan to build Korea into a powerful and prosperous nation. This strategy of his was, indeed, brilliant and peerlessly superb.
    In particular, he gave precious teachings as regards the situation of Chongryon and its true course to follow. The teachings were a great program for the movement of overseas Koreans, the kind that could be advanced only by a distinguished leader of matchless ability.
    On the political ability of the Marshal, the article said:
    In the 1990s he smashed the imperialists' isolation and suffocation moves and defended socialism and launched a great advance for building a powerful nation in Korea. This victory represented a great monument of history, a result of his distinguished leadership ability and political ability.
    It was also the result of the army-first politics, the embodiment of his unique idea of attaching importance to the military affairs.
    His political ability is displayed by the leadership ability that turns impossibility into possibility. The single-hearted unity of Korea, a fundamental basis for the building of a powerful nation, has been achieved by his political ability.
    A man capable of moving a person is regarded as a great man of best ability. Our Marshal has this best ability to touch the hearts of all people and move the world with warm love and kindness.
    Possessed of the best ability in the world in the present era characterized by competence, our Marshal is the greatest genius and the greatest man.
    So I want to declare to the world with a high pride that his ability has such mysterious strength as giving energy and wisdom, wellbeing and success to progressive mankind, while bringing frustration and fear, failure and destruction to the reactionaries.
    The ability of General Secretary Kim Jong Il will turn the 21st century into a century of Kim Jong Il as it did in the 20th century.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from IIJI delegation

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a gift from the visiting delegation of the International Institute of the Juche Idea (IIJI).
    The gift was conveyed to an official concerned by Kenichi Ogami, secretary general of the IIJI, who is heading the delegation.

Kim Yong Nam meets leader of Good Green Guyana

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, politburo member of the Worker's Party of Korea Central Committee and President of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had talks at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Friday with Hamilton Green, leader of the Good Green Guyana, on a visit to the DPRK.
    Hamilton Green noted that the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by the great leader Kim Il Sung has been successfully carried forward by the great Kim Jong Il. Under his leadership the Korean people will make greater success in the struggle for socialism, he hoped.

Korean books presented to Russia

   Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Hasidim Saad, charge d'affaires ad interim of the Syrian embassy here, gave a reception at the embassy on Feb. 18 on the occasion of the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    He said in his speech that the respected Kim Jong Il grew into a revolutionary hearing the roar of guns of the revolution. Kim Jong Il has developed and enriched the immortal Juche idea founded by the great leader Kim Il Sung and performed feats for strengthening and developing the Worker's Party of Korea, he noted.
    He expressed the belief that the Korean people will achieve successes in all domains of the revolution and construction under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Choe Thae Bok, alternate member of the political bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea, said in his speech that Kim Jong Il's birth was a splendid stroke of luck for Kim Il Sung's Korea and a great event in which bright future was promised to the Korean revolution. He has led the 30-odd-year long Korean revolution to victory and glory, he added.
    The Korean and Syrian people have supported and cooperated with each other from long ago under the difficult conditions, thus constantly consolidating and developing the friendly and cooperative relations provided by Kim Il Sung in his lifetime, together with the respected President Hafez al Assad, he noted, and went on:
    We will make all efforts to further develop the bonds of friendship with Syria generation after generation in the future, too.

Reception given at Syrian embassy

   Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Pak Kwang Gi, chief of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK), yesterday met and conversed separately with Hasanul Huq Inu, general secretary of the National Socialist Party of Bangladesh, and Paulo Eduardo, secretary of the c.c. of the October 8 Revolutionary Movement of Brazil and delegate of the movement.
    Referring to the energetic struggle of the NDFSK for independence, democracy and reunification, Pak Kwang Gi said it is supported by the international community.
    Hasanul Huq Inu said that President Kim Il Sung, the great leader of the Korean people, put forward the wisest proposals for national reunification. He expressed the belief that the Korean people would surely achieve national reunification under the leadership of the great Kim Jong Il.
    Paulo Eduardo stressed that the world is expressing support to the reunification of Korea more loudly and that his movement would play a due role in strengthening the international movement for solidarity with the struggle of the NDFSK for the independent reunification of the country.
    Meanwhile, Ivan Rodriguez, chairman of the central committee of the Dominican Worker's Party, visited the Pyongyang mission of the NDFSK on the same day.

Chief of NDFSK Pyongyang mission meets foreign friends

   Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- A ceremony of presenting Korean books was held at the All-Russia National Library of Foreign Literature on February 15.
    The DPRK ambassador to Russia conveyed the books toYevgeni Rosinskaya, deputy head of the library, at the ceremony.
    The deputy head said that those books would help Russian readers have a better understanding of the DPRK, thus greatly contributing to the development of the relations between the two countries.

Japan urged to use its own discretion

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- For all its talk about becoming a "political power" Japan lacks its own view and principle in diplomacy. Japan had better use its own discretion, guided by its principle.
    Minju Joson today in a signed commentary says this railing against a senior official of the Japanese Foreign Ministry for his recent "speech on diplomacy" made at the diet. Noting that in the speech he described cooperation with the United States as an "axis of Japan's diplomacy" and disclosed its ambition to get permanent membership of the UN Security Council, the commentary goes on:
    Japan seems not to know why it is cold-shouldered in the international community. The world unanimously want Japan to redress without delay the bloodshed committed by it in the 20th century and swim with the trend of the times for detente and cooperation. If Japan had have its own principle it would have paid heed to this demand.
    The Japanese reactionaries are preoccupied with such a folly that if they are backed by the United States, they can do anything they wish, no matter what others may say and no matter how they may treat it.
    If Japan truly wishes to be a dignified member of the international community, it should not look upon to others but fulfil its commitment, guided by its own principle.
    Japan should liquidate its past crimes and restore international support and trust at an early date. This is the only way for Japan to fulfil its commitments and have qualification and status as a sovereign state.

Piffle made by director of U.S. CIA under fire

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- The director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency at a recent closed hearing held at the senate select committee on intelligence raised a hue and cry over "threat" from the DPRK, arguing that there is a theoretical possibility of North Korea carrying bio-chemical warheads and it will be able to carry even a nuclear warhead sooner or later.
    Dismissing his remarks as a sheer sophism devoid of any scientific accuracy and credibility, Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary observes that this clearly suggests he has an axe to grind.
    The U.S. is chiefly responsible for proliferating nuclear and bio-chemical weapons and missiles and tops the world's list of those weapons, the commentary notes, and goes on:
    The U.S. is not entitled to talk about "threat" from the DPRK.
    The U.S. is well advised to own its responsibility as chief proliferater of nuclear and bio-chemical weapons and missiles and sit in the dock of the international tribunal.
    The U.S. should drop its sinister attempt to achieve its ulterior design under the pretext of "threat" from the DPRK.

Juche idea seminar held in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Members of the February 16 Fellowship Society active in Seoul of South Korea recently held a seminar on the Juche idea to celebrate the 58th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, the Seoul-based radio Voice of National Salvation reported.
    At the seminar the chairman of the society made an address under the subject "Juche idea is guiding idea of new era," which was followed by speeches of members.
    The speakers referred to the great vitality of the Juche idea founded by the great President Kim Il Sung and developed and enriched by Kim Jong Il.
    The seminar focused on the ways and measures of carrying the Juche idea to the revolutionary movement in South Korea.
    Similar seminars were held by different ideology study circles in Seoul.

GIs' mass killings denounced

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the Communist Party of Bulgaria issued a statement on February 10 denouncing the brutal massacres of inhabitants committed by the U.S. during the Korean War.
    The statement said that the U.S. brutes committed mass killings in different areas of South Korea as well as in areas of the north they temporarily occupied during the war.
    We know well that the U.S. was at the bottom of the massacre committed in Kwangju in 1980 and were the criminals who sprayed the defoliant on the areas along the Military Demarcation Line, it said.
    Contending that the U.S. must be given a stern trial by the Korean people and peaceful humankind, the statement said the Communist Party of Bulgaria demands the U.S. troops withdraw from South Korea, taking their lethal weapons with them.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's work commemorated

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates a signed article to the 26th anniversary of the publication of the highly important work of General Secretary Kim Jong Il on modeling the whole society after the Juche idea.
    In his work on February 19, Juche 63 (1974) he formulated the Juche idea, the revolutionary idea of the President Kim Il Sung with relation to his august name, proved his idea is the only guiding idea of the Korean revolution and the era of independence and proclaimed modeling the whole society after his idea as the supreme program of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    With the publication of the work, the WPK has come to set a clear supreme program as Kim Il Sung's party and push ahead with the revolutionary cause of Juche under the banner of modeling the whole society after the Juche idea, the article says, and goes on:
    The work is a historic one that made clear the iron will of Kim Jong Il to brilliantly carry forward the Korean revolution, which started on the peak of Mt. Paektu, and accomplish it generation after generation under the revolutionary banner of the Juche idea.
    All the thinking, activities and leadership of Kim Jong Il, who leads the cause of building a powerful socialist country, are based on the Juche idea and consistent with the bid to apply it overall.
    The wisdom of his guidance over the building of a powerful nation on the basis of the Juche idea is evidenced by his strengthening the single-hearted unity of the party and the revolutionary ranks in every way, solving all the problems in a Korean way under any circumstances and leading the building of a powerful nation to great leaping progress on the strength of self-reliance.
    The philosophy of unity he clarified in his historic work is that there can be no unity that is not based on the revolutionary idea of the President and only the unity based on the Juche idea is a genuine and most solid one.
    It is thanks to the single-hearted unity of the party and the revolutionary ranks based on the Juche idea that we are resolutely defending socialism in the present rigorous days.
    It is Kim Jong Il who builds the party on the basis of the theory of Juche-oriented party building, builds the army to suit the specific conditions of our country which is defending socialism under the imperialist siege and preserves national character in developing culture.
    He is wisely leading economic construction to maintain a Korean way.
    His leadership over the building of a powerful nation under the banner of self-reliance is the wisest guidance that creditably guarantees the sovereignty of the nation and the prosperity of the country.

World urged to condemn GIs' mass killings

    Pyongyang, February 19 (KCNA) -- The Korean Democratic Lawyers Association and the Korean National Peace Committee in a joint appeal issued today called upon the governments, political parties, public organizations and peace-loving people of the world and international organizations to condemn GIs' mass killings of civilians during the Korean War (June 1950-july 1953).
    The joint appeal said:
    Truth about GIs' brutal massacres of many peaceable civilians during the Korean War has been recently disclosed one after another against the backdrop of the daily growing desire and enthusiasm of all the fellow countrymen in the north and south of Korea to put an end to the tragedy of national division and live in a reunified land in peace.
    This has touched off strong protest and denunciation among the Korean people and the world peace-loving people.
    The associated press reported in September last year that GIs killed at least 400 innocent people in Rogun-ri, Yongdong county, North Chungchong Province, in the early days of the Korean War in 1950, and this was followed by the disclosure of truth about 40 more cases of GIs' massacres of civilians in South Korea alone.
    Such mass killings committed by U.S. forces in Korea are all but the tip of iceberg. They are being brought to light as the time goes by.
    The U.S. forces killed more than one million civilians across South Korea, including Yongdong and Tanyang, North Chungchong Province, Jochiwon, South Chungchong Province, Chilgok and Koryong, North Kyongsang Province, in the first 12 months of the war alone and massacred 120,000 people in south hwanghae province in the North Korea during their temporary occupation of it. 35,383 people or a quarter of the entire population of Sinchon county were killed by them.
    Such being the case, the United States has played every conceivable trick to cover up its crime in provoking the Korean War and mass killings and evade a legal responsibility for them though it is almost half a century since the end of the war, and the South Korean authorities, too, are dancing to its tune to please it.
    It was clearly proven by official documents of the U.S. military and testimonies made by the then GIs and civilian witnesses that the GIs' mass killings were intentional and premeditated crimes committed by orders of the U.S. military. No matter how hard they may try to conceal their crimes, the United States and the South Korean authorities can neither hide the truth nor flee from the responsibility for them.
    The Korean Democratic Lawyers Association and the Korean National Peace Committee brand the hair-raising massacres committed by the U.S. as the hideous crimes, a gross violation of the wartime law, the international law on human rights and the international law on humanitarianism, and bitterly denounce the base moves of the United States and the South Korean authorities to conceal and whitewash such crimes as an act going against the desire and expectation of humankind to see the inglorious past in the 20th century clearly liquidated and see a new century in.
    The U.S. still persists in its crimes against the Korean people. The Korean nation has not yet achieved the reunification of the country owing to the U.S. aggression and interference in the internal affairs of Korea though half a century has passed since its partition.
    The Korean people will never forget shuddering massacres of civilians committed by the United States and make it pay a high price for them without fail.
    We call upon the justice- and peace-loving governments, political parties, public organizations and peoples of all countries and international organizations to disclose and denounce the crimes of the U.S. forces, set up an international tribunal to punish those involved in the war crimes and extend positive support and solidarity to the Korean people in their just struggle to get an apology and compensation from the U.S. government.