Gift to Kim Jong Il from government of Swiss Confederation

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a gift from the government of the Swiss Confederation. The gift was handed to Hong Song Nam, Premier of the Cabinet, on December 14 by Imboden Nicolas, representative of the Ministry of Economy, who is heading the visiting Swiss government economic delegation.

Korean army and people stand on same trench

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Working people of all walks of life and youth and students in Korea as well as the servicemen are turning out as one in the spirit of decisively smashing the new war provocation moves of the U.S. imperialist aggressors after the statement of the spokesman for the general staff of the Korean People's Army was published. The servicemen of the KPA are strictly defending the sky, the ground and the seas, saying that the motherland may believe them because the sons and daughters of the motherland who are defending the country will wipe out the aggressors for good. The civilian armed forces including the worker-peasant red guards and the young red guards are responding to them. And many war veterans, demobilized soldiers, working youth, intellectuals and students are also fully ready to rise up in the fight with hatred for the enemies. The working people in the economic sectors are doubling their efforts, saying that to effect greater innovation in the production and construction is as good as meeting the challenges of the enemies. All parts of the country are in a strained and mobilized posture. And the trait of assisting the army is being brought into full play. Many units across the country are daily assisting the army after the publication of the statement of the spokesman for the KPA general staff. There is no change in the slogan of the Workers' Party of Korea calling for struggling with a rifle in one hand and with a hammer and sickle in the other as long as the imperialists remain. The army and people are waiting for the order of the Supreme Commander, with full readiness for battle. Five years ago when the order on proclaiming the semi-war state across the country was issued, the servicemen held their trenches all at once and more than 1.5 million young people volunteered for service in the army and all the people reliably defended their trenches. This showed that Korea does not make empty words.

U.S. war plan denounced

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Chiefs of the organizations of overseas Koreans made public statements in support of the statement of the spokesman for the general staff of the Korean People's Army. Sok Myong Son, chairman of the International United Confederation of Koreans, said, "if the U.S. imperialists ignite a war, we, together with the invincible People's Army and people at home will turn out in the struggle to take thousand-fold revenge on the aggressors." the U.S. should know that to unleash a war just means its own self-destruction, he added. Ri Tong Chol, chairman of the United Confederation of Koreans in Russia, said that a new war in the Korean peninsula will be the last one for the U.S. and demanded it renounce its plan of war of aggression on the DPRK at once. Kim Yong Sul, chairman of the United Confederation of Koreans in Ukraine, stressed that if the U.S. and its stooges ignite the train of a war, they will be mercilessly punished by the Korean people and army and burnt to death in the flames they kindled. Yang Yong Dong, chairman of the Federation of Korean Nationals in China, said that if the U.S. imperialist aggressors kindle the flames of aggression in defiance of the repeated warnings of the DPRK, the entire Koreans in China, together with people at home, will rise up in a sacred war for defending the homeland and wipe out the aggressors to the last in defence of the glorious motherland.

Good results of DPRK players at 13th Asian Games

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The DPRK players captured two gold, three silver and two bronze medals from Dec. 6 to 13 at the 13th Asian Games. The DPRK shooters took the first place in the men's 25m standard pistol and men's centre-fire pistol team events with 1,707 points and 1,749 points. Yun Myong Ran and Kang Yong Gyun carried off silver medals at the rhythmic gymnastics and the Greco-Roman style wrestling 54 kg class. The DPRK women bagged a bronze medal at the women's kayak-4 500m event of canoeing and Pae Won Guk a bronze medal in the men's trap shooting individual competition with 127 points.

Eruption of inveterate wrath and resentment

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), other organisations and people of all social standings held anti-"government" rallies and demonstrations in Seoul, Pusan and Taegu on December 12 calling for an end to the trusteeship of the International Monetary Fund as well as to layoff. Rodong Sinmun today describes the protests as the deserved resistance against the South Korean authorities and eruption of inveterate wrath and resentment. The news analyst says: The present authorities cried for setting up a "labor-management-government committee" and taking a "step for employment" as if they would "defend" the interests of the workers from economic crisis and unemployment. That is a crafty deceptive farce to conceal the true colors as the dirty flunkeyists and traitors. The South Korean workers have turned out in a struggle, unable to pardon the authorities who are imposing death and pains upon them. The authorities encroach upon the dignity and rights of the working people, imposing death and pains upon them. Struggle is the only way out for the South Korean workers under the situation. The realities of South Korea remind the people of this truth of history.

Jong Ju Yong and his party arrive

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Jong Ju Yong, Honorary Chairman of the "Hyun Dai Business Group" of South Korea, and his party arrived here today through Panmunjom. They were met at Panmunjom with kindred feelings by vice-chairman Song Ho Gyong of the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, and officials concerned.

Kim Jong Pil's bellicose remarks under fire

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comes out with a signed commentary on the bellicose remarks of South Korean "Prime Minister" Kim Jong Pil who takes the lead in the anti-north confrontation campaign. The news analyst of the paper says: A few days ago, Kim Jong Pil told reporters that "the main enemy of the army is obviously the north" and "a peace system can be established only when the army certainly overpowers the north's army." His utterances are not only an open provocation against the north but also an undisguised war instruction. His allegation that the "main enemy" is the "north" is very dangerous outburst to instigate the army to a fratricidal war. There is no denying the fact that Kim Jong Pil's bellicose remarks are intended to make the army unleash a war against the north. Now, over 10 million regular and irregular armed forces of South Korea are waiting for an order, fully ready for action against the north. His utterances that a peace system can be established only when the north is overpowered with military strength are provocative remarks which can be made only by a warmonger. The Korean peninsula is now under the touch-and-go situation because the U.S. imperialists and their stooges have placed huge aggression forces in readiness to unleash a war against the DPRK under the pretext of "preventing threats of southward invasion." At this very juncture, Kim Jong Pil alleged that a "peace system" could be established only when the north is "overpowered." This illogical allegation means that peace can be ensured only through an anti-north war. We will make Kim Jong Pil pay dearly for his venomous and provocative words.

Many militant poems created

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Poets of Korea wrote many militant poems for ten days after the publication of the statement of the spokesman for the general staff of the Korean People's Army. Among them are "don't wait for answer," "give me a rifle," "we will not miss the opportunity" and "gunfire for annihilating the enemy." The poems reflect the resolute will of Korea that if the U.S. imperialist aggressors ignite the train of war, the People's Army and people will not miss an opportunity to mercilessly smash the enemies. The poem "our answer is gunfire" declares that even though the earth breaks, the Korean people will not yield to the enemies. It says that the whole of the country will spew fire so that the U.S. imperialist aggressors may not survive. The poems "spirit of victors" and "the last settlement" give the Korean people the conviction of victory and the fighting spirit of annihilating the enemies. The poem "give us an order" stresses that it is the answer and declaration of Korea that those who encroach upon an inch of land of the country will meet only death. Kim Song Jo, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Writers Union, said that they will make poems a dagger to deal a sledge hammer to the enemies and a banner of struggle to give the conviction of victory and courage to the Korean people and encourage them to annihilate the enemies.

Korean traders and industrialists in Japan lodge protest with Sankei Shimbun

Tokyo, December 13 (KNS-KCNA) -- About 50 representatives of the Federation of Korean Traders and Industrialists in Japan and associations of Korean traders and industrialists in Tokyo and Kanagawa visited the Sankei Shimbun office on December 8 and lodged a strong protest with it against a report full of prejudice and malice about the DPRK launch of an artificial satellite carried in its November 29 issue, according to Japan-based Joson Sinbo dated Dec.10. In a letter of protest, Paek Myong Dok, vice-chairman of the Federation of Korean Traders and Industrialists in Japan, said that Sankei Shimbun carried a distorted report to fuel anti-DPRK, anti-Chongryon (General Association of Korean Residents in Japan) and anti-Korean feelings. He maintained the justness of the business activities of Korean traders and industrialists in Japan. Saying that the violation of human rights and national discrimination against Korean residents in Japan are being worsened by such an irresponsible report, he demanded apology for and correction of the report.

Stand of Korean people and People's Army supported

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Political parties and organisations supported the statement of the spokesman for the general staff of the Korean People's Army. The For Peace and Socialism-the Communist Workers' Party of Finland in a statement on Dec. 8 denounced the "operation plan 5027" which was worked out and announced by the U.S.military, saying it is in essence as good as a declaration of a "preemptive attack" on the DPRK. The Agricultural Workers Federation and the National Association of Workers in Agriculture, Commerce and Industry of Guyana in a joint statement on Dec. 8 said that the U.S. announcement of the operation plan for "annihilating" the other party of the dialogue is not compatible with peace and security on the Korean peninsula, as well as the security of the U.S. itself. The United States should not try to solve the problem with military threat or war, they noted. The Austrian Jurists' Union for the Defence of Democracy and Human Rights in South Korea in a statement dated Dec. 7 said that if the United States unleashes a war against the DPRK at any cost, the Korean people and People's Army will defeat the aggressors and win victory again under the brilliant guidance of Marshal Kim Jong Il. The Guinean Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification and the Bulgaria-Korea Friendship Association in a statement and a letter of protest denounced the U.S. imperialists for new war provocation moves against the DPRK. Robert Williams, general secretary of the Good Green Guyana, chairman of the Guyanese National Committee For the Study of the Juche Idea of Comrade Kim Il Sung and vice-chairman of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Committee to Support the Reunification of Korea, made public a statement on Dec. 8. The United States is openly announcing even the operation plan to "annihilate North Korea" instead of honestly implementing the DPRK-U.S. framework agreement, he said. "This is a foolish and arrogant act toward the dignified DPRK."

Bellicose remarks inciting confrontation

Pyongyang, December 15 (KCNA) -- Chon Yong Thaek, "Minister of National Defense" of South Korea, inspected a forefront unit of the "Rok Army" in the western sector on Dec. 13 and cried that servicemen should "bear in mind that the north is the sworn enemy," according to a report from Seoul. The warmonger had told reporters in summer that the north was "the sworn enemy till the north and south are reunified." On December 11, "Prime Minister" of South Korea Kim Jong Pil said that "the enemy is obviously the communist people's army which must be overpowered." Chon's provocative and bellicose utterances cannot be overlooked. This fact shows that the South Korean rulers are trying to ignite the train of war against the north, encouraged by "operation plan 5027" of the U.S. imperialists aimed at invading the DPRK. However, such reckless acts will lead to self-destruction.