Literature pledging loyalty to Kim Jong Il scattered in S. Korea

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Copies of literature carrying pledge of loyalty to General Secretary Kim Jong Il were scattered in different parts of South Korea on Nov. 4, a Seoul-based radio reported. Printed in the front of the literature was a portrait of Kim Jong Il and in its reverse were the letters pledging loyalty to him. In the meantime South Korean internet carries a home page of praising North Korea. The home page under the title "meeting of people who love the north" introduced the brief biography of General Secretary Kim Jong Il and represented radio reports of North Korea and letters aspiring after the reunification of the country.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il Kindergarten in Mongolia marked

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- The tenth anniversary of the foundation of Kim Jong Il Kindergarten in Darhan Ol Province, Mongolia, was celebrated on Oct. 30 with due ceremony. A report and congratulatory speeches were made at the ceremony. Then a celebration performance was given. The performers put on the stage Korean songs and Mongolian songs and dances.

Yun I Sang concert for national reunification

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Yun I Sang concert for national reunification was held at the Moranbong Theatre and Yun I Sang Concert Hall here from Nov. 3 to 5. Attending there were musicians in the north and south. Yun I Sang, a world-famous composer and a patriotic musician, created more than 150 pieces of music in his lifetime. Some of them were put on the stage of the concert. Appreciating the concert were Song Sok Hwan, vice-Minister of Culture, Kim Jong Ho, director of the Yun I Sang Music Institute, Ri Su Ja, widow of Yun I Sang, and officials concerned, artistes and working people in the city. A seminar on Yun I Sang's music took place at the People's Palace of Culture on Nov. 4.

Rodong Sinmun on anti-Chongryon racket in Japan

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comes out with a signed commentary on smear campaigns being staged by the Japanese reactionaries against the DPRK and the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) these days. The news analyst of the paper says: The on-going anti-DPRK, anti-Chongryon rackets are creating a terror-ridden atmosphere reminiscent of the massacre of Koreans committed in all parts of Japan in the wake of the "Great Kanto Earthquake" before Korea was liberated and of the forced dissolution of the federation of Koreans in Japan on the eve of the Korean War. These outrages are an unpardonable infringement upon the sovereignty of the DPRK and a criminal act wantonly violating the national dignity of Koreans in Japan and their democratic national rights. It cannot go unnoticed that the smear campaigns are being conducted according to the scenario written by the Agency for National Security Planning (ANSP) and Ministry of National Unification of South Korea against the DPRK and Chongryon. Barbaric terrorist acts of Japanese rightwing gangsters against Chongryon organisations and Korean nationals in Japan have been more viciously committed in the wake of the Japan visit of the chief executive of South Korea. It is only too clear that agents of the "ANSP" bribed the Japanese rightwing gangsters with money for the anti-DPRK, anti-Chongryon campaign. The Japanese reactionaries are hell-bent on the anti-DPRK, anti-Chongryon rackets hand in glove with the South Korean authorities. This is an open provocation against the DPRK and Chongryon. The Japanese government authorities and police should clearly know the seriousness of the rackets, arrest the criminals at once, severely punish them and take a measure to prevent the recurrence of such criminal acts.

What smear propaganda is aimed at

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comes out with a commentary rapping the South Korean authorities for their smear propaganda aimed at foiling Mt. Kumgang tourism arranged by civic bodies in the north and south of Korea. The South Korean authorities, through a venal newspaper "Joson Ilbo", are now spreading a false rumour that a "proposal" for fixing the waters 30 miles north of the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) as "north-south joint rescue zone" and dispatching "rescue party" to waters of the north in case a tourist ship to Mt. Kumgang runs into some trouble in waters of the north is under "consideration between the north and south." This campaign of the South Korean authorities against the north is an intolerable provocation to the north as well as another drama directed by the "Agency for National Security Planning" against the north in a bid to foil Mt. Kumgang tourism, part of cooperation between civic bodies in the north and south. We make it clear that the South Korean authorities' remarks about "north-south joint rescue zone under consideration" are groundless. Parties that discuss and push ahead with the issue of Mt. Kumgang tourism are civic bodies in the north and south. It is needless for authorities to poke their nose into the work between civic bodies. Worse still, the "chief of the naval general staff" openly cried for the commitment of their forces to waters of the north, talking about somebody's "terrorism," "kidnapping," "gun firing and demonstration of armed forces" upon the tourist ship to Mt. Kumgang. Terrorism, kidnapping and gun firing have nothing to do with us. These are the practices used by the South Korean authorities. Underlying their campaign is an ill-intentioned purpose to hinder the tourism by drumming terror and unrest into the people, foil the tourism by inventing a shocking accident and, in other case, wedge "ANSP" agents and military gangsters into the area of the north to incite confrontation against the north under the pretext of "rescue of tourist ship"

Patriotic struggle called for

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- The director of the Youth and Student Department of the Central Committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) made public a statement on Nov. 2 on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the Kwangju student incident, according to radio Voice of National Salvation from Seoul. He said that the Kwangju student movement on Nov. 3, 1929, was a historic event which demonstrated the indomitable patriotic stamina of the Korean students and dealt a heavy blow at the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists. Many years have passed since the Kwangju student incident, but the South Korean people have been subjected to unheard-of distress and humiliation under the colonial fascist rule of the U.S. imperialists and South Korea is in a miserable plight under the U.S. and Japanese subjugation, he noted. Owing to the treacheries of Kim Dae Jung's "government," the land of the south has turned into a dual colony of the United States and Japan, he said. He called upon all the patriotic youth and students to take the lead in the patriotic struggle for independence, democracy and reunification.

Japanese authorities urged to stop suppression of Koreans in Japan

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Ro Yong Jin, chairman of the United Confederation of Koreans in Moscow, in a statement dated Oct. 31 said that the Japanese authorities must thoroughly ensure the national dignity and democratic rights of the Koreans in Japan, stop at once suppressing Chongryon (General Association of Korean Residents in Japan) and Koreans in Japan and sternly punish the criminals. He recalled that the Japanese right-wing reactionaries recently raided the Korean hall under the patronage of the authorities, set fire to the Chiba Prefecture headquarters hall of Chongryon and murdered an official. If the Japanese authorities continue resorting to suppression of Chongryon and Koreans in Japan in defiance of the repeated warnings of the world public, they will face a sledge-hammer blow of the progressive humankind, he said. He called upon all the overseas Koreans to rise up in the struggle to put an end to suppression and persecution by the Japanese authorities.

S. Korean authorities denounced for opening doors to Japanese culture

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korea-Japan friendship association published a statement on Nov. 5 denouncing the South Korean authorities for recently deciding to allow the infiltration of Japanese culture into South Korea. Opening doors to Japanese culture is an arch crime of totally obliterating national culture and soul and allowing the Japanese reactionaries to invade Korea again, he said, and continued: As Japanese culture is pornographic and decadent and contains reactionary content of beautifying and reviving Japanese militarism, it has been rejected by Asian and other countries of the world and denounced and rejected in society and among the people in South Korea. Moreover, Japan has not yet apologized and compensated for the crime-woven past when it tried to remove even the full name of the Koreans and deprive the Korean nation of its soul, crying for "Japanization of Koreans" under the "cultural rule" in a bid to obliterate the Korean nation. The South Korean authorities are intending to open doors to Japanese culture and get some pennies in return for it to emerge from the crisis of the present economic bankruptcy, but it is a foolish daydream.

S. Korean authorities' suppression denounced

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- The Taegu and North Kyongsang Provincial Federation of University Student Councils (Taegyongchongryon) under the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) made public a statement on Oct. 26 denouncing the authorities for blocking the contact of youth and students in the north, south and overseas, according to a news report. The statement condemned the authorities for cracking down on the righteous struggle of the youth and students to realize great national unity and achieve national reunification and demanded they stop at once the suppression of Hanchongryon, the south headquarters of Pomminryon (National Alliance for the Country's Reunification), and other pro-reunification patriotic organisations. If the country is to be reunified, the "National Security Law," which defines the fellow countrymen in the north as the "enemy," should be abolished and the "Agency for National Security Planning" be dissolved, said the statement.

Japanese authorities' anti-Chongryon moves flailed

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Japan should not retaliate upon innocent Koreans in Japan for its disgrace in reference to the DPRK's launch of an artificial satellite but recognize the obvious achievement of DPRK in science and technology and take an open-minded attitude. The chairman of the Khmer Combatants Party for Mulinaka and Liberty of Cambodia said this in a statement on Oct. 31. He noted that his party demands the Japanese authorities stop at once suppressing the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and Koreans in Japan. The Guyanese Association of Justices of the Peace in a statement on Oct. 30 strongly denounced the Japanese authorities' and right-wing reactionaries' reckless suppression of Koreans in Japan as an open challenge to the international law, human rights and justice. The chairman of the Peru-Korea Institute of Culture and Friendship in a statement on Oct. 26 bitterly denounced the smear campaign of the Japanese authorities and reactionaries against the DPRK vigorously advancing under the banner of socialism and against Chongryon. He stressed that the Japanese reactionaries should ponder over what a catastrophic consequence such moves will cause and act with discretion.

Program technology of DPRK

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- The DPRK recently developed a program of music scoring, publishing and playback. The program, which draws musicians' attention, is helpful toward computerizing the musical creation work including composition, conduct and the storage of works. Korean scientists and technicians have made a lot of programs instrumental in the development of national economy and program technology. They developed the system of scientific and technical data reference "Kwangmyong", a program which contains new reference methods, contents and formation modalities, and achieved success in the work to set up a computer network across the country. They also made programs for entertainment and scientific education such as construction designing program "sanak 1.0," "Korean chess program," calligraphic styles and marks suitable for feelings of the Korean people. Some programs are popular in other countries. Korea's programs enjoyed high appreciation in the Asian Program Exhibition held in October Juche 85 (1996). The "Unpaduk" (silk go) program took the first place in the 4th Fost Cup World Computer Go Championships in August 1998.

They will get nothing but disgrace

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Japanese reactionaries still allege that the DPRK launched a "ballistic missile," not an artificial satellite. Minju Joson today, commenting on their allegations, says: A great many countries are vying with one another in reporting about the DPRK's launch of artificial satellite for peaceful purposes every day. The Japanese reactionaries, however, still claim that the launch is "that of ballistic missile." They seek in this to touch off fears among the Japanese and justify their hostile policy towards the DPRK, the news analyst says, and continues: They also seek to invent an excuse for the militarisation of Japan and realise their wild ambition for overseas expansion. It can clearly be seen in the fact that in the wake of the DPRK's launch of artificial satellite they decided to squander a huge amount of money on the establishment of the "theatre missile defence system." Their base act will only bring disgrace upon Japan again under the eyes of the world. If they do not want to bring any more disgrace upon Japan, they should stop anti-DPRK smear campaign at once.

Hawks of helmeted "people's government"

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today comments on the "Foal Eagle 98" and "Hwarang 98" war drills that are now under way in South Korea, assuming very dangerous aspects. The commentary says: The South Korean authorities branded the fellow countrymen of the same blood in the north as "sworn enemy" and are hell-bent on war exercises for invading the north in collusion with outside forces. The current war drills have completely unmasked the "people's government." Turning blind eyes to misery and pains of the South Korean people under the economic trusteeship of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), they are earmarking colossal amounts of money for war preparations against the north. If the present regime, styling itself the "government for the people", has money to squander, it should certainly spend them in helping the people driven to the depth of misery and paying foreign debts. War drills against the north are anti-national and anti-social criminal acts that would bring disasters to the nation and impose double and treble burdens on the South Korean people. The South Korean rulers should stop the drills, mindful of the lesson of history.

Rodong Sinmun on U.S. design for monopolistic domination

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today runs a signed commentary on the "report on national security strategy" submitted by the U.S. President to the congress some time ago. The report said that the presence of the U.S. troops in east Asia is essential for "stability" and "prosperity" in the region and that the United States would "keep its 100,000 troops in east Asia." It also stated that "U.S.-Japan cooperation on security" is a "cornerstone" of the Asia-Pacific stability and affirmatively noted that the scope of the application of this "cooperation" is being continuously expanded. The news analyst of the paper says: Underlying the report clarifying the U.S. world strategy is the U.S. design to unleash another war in the Korean peninsula at any cost and thus monopolize Asia. Invariable is the U.S. design to realise monopolistic domination over Asia. In order to gratify this design, the United States has attached importance to the Korean peninsula. It intends to invade the DPRK and stretch out the tentacle of aggression all over Asia with it as a bridgehead. In actuality, the DPRK and other countries are targets of activities of the U.S. troops present in east Asia. The position and importance of the Asia-Pacific region are being stressed in the world. So, western nations have intensified their infiltration into this region in real earnest. The United States intends to block the infiltration of western nations into the region with its armed forces as a military lever and tighten its domination over it. In the final analysis, clamourings about the "maintenance of the 100,000 U.S. troops in east Asia" and "U.S.-Japan cooperation on security" are intended to ensure the U.S.monopolistic domination over Asia. The United States would be well advised not to try to attain its dominationist purpose with strength as in the era of the Cold War but withdraw its troops from South Korea and other east Asian countries without delay.

Kye Ung Thae meets Thai party delegation

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Kye Ung Thae, member of the political bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, today met and conversed with the delegation of the Thai Palang Dharma (Righteous Force) Party led by its leader Chaiwat Sinsuwong at the Mansudae Assembly Hall. Department director Kim Yang Gon of the C.C., the WPK was present there. On the occasion, Chaiwat Sinsuwong said that his party has come to realize the justness of the Juche idea through its visit to Korea where it has been fully embodied in all Social realms. He wished greater successes to the Korean people,s firmly united around General Secretary Kim Jong Il.