We will answer strength with strength = KCNA commentary =

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the U.S. Department of Defense recently stated that the United States will keep its huge forces deployed in the waters near South Korea. This reveals the U.S. warhawks' reckless intention to stifle the DPRK with strength by massively concentrating aggression forces on the Korean peninsula. As already reported, the United States has deployed Carl Vinson and other nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, nuclear-powered attack submarines, various types of warplanes and troops in seas near the Korean peninsula from July 20 allegedly to prevent "armed infiltration" into South Korea by the north. So, we warned that such military moves, which can be seen only on the eve of war, are tantamount to a declaration of war against the DPRK and that they are a reckless and undisguised military provocation. However, the U.S. warmaniacs are getting more arrogant with outcries over "armed infiltration", instead of withdrawing the aggression forces at once. The statement of the spokesman of the U.S. Department of Defense is another total challenge to and provocation against the DPRK. As a matter of fact, any situation and conditions on the Korean peninsula do not require the deployment of the U.S. nuclear war means and there is no military threat to South Korea. "Armed infiltration" advertised by the South Korean authorities is nothing but a plot hatched by themselves. Such military actions of the United States are intended to threaten the DPRK by force of arms and attain its insidious aim. But the United States is seriously mistaken again. It is the revolutionary spirit of our people's army and people to answer strength with strength and war with war. If the U.S. continues resorting to the method of strength and trying to encroach upon the sovereignty of the DPRK, in disregard of our repeated warnings, it will entirely be blamed for all the consequences arising therefrom and have to pay dearly for them.

U.S. troop pullout and reunification festival demanded

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters for the promotion of "9th Pan-National Rally for Peace and Reunification of the Country" and the Pomminryon (National Alliance for the Country's Reunification) south headquarters' preparatory committee for "Grand Festival for National Reconciliation, Unity and Reunification" called for withdrawal of the U.S. troops from South Korea and abrogation of the "National Security Law" (NSL). They also vowed to invariably take the lead in the struggle for national reunification. In a joint article contributed to the South Korean newspaper Hangyore on July 24, the organizations held that a peace accord should be concluded between the DPRK and the United States in order to get the U.S. troops withdrawn from South Korea and realize national independence. The "NSL" and other evil laws and repressive tools, which are obstructive to national reconciliation and unity, should be abolished and removed, they said. They also clarified their steadfast stand to ensure a successful holding of the 9th pan-national rally and the grand pro-reunification festival. In response to their call, the Taegu and north Kyongsang provincial headquarters and the Pusan and south Kyongsang provincial headquarters for the promotion of the 9th PNR declared that they would fight for the withdrawal of the U.S. troops from South Korea and the abolition of the "NSL". The present regime of South Korea should ensure the PNR and the grand pro-reunification festival in Panmunjom, they demanded.

Chinese military delegation entertained

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of the People's Armed Forces gave a reception on Monday in honor of the visiting military friendship delegation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army led by lieut. General Xiong Guangkai, deputy chief of the general staff. Invited to the reception were the members of the delegation and ambassador wan Yongxiang and the military attache of the Chinese embassy here. Vice-Minister of the People's Armed Forces Jong Chang Ryol, lieut. general of the Korean People's Army Pak Sung Won and officials concerned were present.

CPRF on S. Korean rulers' anti-communist campaign

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- The South Korean rulers recently invented a "case of underground revolutionary leadership of the north and south Kyongsang provincial committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea." And they arrested 14 leading members of labour organizations in Pusan and Ulsan and made public an "interim result on investigation into the case." In this connection the secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland (CPRF) published its information bulletin no. 769 on Monday. The information bulletin said that as unanimously considered by different circles of South Korea, the "case" is a fabrication intended to make a pretext for crackdown upon the labour movement. By cooking up the shocking incident, the South Korean puppets are seeking to brutally repress workers and other people fighting for vital rights and democracy as "pro-communists" and allay the desire for reunification growing among the South Korean people with the approach of the grand pro-reunification festival, the bulletin said, and continued: If they think they can tide over their serious crisis with such a poor anti-communist drama which works on nobody, they are mistaken. They should immediately stop the anti-national, anti-social and anti-communist smear campaign and unconditionally set free the arrested unionists.

S. Korean authorities' moves to check August 15 events

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities defined the "9th Pan-National Rally for Peace and Reunification of the Country" and the grand pro-reunification festival of Pomchonghakryon (the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification) as "pro-north events benefiting the enemy" and are threatening that they will "block them at an initial stage," according to a radio report from Seoul. The threat was made at a joint working-level meeting of the supreme public prosecutor's office, the "Agency for National Security Planning" and national police office on August 2. The above-said events are planned by the south headquarters of Pomminryon (the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification) and Hanchongryon (South Korean Federation of University Student Councils) on the occasion of August 15. The fascists said they will search beforehand 28 universities and colleges in Seoul which are regarded as venues of events with the mobilization of all the repressive tools and, at the same time, check all the movements of the pro-reunification patriotic organisations related to the events and, in case the events are held, arrest all those responsible for them. Due to the move of the present rulers, a situation as acute as that in the period of the former fascist government has prevailed throughout South Korea with August 15 drawing near.

First meeting of school directors and teachers

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- A meeting of school directors and teachers who brought up heroes was held in Pyongyang for the first time in history. The title of hero is the highest honor of citizens in Korea, and heroes are respected and treated preferentially in society. The meeting was organised under the deep loving care and trust of General Kim Jong Il, who highly estimates the unknown efforts of teachers who brought up heroes. There are many heroes in Korea. Twelve DPRK heroes and six labour heroes were produced by the hero Ryongwon Senior Middle School in Sinpho. It is an ordinary, small rural school. Set up there is a notice-board with pictures of 18 heroes and explanations on their exploits, the heroes who were produced by the school in the period from the 1950s to the 1990s. Its students write articles on the theme of "Hero and I" in which they express their determination to become the 19th hero. The former teacher of Kim Kwang Chol, the first DPRK hero of the '90s, is a woman with a teaching career of 34 years. She found distinguished friendship and pursuit in Kim Kwang Chol during his school days and registered his name at the top of the class roll. After this, she taught that he must not only reply with yes to the call of the teacher before other students but also fully prepare himself to devote himself to the motherland before anyone else. The former teacher of hero Kil Yong Jo, a pilot, was not only his stern teacher but also a man like his father. After being enlisted as a pilot, Kil Yong Jo used to visit his teacher's house before his. His teacher implanted intense loyalty to the motherland into his mind. The director of the training centre for teachers' reeducation in Kosong county, brought up three heroes while engaging himself in teaching for more than 40 years. The number of heroes is increasing in Korea thanks to the unknown efforts of educators who devote their sincerity to bringing up true men of the times.

Anti-north confrontation will only precipitate self-destruction

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- On July 21 the South Korean Defence Minister, Chon Yong Thaek, said north Korea will be the sworn enemy to the last moment of the reunification of the north and south of Korea and that the basic task of the army was to prepare for a war. His remarks came at a time when, with nuclear submarines and other pirate ships of the U.S. being deployed in the seas near Korea in response to the calls of the authorities, a grave atmosphere of war was being created in the Korean peninsula. The Korean Central News Agency in a statement issued in this regard bitterly condemned the movements of the U.S. aggression forces as a reckless act tantamount to a declaration of war. It also described the rash act of the South Korean authorities as an act of doing harm to the fellow countrymen with the backing of outsiders and of destroying themselves. Such developments which go against the independent and peaceful reunification of the country are entirely attributable to the anti-north policy of confrontation the South Korean "people's government" is pursuing with the backing of outsiders. Those developments prove that what the present ruler of South Korea said as if he were interested in the improvement of inter-Korean relations was a sheer lie and that his loud-mouthed "North Korea policy" is, in essence, a revamped version of the foolish "policy of unification by prevailing over communism" pursued by his preceding dictators. In a nutshell, Chon's remarks and the "sunshine policy" on the lips of the present ruler of South Korea are an offspring of their foolish attempt to stifle the north by force of arms with the backing of outsiders and lead it to "reform and the opening to the outside world." They are revelation of an ulterior intention to achieve "unification by prevailing over communism." The "Defence Minister," who is deprived of the prerogative of the supreme command, is now describing the fellow countrymen as the "sworn enemy", keeping mum about the pullout of the U.S. aggression forces from South Korea. It is not hard to see through what the self-styled "people's government" over which such a rascal as Chon holds sway and its prospects are like. Anti-north confrontation will only precipitate self-destruction. This has already been proved by the history of the successive puppet governments of South Korea which met a disgraceful end. The South Korean ruler must be aware that as long as such servants of the preceding dictatorial regime as Chon Yong Thaek and Kang In Dok are engaging themselves to incite anti-north confrontation as "ministers of the people's government," the present regime will certainly be overthrown.

Economic plunder by IMF

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- Eight months have passed since the South Korean authorities asked the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a bailout fund due to the economic bankruptcy caused by the financial crisis. During the period South Korea did not "benefit" from the IMF but suffered serious damage, and the South Korean economy was not revived but driven deep into a bog. Under the trusteeship of the IMF, the South Korean authorities legislated the lay-off system and labour exchange system at the "parliament" and have resorted to "restructuring." Therefore, businesses and financial bodies of South Korea were shut down, annexed and transferred and business management was paralyzed or driven into confusion, causing massive unemployment. In June alone, 55 big business bodies were sold or liquidated, throwing more than 20,000 people out of work, and over 100,000 people lost their jobs at motor business groups. And the "restructuring" of the financial bodies will leave 30,000-40,000 people jobless at the Korea First Bank, the Bank of Seoul and other four banks by the end of the year. There are more than 8 million jobless people in South Korea. Among them, the unemployed are more than 6.3 million and over 1.7 million working people get jobs for 4-5 days on a monthly average. In another development, the industrial production decreased 10.8 percent in May as against the same period of last year. South Korea has not gotten 8 billion dollars of agreed bailout fund from the United States and other countries. The fact shows that the IMF is nothing but a tool executing the U.S. strategy for domination over the world economy.

Abrogation of ideological conversion system urged in S. Korea

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- South Korean organisations and people are opposing the introduction of the "system of law-abiding oath" by the authorities, according to a report of the South Korean newspaper Hangyore. The family movement for realizing democracy (Mingahyop) and other organisations in a joint statement said the "system of law-abiding oath is as good as the ideological conversion system," exposing the crafty deception of the authorities. The organisations urged the present "government" to unconditionally stop the suppression of the elementary freedom and rights of man. Prisoners of conscience demanded an end to the suppression, saying that it is little different from the successive fascist governments' crackdown on the participants in the struggle for independence, democracy and reunification by dint of all kinds of evil laws. Families of prisoners of conscience also demanded the ideological conversion system, a legacy from the old era, be abolished and the prisoners of conscience be set free unconditionally.

Story of bankbook

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- There are many stories of President Kim Il Sung's 80 odd years. Among them is a story of a bankbook. A meeting was held at the Wonhwa Cooperative Farm in Phyongwon county, south Phyongan Province in November, Juche 82 (1993) to sum up the farming. The meeting decided to present him with more than 102,000 won of cash for his share for ten years. The President registered himself as an honorary member of the farm at the time when the agricultural cooperative was formed after the war. He sowed seeds together with farmers in the spring of 1952 when the war was at its height. He frequently visited the farm to take care of the economic life of the farm. The farm saved his shares in cash on an average of those of the farmers every year from 1983. Informed of the year-end account settlement and income distribution of the farm, the president bought farm machines with his shares and sent them to the farm. So, the farm received 10 tractors, 10 trailers and two trucks sent by the President as gifts.

Second round of Beijing working-level talks for August 15 festival scheduled

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the north preparatory committee of the "Grand Festival for National Reconciliation, Unity and Reunification" in a statement on August 3 hoped that a second round of Beijing working-level talks would not be abortive, saying it is a good thing that the south headquarters for the promotion of the festival proposed to the north preparatory committee to hold working-level talks. Recalling that the north, south and overseas preparatory committees agreed upon holding a second round of working-level talks in Beijing on August 5, he said: Therefore, the south headquarters for the promotion of the festival should wage a joint struggle against the South Korean authorities' obstruction to the participation of the delegates of the preparatory committee of the south headquarters of Pomminryon (National Alliance for the Country's Reunification) in the second round of working-level talks, and take part in the talks with them. The talks may well be held on August 7 if the south headquarters for the promotion of the festival is willing to take part in the talks, we think. If such talks are held, it will be a step forward in preparing the historic, grand pro-reunification festival. We hope that the delegates of the north, south and overseas preparatory committees will have a meeting which might be abortive again if the delegates of the preparatory committee of the south headquarters of Pomminryon, which has led the reunification movement in South Korea and made great efforts for a successful holding of the festival, cannot come to the Beijing working-level talks due to the obstructions of the South Korean authorities. The spokesman stressed that the South Korean authorities must clearly see the nationwide promotion of preparations for the festival is being promoted on a nationwide scale and must not bar the delegates of the preparatory committee of the south headquarters of Pomminryon from participating in the talks.

Kim Jong Il inspects KPA combined unit

Pyongyang August 4 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il inspected KPA combined unit no. 549 on Monday. He acquainted himself with the enemy situation at a forward command post on the top of a mountain some 1,000 meters above the sea level. He said that as the imperialists and reactionaries were resorting to new aggressive moves to stifle socialist Korea by military force, the army should exercise utmost revolutionary vigilance and further increase the combat power to defeat the aggressors at a stroke. He gave servicemen a machine-gun, an automatic rifle and a pair of binoculars as gifts and posed for a photograph with them near a trench. During the inspection of the headquarters of the combined unit and a unit under it, Kim Jong Il learnt about the servicemen's diet, living conditions of their families and education of their children and showed deep loving care for them. He showed a high appreciation of the squad's militant art activities.