G.S. Kim Jong Il elected as honorary chairman of Congolese Socialist Party

Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- The Congolese Socialist Party (CSP) called a special meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau on Feb. 8 on the occcasion of the 56th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, discussed electing him as honorary chairman of the party and decided as follows: The CSP solemnly proclaims that his excellency Kim Jong Il, the leader of the Korean people, is acclaimed as honorary chairman of the party in accordance with the unanimous will and desire of all the party members. Availing itself of this significant opportunity, the CSP pays a high tribute to his excellency Kim Jong Il and resolves again to strengthen friendship, cooperation and solidarity with the Workers' Party of Korea in order to defend the Juche idea and the idea of socialism. It also ardently calls upon the progressive political parties of the world to elect the respected his excellency Kim Jong Il as their honorary chairman and venerate him as leader of the Korean revolution and the world revolution for the victory of socialism all over the world.

Floral basket to G.S. Kim Jong Il from Guinean President

Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- A floral basket was sent to General Kim Jong Il from Guinean President Lansana Conte on Feb. 16, his 56th birthday. Upon the authorization of the Guinean President, the diplomatic and political Advisor to the President paid a congratulatory visit to the DPRK embassy in his country and asked the ambassador to convey the floral basket to General Kim Jong Il. The Advisor said that it is the steadfast will of the Guinean President to invariably consolidate and develop the relations between Guinea and Korea in all aspects. The Guinean President confirmed full support for the confederation formula and the proposals for the reunification of Korea indicated by General Kim Jong Il, he noted.

Press conference at Russian embassy

Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- A press conference was held at the Russian embassy here on Feb. 20 on the occasion the "day of defenders of the homeland". Present there were newspaper, news agency and radio reporters in Pyongyang and foreign embassy press officials and correspondents here. Vladimir Dombrovski, military attache of the Russian embassy, delivered an address at the press conference before answering questions.

"NSL" violates human rights

Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- The United States in a recent "report on human rights" said that the "National Security Law" of South Korea has still been used in encroaching upon freedom of speech and human rights of the people, according to the South Korean newspaper Hangyore. The "report" quoted the U.N. commission on human rights as saying the "NSL" is a main obstacle to full exercise of human rights and that the authorities have arrested many South Koreans who voiced objection to it in a peaceful way, defining their views as pro-north or anti-"government".

Guinean group for study of Kimjongilism inaugurated

Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of the Guinean Group for the Study of Kimjongilism was held in Conakry on Feb. 12 on the occasion of the 56th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il. A Vice-Chairman of the Guinean National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea referred to the successes made by the society for the study of the Juche idea after its inauguration ten years ago. He said that the society was reorganized as group for the study of Kimjongilism in order to improve and further deepen the society work to meet the requirement of the reality.

Second-stage project of Anbyon Youth Power Station in progress

Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- Soldier-builders are pressing ahead with the second-stage project of the Anbyon Youth Power Station. In one year since the start of the project under tough conditions of the "arduous march", they displayed the revolutionary spirit of soldiers to finish ground breaking for flow-control work. No. 3 project for flow-control is nearing completion. Officers and soldiers from Kim Hi Yun's Unit have carried out the underwater ground excavation in the severe cold last year. A great deal of work including the dam concrete tamping has been brought to completion in less than one year except the installing of generating facilities. Kim In Gol's and Pak Kwang Ryop's units have built production units to make tools needed for tunnelling. They operated drilling and other machines at full capacity to finish the intake tunnel project on time. With the beginning of the new year the soldiers are registering spectacular achievements in their work. Kim Song Dae's Unit set an all-time record in tunnelling in their New Year campaign. The soldiers who are undertaking no. 4 Flow-Control Project made the best use of production potentials and introduced technical innovation proposals to save a lot of work force and materials while carrying out concrete tamping each day, that is a two-fold increase compared with a day's work last year. Yang In Guk's and other units are concentrating all their efforts and means on their projects with a view to completing the overall project as soon as possible.

Humiliating sycophancy

Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities are more tightly clinging to the coattails of the U.S. master in a bid to get rid of the trouble caused by the trusteeship by the international monetary fund. This was proved by the puppets' servility toward the U.S. Secretary of Commerce when he visited South Korea. On February 18, Kim Young Sam asked the U.S. Secretary of Commerce to take into account "traditional relations of friendship" and explain "the efforts to emerge from the crisis" to the U.S. politicians. Earlier, deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs asked him to "use U.S. influence" to mitigate pressure from the IMF. What they got from him was nothing but economic pressure to open the South Korean economy overall. The U.S. is keeping the economy of South Korea as well as its politics under control to make fabulous profits. It is also manipulating the IMF behind the scene. Flattery and mendicant diplomacy cannot save the puppets from the destruction at all. The U.S. will make the puppets more dependent upon it than before by taking advantage of the crisis. The lot of the puppets bereft of the Juche character and national character will be more miserable.

U.S. delegation here

Pyongyang, February 21 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the U.S. federation of non-governmental organizations arrived here today. It, authorized by the U.S. government, is scheduled to discuss with the DPRK flood damage rehabilitation committee over technical matters concerning allocation of 200,000 tons of food donated by the United States.