Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee spokesman on Japanese-Koreans' hometown visit

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee on October 22 issued a statement on Japanese-Korean women's hometown visit. He said: Under an agreement the Red Cross Society of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea gave to the Japanese side the list of the names of the members of the first home-visiting group of Japanese-Korean women on October 8, and is now waiting for a word from the Japanese side, after rounding off the preparations for their hometown visit. For Japanese-Korean women of advanced age to visit their hometowns and have a meeting with their relatives in Japan is a product of the all-embracing politics, benevolent politics of the Workers' Party of Korea and the government of the DPRK to realise the last wish of the Japanese-Korean women who are spending the remaining days of their life in harmony with their family members, enjoying all kinds of political rights and material benefits as citizens of the DPRK. It is known to us that amidst the deep concern of Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, the Japanese government and coalition political parties in power the Japanese side is stepping up its preparations to greet the first home-visiting group of the Japanese-Korean women and make their hometown visit successful. We believe that thanks to the humanitarian sincere efforts of the Japanese side the Japanese-Korean women will soon visit their hometowns and meet with their family members and relatives, and express the expectation that this will mark an occasion in solving humanitarian and other outstanding problems between the DPRK and Japan, as well as in deepening the friendship between the two countries and two peoples of the DPRK and Japan.

Kim Jong Il's election hailed

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- First Secretary Alexander Paunov of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party and leading officials of the Party, National Chairman Jean Emmanuel of the Militant Party for the Realisation of Equality, Chairman Razafind Ramanga Jean Mari of the Party for Defence of Popular Rights, National Chairman Solo Norbert Andriamorasata of the Christian Democratic Union and other leaders and senior officials of progressive political parties of Madagascar, a delegation of the Khmer National Party of Cambodia headed by the Chairman and General Secretary Robert Williams of the Good Green Guyana paid congratulatory calls at the Korean embassies in their countries from October 13 to 16 regarding general Kim Jong Il's election as General Secretary of the workers' Party of Korea. The First Secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party Central Committee said, "Comrade Kim Jong Il is an outstanding leader, who has performed great undying feats for the Korean revolution and the international communist movement, while wisely leading the WPK, the state and the army as a whole from 30 odd years ago." The General Secretary of the Good Green Guyana said, "his excellency Kim Jong Il is the experienced and seasoned leader who has led the WPK and the Korean people to victory." "The 21st century will be the century of his excellency the great leader Kim Jong Il," he added.

General Secretary Kim Jong Il highly praised by Cambodians

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- The First General Secretary of the Funcinpec Party who is mayor of Phnom Penh on October 14 released a press statement captioned "Marshal Kim Jong Il with rare organisational ability" to congratulate General Kim Jong Il on his election as General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea. He said, "the secret of the rare organisational ability of the respected marshal Kim Jong Il is the extraordinary ability of setting the idea of all the people in motion and leading all the organisations to act as one." "It is the natural gifts of organizing all work in detail," he noted. He further said, "thanks to the rare organisational ability of the respected marshal Kim Jong Il, the Korean people have built streets and edifices of world standard, brought the great heyday of art in the 20th century and built an invincible revolutionary army capable of defeating any formidable enemy." "As the respected marshal Kim Jong Il has such rare organisational ability, Korea is building socialism with the might of the singlehearted unity stronger than an atomic bomb," he added. Ieng Panaka, Minister of State for the Royal Cabinet and Director of the General Bureau of Films, made public a press statement headlined "Kim Jong Il, great master of creation". The Tower of the Juche Idea, the Arch of Triumph, the May Day Stadium and other monumental edifices in Korea are all products of the plan and meticulous guidance of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, he said, and continued: "His excellency Kim Jong Il is conducting dynamic creative activities not only in architecture and art but also in political, economic, cultural and other aspects of social life." "Led by his excellency Kim Jong Il, great master of creation, socialist Korea will be more prosperous."

Arms sale renders situation strained

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. Defense Department on October 20 said it would sell the south Korean government one MK 41 shipboard missile launcher system for an estimated 90 million dollars, according to a Reuter report from Washington. The sale involves one MK 41 vertical launch system, MK 41 weapon direction system, ot-134 transmitter, shipboard checkout and operation of launch system hardware, as well as test equipment, spare and repair parts and systems software. The proposed sale is dangerous because it is a source of war, not peace on the Korean peninsula, as well as of arms race between the north and south of Korea. Even after the end of the Cold War, the north and south of Korea are in military confrontation with the Military Demarcation Line in between. The south Korean puppets are hell-bent on never ceasing war gambles and military provocation's along the MDL in a bid to invade the northern half of Korea. They plan to stage provocative foal eagle military maneuvers in an area adjacent to the MDL. Synchronizing with these ill-boding moves, the sale vividly proves that the U.S. does not want peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. It encourages the south Korean puppets to confrontation and war against the northern half of Korea, rendering the situation more strained. This notwithstanding, the U.S.Defense Department said that the proposed sale of the missile launch system would not affect the basic military balance in northeast Asia. The U.S. had better act with discretion, taking into consideration the impact of the sale on developments.

Wallpaper appears in s. Korea

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- A wallpaper congratulating General Kim Jong Il on his election as General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea was pasted up at a bus stop in Kangnam district, Seoul, on October 9, Seoul-based radio Voice of National Salvation quoted information of the Seoul City Committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) as saying. Written on the wallpaper published in the name of the society for correctly understanding the north are letters saying, "congratulation. The great leader Kim Jong Il was officially elected WPK General Secretary in the north on October 8, Juche 86 (1997). Let us boast of the noteworthy, great event of the 5,000 yearlong history of the nation at the top of our voices. Let us extend the highest glory and warmest congratulations to the leader Kim Jong Il, WPK General Secretary !" On the same day, more than 1,000 copies of literature congratulating General Kim Jong Il on his election as WPK General Secretary were scattered in Tobong district, Seoul, in the name of the February 16 Comradeship Society. Written in the literature are words of "Hymn to Kim Jong Il" and letters saying, "the respected General Kim Jong Il is the destiny of the nation and the future of A reunified country. Let us extend heartfelt thanks and glory to General Kim Jong Il."

Lee Hoi Chang breaks with Kim Young Sam

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- President of south Korea's "New Korea Party" Lee Hoi Chang, who is a presidential candidate of the Party, declared breakaway with Kim Young Sam, according to a radio report from Seoul. At a press conference Wednesday, Lee announced a frontal confrontation with Kim, formally urging him to leave the Party. He will come out in the struggle to break the politics by three Kims, he said, calling for prosecutors' strict investigation into the truth behind the traitor's 1992 "Presidential Election" fund as well as President of the National Congress for New Politics Kim Dae Jung's suspected slush fund. Lee's declaration on breakaway clearly shows that Kim Young Sam, who has been totally isolated within the "NKP" in distress, is falling into a miserable ruin and that there is no help to save the traitor from total bankruptcy.

What "cultural recipe" is needed?

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Young Sam made an "address congratulating the day of culture" on Oct. 20, according to a report of the Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) of south Korea. Crying over the "era of globalization", he prattled that a "cultural recipe is needed" above all to "fundamentally resolve" the pressing issues of all spheres of politics, economy and culture. His remarks are viewed as a shameless and ridiculous sophism. With utterances about "globalization" again, he tried to imprudently justify unheard-of treacheries in maintaining his power and comfort in reward for obliterating everything national and leaving the country and the nation to the mercy of outside forces. As known, after taking power, the Kim Young Sam group have pursued submissive opening policy through "globalization" campaign in the cultural sector as well as in political and economic fields, bringing in foreign corrupt culture at random, creating violence and crimes and having even beautiful customs and manners disappear. south Korea has been Americanized, japanned and westernized in all the social life from the mode of politics to written and spoken language and the way of life and turned into a barren land of national culture where outside forces are holding sway and the national entity, the dignity of the nation are being ruthlessly violated and trampled underfoot. After all, this is the cause and result of the general crisis of south Korean society. Nevertheless, the traitor made remarks about the "cultural recipe" for a solution to the pressing issue. This is a ridiculous political cartoon. What is needed is to inflict a stern judgement of history and the nation on Kim Young Sam himself and other traitors who are bringing about all national sufferings, selling the country and the nation to outsiders.

Rodong Sinmun on U.S. military acts against DPRK

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comes out with a signed commentary on the U.S. intensified military activities to stifle the DPRK with strength. On October 17, the U.S. Aircraft carrier independence, escorted by several warships, called at Pusan Port of south Korea to take part in the "Foal Eagle" joint military exercises slated for October 27. This call and the war game cannot be viewed merely as military movements, the news analyst of the paper says, and continues: The situation of the Korean Peninsula is very tense owing to the aggressive policy of the United States. The U.S. is frantically making war preparations, reinforcing its military forces in and around south Korea. It plans to mobilise the independence, most of the U.S. troops stationed in south Korea and the south Korean army, hundreds of thousands of soldiers in all. It is clear that the portcall and the war game may turn into a real war against the DPRK any moment. If a war breaks out in Korea, its theatre will not be limited here only. It is because the U.S. imperialist war maniacs intend to make a breakthrough in the Korean Peninsula with strength so that they can realise their aggressive Asia strategy. If they recklessly pounce upon the DPRK, leaning on their numerical and technical superiority, it will deal a sledgehammer blow at them. It will not do any good for the U.S. to aggravate the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

General strike of motor unionists in s. Korea

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- South Korean workers from motor business groups turned out in a powerful joint strike on Oct. 22 in protest against the decision of the government concerning court receivership, according to radio reports from Seoul. More than 20,000 employees of the Kia Motor Co.,Ltd. entered a general strike that day. In the meantime, the Asia Motor Trade Union declared a general strike and held a ceremony for starting the strike. As regards the strike, the motor confederation which consists of 40 motor unions said that it will hold large-scale protest rallies in Seoul, Kwangju and south Kyongsang Province at weekend and stage a joint strike from next week.

Fabulous trade deficit of s. Korea

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- The south Korean clique reportedly suffered a deficit of 381 million U.S. dollars in trade in August. This widened the trade deficit of south Korea to 10,243 million U.S. dollars this year. The fabulous trade deficit, added to an exorbitant amount of foreign debts, has driven the puppets into a corner.

Kim Jong Il's leadership, basic guarantee for national independence, reunification

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries a signed article saying that Kim Jong Il's leadership is the basic guarantee for accomplishing national independence, the cause of reunification. The daily notes: In order to achieve the reunification of the country as soon as possible, true to the behest of the great leader President Kim Il Sung, it is imperative first of all to hold General Kim Jong Il in high esteem and remain unfailingly loyal to his leadership. To remain loyal to his leadership and make a powerful advance is the way of accomplishing national independence and reunification and the boundless prosperity and development of Kim Il Sung's Korea, the sun's nation and the eternal great happiness of the posterity. General Secretary Kim Jong Il is the great master and genius of thought and theory whom the era has not known before. The ideas and lines of national reunification which were put forward and have been maintained by General Secretary Kim Jong Il are consistent with the idea of national independence to realize the complete independence and sovereignty of the country and the nation and the true patriotic spirit for the prosperity and development of a reunified country and those of the whole nation. He formulated as the three charters of national reunification the three principles of national reunification, the Ten-Point Programme for the great unity of the whole nation and the proposal for founding the Democratic Confederal Republic of Koryo which were advanced by the President and regards it as his steadfast will and iron rule to realize the cause of reunification on the basis of the three charters no matter how the situation and circumstances may change. The cause of national reunification will be certainly realized in the near future when we regard as the immortal encyclopedia and highly important guideline of national reunification "Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification" and "On Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the Revolution and Construction" which were recently published by General Secretary Kim Jong Il and carry them through. He is the great master of leadership with extraordinary and outstanding, tested leadership ability and the most distinguished clairvoyant foresight who is braving difficulties and ordeals and turning misfortune into blessings, adversity into favorable conditions with his iron will, matchless grit and super stratagem. Under his leadership the inter-Korean dialogue and negotiations, once deadlocked have been provided, joint statements and agreements were adopted between the north and south to open a new phase of the movement for national reunification. Multi-channeled dialogue and contacts, collaboration and exchange have been realized between the north and south where antagonism and confrontation prevailed, the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) and the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification (Pomchonghakryon) were formed and pan-national rally and reunification festival events of Pomchonghakryon are being held every year and the movement for national reunification has been expanded and strengthened into the nationwide movement both in name and reality. This is unthinkable apart from the wise leadership of General Kim Jong Il. His leadership is the ever-victorious great leadership leading national independence, the reunification of the country straight to victory with his brilliant ideas and theories, outstanding and tested leadership ability and noble personality and virtues.

Kaesong loach soup, national dish

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Kaesong loach soup is one of famous dishes in Korea from old times. The soup is made of loach, a traditional tonic among the people, and flavored with beef, bean-curds, small green bean sprouts, sesame oil, pepper, green onion, garlic, a kind of mint and Korean pepper. The soup is popular as a dish of longevity for its high nutritive value. President Kim Il Sung, during his on-the -spot guidance to Kaesong Municipality in September 1972, told official there to encourage the famous loach soup in the area. Later, a loach soup restaurant was newly built at the foot of Mt. Janam in Kaesong Municipality. Kaesong loach soup is winning popularity among local people as well as overseas compatriots and foreigners for its unique taste and fragrance.

Mass movement, new turn in economic construction

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il's leadership of the mass movement is characterised by extraordinary perspicacity with which to see the great in the small and by outstanding organizational ability with which to popularize it all over the country. It was seen in the days of the movement for creating the "speed of the 80s". Workers of the Kim Chaek Iron Complex braced themselves up to create a new speed in the economic construction after the 6th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (Oct. 1980). General Secreatry Kim Jong Il wisely led the work to spread all over the country. In a few days all the factories, enterprises and cooperative farms across the country followed them in creating a new speed of the economic construction in the 80s. This was the start of the movement for creating the "speed of the 80s", which vigorously promoted the economic development of Korea. During the movement workers of the Komdok Mining Complex completed the construction of the third ore-dressing plant, which was said to take 10 years, in a year with their own technology, facilities and materials. The ore-dressing plant with a processing capacity of 10 million tons has been equipped with extra-large desintegrators and ore-crushers. The workers of the Ryongsong associated machinery bureau made a 10,000 ton-press, 52.6 m long, 9.6 m wide, 24.5 m high and 3,860 tons, as a gift to the 40th founding anniversary of the Party. And the workers of the Rakwon Machine Complex made an 18,000 cubic metre oxygen separator, which is produced, in a few countries. The west sea barrage crossing 8-km rough sea was built in five years, admiring the world. New innovations were effected in the fields of ore, coal, electric power, metal and machine building industries and the production of cement and chemical fertilizer increased rapidly. Grain production grew rapidly by the Juche farming method. The second 7-year plan (1978-1984) was successfully carried out in all fields of the national economy and a breakthrough for the 3rd 7-year plan (1987-1993) was made.

DPRK Foreign Ministry spokesman on DPRK-Japan relations

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, asked by KCNA about new movements of the Japanese side toward the issue of improving its relations with the DPRK, said on October 23 that the improvement of relations between the DPRK and Japan is on good terms. He further said: As already reported, the preliminary talks between the DPRK and Japan at the level of deputy Foreign Ministry Department directors in Beijing in August reached an agreement on holding the talks for normalising diplomatic relations between the two nations including humanitarian assistance as soon as possible. After this, the Japanese government took humanitarian measures to render food aid to the DPRK. Recently, Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, Foreign Minister Keizo Obuchi and other government officials of Japan expressed the expectation that the talks for normalising diplomatic relations between the two nations would be held at an early date and showed their concern over this matter. We are giving attention to the fact that the Japanese side is moving toward the agreement between the two nations. We are also making efforts in the spirit of the agreement.

Vice-President Pak Song Chol meets ULMD Secretary General

Pyongyang, October 23 (KCNA) -- Vice-President Pak Song Chol, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, met and had a talk with Miguel Mejia, Secretary General of the United Left Movement of Dominica, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Rim Sun Phil, Vice-Director of a department of the WPK Central Committee, was present. The Secretary General said it is quite natural that General Kim Jong Il was elected General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and that he is the great man who is doing his best to carry out the behest of General Kim Il Sung. He expressed the belief that although Korea is suffering temporary difficulties caused by natural disasters and the obstructive schemes of the imperialists; the Korean people would overcome them and triumphantly concludes the "Arduous March".