Secy. Kim Jong Il recommended as WPK General Secretary at Pyongyang conference

Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- A resolution on recommending Secretary Kim Jong Il, the great leader of the Workers' Party of Korea, as General Secretary of the WPK was adopted at the Pyongyang Municipal Conference of the WPK held at the People's Palace of Culture on September 23. The delegates to the conference raised cheers, overwhelmed with joy and emotion, when the resolution was adopted with unanimous approval, reflecting the will and desire of the Party members and people in the capital city. In his report at the conference, Chief Secretary of the Pyongyang Municipal Party Committee Kang Hyon Su, who was also delegate from the Central District Party Organisation, said: "The Workers' Party of Korea has grown to be an invincible revolutionary Party and Juche Korea is famous as a powerful socialist state, entirely because of the wise leadership of comrade Kim Jong Il, who has experienced and tested art of leadership, brilliant wisdom, matchless courage and staunch sweep." "Under his wise leadership, great changes have taken place in Party and all other affairs in the capital city." "It is comrade Kim Jong Il who created a new history of great changes without precedent in Pyongyang, which is more than 1,500 years old. It is Pyongyang's honor and the greatest happiness of Party members and working people in the city to have him." "He is the greatest of great men and the most brilliant of commanders who is veteran in politics, extraordinary in military affairs, omniscent in the economy and culture, experienced in diplomacy and tender-hearted in personality." Kang Hyon Su proposed to recommend Secretary Kim Jong Il as General Secretary of the WPK. Kim Ki Nam, delegate of the Central District Party Organization, said in his speech that Secretary Kim Jong Il is the recognized supreme leader of the Party and the revolution and the world highly praises him as the most distinguished political leader and military strategist in the present era and a veteran statesman of the socialist movement. His one-third-century-long outstanding leadership over the revolution and construction and his great feats clearly show that only he can lead the Korean revolution and the socialist cause to victory, Kim Ki Nam said. The new historical era will be a period of upsurge in the revolution in which the WPK will be further strengthened organizationally and ideologically and its leadership role enhanced considerably and in which the Kim Il Sung nation, the sun's nation, will be ever prosper and the country will become stronger, he added. Speeches were also made by many delegates of the Party organizations of the Central People's Committee, the Ministry of Machine Building Industry, the Municipal Public Security Department, the Korean Central News Agency, Mangyongdae district and other districts and counties and those which performs such function and primary organizations of national and municipal organs. The speakers said that the Party members and other working people in the city, advancing under the leadership of Secretary Kim Jong Il, over scores years, have become convinced through the struggle and life that with him being at the head of the Party, the Party, the country, the nation and people will always emerge victorious. They called on all the Party members and other working people in the city to acclaim him as General Secretary of the WPK, remain faithful to his leadership and add lustre to Pyongyang as the capital of the homeland of Juche which will be immortal along with the history of President Kim Il Sung and the history of Secretary Kim Jong Il.

CILRECO denounces south Korean authorities' arms buildup

Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- An emergency telephone and fax meeting of the presidium of the International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea (CILRECO)was held on September 18 and 19 on the initiative of its secretariat. It was aimed at coping with the south Korean authorities' arms buildup wrecking dialogue and peace process on the Korean Peninsula. It was attended by Former Portuguese President Francisco Da Costa Gomes and Former Maltese Prime Minister Dominic Mintoff, honorary Chairman of the World Peace Council Romesh Chandra, President of the World Federation of Trade Unions Antonio Neto and member of the bureau of the Belgian Socialist Party Willy Burgeon, who are also Honorary Chairmen of the CILRECO, Vice-Chairmen of the CILRECO and others. It was presided over by Guy Dupre, Secretary General of the CILRECO It discussed emergency measures to conduct an extensive international movement to check the purchase of military equipment and arms buildup by the present south Korean authorities. Its participants expressed full support and solidarity for the just proposals of the DPRK Government to realise disarmament and establish a durable peace system on the Korean Peninsula and for its sincere efforts to put them into practice. To check the purchase of military equipment and arms buildup by the south Korean authorities is an urgent task to ensure peace and security in the Korean Peninsula, Asia and the rest of the world, they stressed. They discussed measures to conduct an extensive international movement in all continents and regions of the world to draw the public attention to the seriousness of the south Korean authorities' acts against peace and their consequences and check their dangerous moves. They reached consensus of views on them. The meeting published a special appeal of the CILRECO to the governments, political parties and public organisations of all countries, international organisations and peaceloving people throughout the world.

Rodong Sinmun on war document against DPRK

Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA)-- Rodong Sinmun today comments on the "conception of joint operation of war theatre" which was worked out and distributed by the south Korean puppets. Branding it as a plan of aggressive war against the north, the news analyst of the paper says: The document, which was distributed by the headquarters of joint chiefs of staff of the south Korean puppet army to all its units, contains specific action plans to make a forestalling attack on the northern half of Korea in "case of emergency". Also envisaged in the document is a "radical reform of the military structure" aimed at more effectively mobilising the puppet army in war theatres. All these happenings are ill-boding moves which can be seen only on the eve of war. Accordingly, they cannot be construed otherwise than a war declaration against the north. It is an open secret that the Kim Young Sam group, together with outside forces, have already worked out the provocative "new operation plan 5027" against the north. "Conception of joint operation of war theatre" is a document which comprehensively systematizes the war preparations against the north made by the south Korean authorities hand in hand with outsiders, in line with real warfare. Accordingly, it is at every point a plan of aggressive war for making a three-dimentional surprise attack on the north. The south Korean authorities would be well advised to ponder over the serious consequences to be entailed by their reckless moves and act with discretion.

Special appeal for Korea's reunification

Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- An emergency telephone and fax meeting of the presidium of the International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea (CILRECO) held on September 18 and 19 at the initiative of its secretariat made public a special appeal to governments, political parties and public organisations of all countries, international organisations and peaceloving people around the world as regards the arms buildup stepped up by the south Korean authorities. The appeal says the arms buildup stepped up by the U.S. and the south Korean authorities recently behind the scene of dialogue clearly prove that they still pursue the policy of confrontation and war against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and seek to stifle the DPRK by military means. The CILRECO presidium calls upon the peaceloving people the world over to bitterly condemn the south Korean authorities for having purchased military equipment and stepped up arms buildup and to conduct a mass movement for the discontinuation of their moves and the defence of peace in Korea, Asia and the rest of the world, the document says, and continues: "The CILRECO presidium calls upon governments, political parties, public, peaceloving and solidarity organisations of different countries of the world and international organisations to pay due attention and precaution to the large-scale purchase of military equipment and dangerous arms buildup on the part of the south Korean authorities which pose a grave threat to international peace and security and to take appropriate and reasonable steps for stop to anti-peace moves, for a durable peace on the Korean Peninsula and for the peaceful reunification of Korea by fair confederacy formula in accordance with the worldwide trend toward dialogue, detente and disarmanent, and expresses expectations and conviction that by doing so they will greatly help build a world of justice and peace."

Korea in great happiness

Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- A wave of jubilation and emotion is now sweeping Korea, which was in three years of mourning over the death of President Kim Il Sung. It is because a process has started to elect Secretary Kim Jong Il as General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee. In the past three years when top Party and state posts remained unoccupied, the Korean people were eagerly looking forward to the day when Secretary Kim Jong Il would be officially acclaimed, regarding him as head of Party and state. Their wish is being met at last. On September 21, a South Phyongan Provincial Party Conference was the first to adopt a resolution on recommending Secretary Kim Jong Il as General Secretary of the Party. Towns and villages across the country including this province are in a festive mood and a upsurge in production is now being effected at factories, farms and all other fields of the national economy. According to data available at the South Phyongan Provincial Administrative and Economic Committee on the 22nd, the daily production figure of the provincial economy as a whole grew 1.3-1.4 times as against the past days. Happiness, emotion and vigor of the Korean people, who are filled with determination to accomplish the socialist cause of Juche under the leadership of Secretary Kim Jong Il, will become a motive force for opening a radical phase of new development in the country.

Important work indicating way for advancement of socialism

Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates an article to the 10th anniversary of "Let Us March Forward Dynamically Along the Road of Socialism and Communism Under the Unfurled Banner of the Anti-Imperialist Struggle", a famous work published by Secretary Kim Jong Il on September 25, 1987. The article stresses that the work comprehensively expounds the principled issues to be resolved in advancing socialism in the present times, such as the issue of having a proper understanding of the real features of contemporary imperialism and its fate to intensify the anti-imperialist struggle and the issue of steadily building up the driving force of the revolution. It says: In the work Secretary Kim Jong Il laid bare the true colours of contemporary imperialism, which is blustering, and plainly stressed the need to vigorously struggle against it. Included in the work is the idea that though the imperialist powers are now collaborating with one another in an attempt to maintain their position of monopoly, there is no doubt that their interests will conflict with one another and that the contradictions between them will become aggravated as their markets grow narrower and the way of multiplying capital and making money reaches a dead end. The work also said that contemporary imperialism has a serious inner contradiction so it cannot escape its doom. The work stressed the need to be watchful for and decisively struggle against the vicious and cunning moves of the imperialists, who are trying to bring the people of the socialist countries and other progressive people the world over to their knees by threatening and blackmailing them militarily, bribing and subordinating them economically and disrupting them ideologically and culturally. Secretary Kim Jong Il in the work said that the driving force of the revolution should be strengthened and its role enhanced to push ahead with the revolution and construction. In particular, he stressed that the working-class Party, the vanguard of the revolution, should be strengthened and its role enhanced to rally the broad masses of the people closer around the Party and the leader.

Expression of absolute trust in Secy. Kim Jong Il

Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- Upon hearing the news that local conferences of the Workers' Party of Korea decided to recommend Secretary Kim Jong Il as General Secretary of the WPK, the Korean people from all walks of life are overwhelmed with deep emotion, joy and delight. Choe Chang Gol, Secretary of the South Phyongan Provincial Party Committee, said: "It is the unanimous desire of the whole Party, the whole country and the entire people to elect the General as General Secretary of the WPK." "The resolution of the provincial party conference represents the desire of the whole country and the entire people and requirements of the time and the developing revolution." "With the adoption and publication of the resolution of the provincial Party conference on recommending him as General Secretary of the WPK at a historic time when the revolution of Juche has entered a new era, the provincial people can have their ardent desire met." Pak Pong Sam, Vice-Minister of Coal Industry, had this to say: "Respected general Kim Jong Il has been highly praised as the dear leader by the Korean people and world revolutionary people for his tireless efforts and undying exploits for the revolution and construction." "As their desire for electing him as General Secretary of our Party is realised, the Korean people can enjoy the greatest fortune in the history of the Korean nation at a historic time when the Juche revolutionary cause has entered a new era." Labour Hero Ryu Kyu Sol of the Hungnam Fertilizer Complex said that he was happy that he could realise his ardent desire for electing the General as General Secretary of the WPK. "Our working class are firmly determined to uphold the General with loyalty and filial piety and a single heart and share their destiny with him for ever," he stressed.

Secy. Kim Jong Il's assistance to President

Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) - Secretary Kim Jong Il attained a deep understanding of the revolution and construction already in his university days while faithfully helping President Kim Il Sung in his leadership. Changsong and Sakju counties of North Phyongan Province and Ryanggang Province are particularly significant places Secretary Km Jong Il visited together with the President. In late July 1962, the President was preparing a joint conference of local Party and economic officials in Changsong county to generalize experience of the mountainous county which improved the living standard of the people by developing its economy. Then, Secretary Kim Jong Il, who accompanied the President, went out to Sakju county which was designated as the place of visit by the participants in the conference and learned how things were going there. Exposed to mid-summer heat, he acquainted himself in detail with the production and maintenance of equipment at local industrial factories and cooperative farms in the county and with the technical level of the people and their living standard. On this basis, he wrote a treatise under the title "validity of our Party's policy on developing local economy" and presented it to the President. This treatise gave a valuable help to the President who had been devoted to the work of developing the local economy rapidly. When he was accompanying the President who was on the guidance tour of south Hamgyong Province and Ryanggang Province in August 1963, Secretary Kim Jong Il deeply learned how county Party and people's committees were operated, how education, cultural and commercial activities were conducted and how the people lived. And he said that county Party officials should perform their responsibilities and role, well aware of the position and importance of counties. When he mounted Mt. Paektu, the time-honored place of the revolution, he evinced his determination to glorify it together with the august name of the President generation after generation and said that he would take it as his lifelong motto to give joy and satisfaction to the President. In his school days, Secretary Kim Jong Il visited many places and units together with the President.

Crops in DPRK, not promising

Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Suk, Vice-Chairperson of the DPRK Agricultural Commission, had an interview with KCNA on Wednesday over this year's farming and the prospects of food problem. She told KCNA: It is natural that many people now are greatly interested in this year's farming and the prospects of the food problem. To our regret, we cannot have an optimistic view of this year's farming and the prospects of the food problem are not bright. From the beginning of this year, all people as well as People's Army soldiers turned out and concentrated all efforts on agriculture, with a view to overcoming the aftereffect of natural disasters and solving the food problem by themselves through a radical progress in agricultural production at any cost. The servicemen and civilians finished major farming processes such as the transplantation of humus-potted maize seedlings and rice seedlings in right time and in good quality, opening bright vistas for high yield of grain. In the farming season, we received food aid, fertilizers, chemicals, seeds and other relief materials from foreign governments, international agencies and organisations and individuals. Crops were ruling good as of June, thanks to the efforts of all Koreans and the assistance from foreign countries and international agencies. The crops, however, suffered a great loss due to unprecedented drought, high temperature and high tidal waves. The high temperature of above 30 degrees centigrade, the first of its kind in 61 years, lasted more than 60 days from July. This greatly affected agriculture in north and south Phyongan and North Hwanghae Province, South Hwanghae Province ,the major bread baskets of the DPRK. 470,000 hectares of paddy rice and maize fields were hit by the long spell of drought. Worse still, the highest tidal waves in 20 years inundated 107,000 hectares of paddy and non-paddy fields in the granaries in the Western Coast of Korea, where harvest can hardly be expected. As a result, it is foreseen that the grain output this year will be reduced to a great extent and the output of maize will be much less than last year's. Earlier this month, a joint inspection team of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Food Programme went round the areas hit by drought and high tidal waves before publishing an early warning report that maize output will decrease by some 1.2 million tons and rice output by 0.6 million tons in the DPRK this year. It is expected that our food problem will continue to be serious next year, due to the natural disasters this year. What we should do now is to harvest the crops without any waste, though it is difficult to have an optimistic view of the grain output. All people now work hard to harvest in time all the crops they have grown with much care.