Party marks solidarity month

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- A party was given by the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries on August 13 upon the conclusion of the month of solidarity with the Cuban people marking the 44th anniversary of their July 26 Armed Uprising. Present at the party were Mun Jae Chol, Acting Chairman of the Committee, and officials concerned. Invited to the party were Jose Ramon Rodriguez Varona, Cuban Ambassador to Korea, and Embassy staff. Speeches were made at the party. A friendship gathering with the Cuban Embassy staff was held at the Korea-Cuba Friendship Moranbong No. 1 Senior Middle School in Pyongyang on the same day.

August 15 Buddhist mass for national reunification

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- Buddhists from across the country had a mass for national reunification at Pohyon Temple on Mt. Myohyang on August 13 to mark the 52nd anniversary of Korea's liberation (August 15, 1945). A ritual was held to pray for national reunification. Then followed speeches of most venerable Pak Thae Ho, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Buddhist Federation, and some Buddhists at the mass. The speakers said the mass will be an occasion in demonstrating again the unshakable will of the Buddhists to reunify the country and giving an impetus to the reunification movement of the nation. They expressed their firm resolution to stubbornly fight till the day when a reunified country, an earthly paradise, will be built in this land. The mass adopted an appeal to all Korean Buddhists at home and abroad. The appeal expressed concern about the recent brutal suppression of champions of reunification in south Korea, and called upon all the Buddhists at home and abroad to make active efforts to prevent division and guarantee unity among the reunification movement forces. It also called upon all the Buddhists in north, south and abroad to work devotedly for the promotion of national reunification.

Kim Young Sam regime hell bent on anti-north war preparations

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today blasts Kim Young Sam of south Korea for inciting confrontation with the north. In a commentary the daily says: He was briefed on the "Ulji Focus Lens" joint military manoeuvres at Chongwadae and fostered a war fever, slandering the north. The U.S.-south Korea joint manoeuvres are large-scale exercises involving U.S. ground, naval and aerial forces and Marine Corps from the U.S. mainland and in south Korea, some 16,500 in all, and south Korean puppet army and administration. They are a version of the "Team Spirit" joint military exercises. Kim Young Sam, who is in the grip of the most serious crisis, forsaken by the people for his traitorous misrule and irregularities, intends to remain in power by unleashing a fratricidal war. His intention is well illustrated by the projected manoevures. 25 years have passed since the July 4 Joint Statement was published. The DPRK Government has made all sincere efforts to promote national reconciliation and unity and open a favorable phase for the peace and peaceful reunification of the country with the approach of August 15, the anniversary of the country's liberation. The south Korean puppets can never be allowed to answer the DPRK Government's peaceloving efforts with war hysterics. If they persistently seek a war in concert with outsiders, they will meet a disgraceful end.

8th PNR delegates and overseas Koreans visit Kumsusan Memorial Palace

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- Delegates to the 8th Pan-National Rally and overseas compatriots visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace on August 13 to pay homage to President Kim Il Sung. Secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea Kim Yong Sun, who is also Chairman of the Reunification Policy Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly, and Chairperson of the Central Committee of the Korean Chondoist Chongu Party Ryu Mi Yong were on hand. They expressed reverence before the Statue of President Kim Il Sung amid the playing of the immortal revolutionary hymn "Song of General Kim Il Sung". They then made bows to him, who lies in state. They looked round a train car used by the President for his on-site guidance and foreign trip, and a car he used in the last days of his life.

S. Korean puppet clique hit for brutal suppression of Hanchongryon

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- Chairman Marwan Sudah of the Arab Committee for Solidarity with the Korean people and support to Korea's reunification on August 7 released a statement critical of the south Korean puppet clique's brutal suppression of the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon). He said the Seoul authorities are trying to dissolve and stifle Hanchongryon because Hanchongryon takes the lead in the struggle to expose the irregularities and corruption of the south Korean dictators and overthrow those who set themselves against reunification and democracy. By suppressing and stifling Hanchongryon and champions of reunification and democracy the authorities seek to protect the reactionary bureaucrats and the U.S. troops feeding on the blood and sweat of the south Korean people, he said, and went on: All the democratic movements and progressives of Jordan and other Arab countries bitterly condemn the south Korean authorities for their brutal suppression of freedom and democracy, and express firm solidarity with the youths and students in their struggle to defend Hanchongryon. The south Korean authorities should stop cracking down upon Hanchongryon at once.

8th Pan-National Rally opens

Panmunjom, August 14 (KCNA) -- The 8th Pan-National Rally for Peace and Reunification of the country opened in Panmunjom today. Attending the opening ceremony together with working people and youths and students in Kaesong were Chairman Yang Hyong Sop of the Supreme People's Assembly and Chairman Kim Yong Sun of the Reunification Policy Committee of the SPA who are Vice-Chairmen of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, Chairman Paek In Jun of the north headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon), officials concerned and presidium members of the north headquarters of Pomminryon and the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification (Pomchonhakryon). Seen there were a delegation of the overseas headquarters of Pomminryon led by Vice-Chairman So Man Sul, Secretary General Rim Min Sik of the Joint Secretariat of Pomminryon, delegations of regional headquarters of Pomminryon, delegations of overseas and regional headquarters of Pomchonghakryon and many overseas Koreans. In the opening address Rim Min Sik said the 8th Pan-National Rally will be a new epoch-making occasion in dealing a telling blow at the separatists and bellicose elements at home and abroad and greatly encouraging all the fellow countrymen to a nationwide struggle for the reunification of the country. Then the rally was declared open and the flag of the Pan-National Rally was hoisted. In his congratulatory speech Yang Hyong Sop said for the past seven years after its birth was declared the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification waged an indomitable patriotic struggle for the accomplishment of the cause of national reunification, the cherished desire of the nation, and in the course of this gained great achievements which will shine long in the history of the nation. All the Koreans at home and abroad, he said, feel a great pride in having such an umbrella organisation of reunification movement true to the patriotic cause as Pomminryon, and fully support the patriotic struggle of Pomminryon for reunification. He expressed the belief that Pomminryon will in the future, too, fulfil its duty in the struggle for founding a unified state of the nation through confederacy formula. At the opening ceremony, Rim Min Sik read a solidarity address from the south headquarters of Pomminryon. The address said Pomminryon plays a pivotal role in waging a vigorous struggle for national sovereignty and movement for great national unity for peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula and that Pomminryon would resolutely smash the antinational separatist moves through firmer three-party solidarity. The address said the south headquarters believes that the Pomminryon organisations in the north and overseas will lift up voices of the nation for reunification through arduous and widespread efforts.

8th Pan-National Rally Photo Exhibition

Panmunjom, August 14 (KCNA)-- A photo exhibition of the 8th Pan-National Rally was held. More than 100 photos were on display in the exhibition hall. Among them were pictures showing the undying feats President Kim Il Sung performed from the joint conference of representatives of political parties and public organisations in north and south Korea to the last moment of his life. The President put forward the most just and reasonable principles and ways of reunifying the country including the three principles and five-point policy of national reunification, the proposal for founding a Democratic Confederal Republic of Koryo and the 10-Point Programme of the Great Unity of the Whole Nation and conducted energetic activities for their materialisation. Also seen were pictures on the guidance of Secretary Kim Jong Il who has creditably carried out the plan and behests of the president on national reunification since the 1970s. Exhibited were pictures showing the patriotic struggle of the people from all walks of life in south Korea and overseas for independence, democracy and reunification and the will of the 70 million Koreans in north, south and overseas to implement the President's behests on reunfication without fail. The opening ceremony took place at Panmun house today. Present there were Chairman Yang Hyong Sop of the Supreme People's Assembly and Chairman Kim Yong Sun of the Reunification Policy Committee of the SPA who are Vice-Chairmen of the Commitee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, Chairman Paek In Jun of the north headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon), officials concerned, presidium members of the north headquarters of Pomminryon and the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification (Pomchonghakryon), delegates to the 8th Pan-National Rally, working people and youths and students in Kaesong. On hand were overseas Koreans participating in the rally.

Famous Kaesong Sand Bath

Pyongyang, august 14 (kcna) -- There is a famous sand bath site around mami stream 4 km east of Kaesong in the middle of the west coast of Korea. In the respect of medical effect this sand bath is next to Koryo Insam (ginseng) already wellknown to the world. The sand in this place is made of various good elements such as magnesium, iron, copper, silicon, manganese and calcium. And water flowing through it contains chlorine carbonate, magnesium and other valuable elements, adding to medicinal effect of the sand. The sand bath is usually taken in the hottest period of summer. It is a dressing of sand as warm as 40-45 degrees centigrade, which is accompanied by exposure to ultraviolet rays and cool water bath. This improves the function of all human body systems. The sand bath increases body resistance and is very effective in curing rheumatic arthritis, neuralgia, neuritis, bruise and sequela, cholelithiasis, nephrolithiasis, various convulsions and paralysis, chronic diseases, water-eczema and cutitis.

Papers observe anniversary of Pakistani Independence

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- Papers here today observe the 50th anniversary of the Pakistani Independence. The Pakistani people have made efforts to consolidate the independence and sovereignty of the country and build a democratic, prosperous new Pakistan over the last 50 years since independence, a signed article of Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on: Pursuing the foreign policy of non-alignment, Pakistan has developed friendly and cooperative relations with many countries. Particularly, Pakistan has made efforts for the common development and prosperity of the region as a member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. The Korean people are sincerely rejoiced over the achievements made by the Pakistani people in the efforts to build an independent and prosperous new society. The Korean people will make full efforts to strengthen and develop the friendship between Korea and Pakistan in accordance with the desire and demand of the peoples of the two countries as in the past, so in the future. A signed article of Minju Joson says that the Korean people sincerely wish the Pakistani people greater success in the work to build a prosperous new society.

Implementation of President Kim Il Sung's wish for reunification vowed

Panmunjom, August 14 (KCNA) -- A rally for implementing the wish of President Kim Il Sung for national reunification was held here today. It was attended by Yang Hyong Sop, Chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly and Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland (CPRF)= Kim Yong Sun, Chairman of the SPA Reunification Policy Committee and Vice-Chairman of the CPRF= Paek In Jun, Chairman of the north headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon)= officials concerned, presidium members of the north headquarters of Pomminryon and the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification (Pomchonghakryon), Kaesong citizens and students. Also present as observers were delegations of overseas headquarters of Pomminryon and Pomchonghakryon to the 8th Pan-National Rally and other visiting overseas compatriots. Ralliers laid floral baskets and bouquets before the monument bearing President Kim Il Sung's autograph "Kim Il Sung July 7, 1994" he left on a document concerning national reunification the day before he passed away. They then bowed before the monument in deep reverence. The monument was built to mark the 50th anniversary of the country's liberation. Addressing the rally, Kim Yong Sun said President Kim Il Sung provided a definite prospect of national reunification with great ideas and theories and won the victory of the line of reunification over the line of division with outstanding leadership, performing feats immortal in the history of the Korean nation's struggle for the country's reunification. His feats have been exalted by Secretary Kim Jong Il's wise leadership, Kim Yong Sun said. He made a solemn pledge to make all efforts to acclaim General Kim Jong Il in the festival hailing national reunification as he vowed before the bier of the President. Speeches were made by representatives of social and religious organizations and youth league. They said that promoting national reunification under the leadership of General Kim Jong Il is the most important mission and duty of his soldiers and disciples. They vowed to make all efforts for the noble cause of national reunification, remaining faithful to his leadership.

Greetings to Pakistani President

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- The Central People's Committee of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea sent a congratulatory message to President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sardar Farooq Ahmed Khan Legari on August 12 on the 50th anniversary of the Pakistani Independence. The message wished the Pakistani President and his people greater achievements in their efforts to consolidate the independence of the country and achieve prosperity, expressing the belief that the good friendly relations between the two countries would be boosted.

Greetings to Indian President

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- The Central People's Committee of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea today sent a congratulatory message to Indian President K.R. Narayanan on the 50th anniversary of Indian Independence. The message expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative ties between Korea and India would be boosted in accordance with the idea of independence, friendship and non-alignment and wished the president good health and happiness and the friendly Indian people happiness and prosperity.

Congratulatory letter to Secy. Kim Jong Il from diplomatic corps

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) - Secretary Kim Jong Il received a congratulatory letter from the diplomatic corps here on the 52nd anniversary of Korea's liberation. The letter was handed to an official concerned on August 13. Secretary Kim Jong Il also received congratulatory letters from diplomatic envoys of Nigeria, Palestine, Cambodia, Indonesia, Syria, Russia and Libya here.

Solidarity meeting of Koreans

Panmunjom, August 14 (KCNA) -- A solidarity meeting of north, south and overseas Koreans for national independence and peace was held in front of the Panmun House today. It was attended by Yang Hyong Sop, Chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) and Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland (CPRF)= Kim Yong Sun, Chairman of the Reunification Policy Committee of the SPA and Vice-Chairman of the CPRF= Paek In Jun, Chairman of the north headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon)= and other officials concerned, presidium members of the north headquarters of Pomminryon and the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification (Pomchonghakryon) and working people, youth and students in Kaesong. Also present there were Vice-Chairman of Pomminryon overseas headquarters So Man Sul= Secretary General of the Joint Secretariat of Pomminryon Rim Min Sik= delegations of regional headquarters of Pomminryon and Pomchonghakryon= and overseas Koreans staying in the socialist homeland. The meeting began with the folk dance "Janggo Dance" and the song "Glad to Meet You" performed by artistes. At the meeting, northern and overseas delegates to the 8th Pan-National Rally took the floor before artistes and children sang and danced. Speakers vowed to make all efforts for the independent and peaceful reunification of the country and the great unity of the nation under the leadership of Secretary Kim Jong Il, true to the behests of President Kim Il Sung, and bitterly condemned the obstructive moves of the separatists. Artistes sang "Let us open the door of reunification", "Reunification Rainbow", "Oh, Reunification", "Korea is One" and other songs and danced "Drum Dance". The meeting fully showed the will of the 70 million fellow countrymen to achieve national reunification, their long-cherished desire. A special resolution was read out at the meeting. The resolution said all efforts will be concentrated on defending the south headquarters of Pomminryon and the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) and having all the south Korean champions of reunification and students acquitted, through a nationwide solidarity struggle. It also said all efforts will be made to check the south Korean fascist regime's suppression of pro-reunification forces and arouse international solidarity with the Pomminryon south headquarters and Hanchongryon in their struggle for independence, democracy and reunification. With the 97 Pan-National Rally (PNR) for peace and reunification of the country to be relocated to other place, the PNR flag was lowered at the meeting.