Commemorative event in Jilin, China

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- A meeting and a book and photo exhibition were sponsored on April 15 at the Yuwen Middle school in Jilin, China by the Federation of Korean Nationals in China on the occasion of the 85th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. President Kim Il Sung conducted revolutionary activities while attending the school from January 1927 to the autumn of 1929. A letter to Secretary Kim Jong Il was read out at the meeting. On display at the book and photo exhibition were a picture of the two great leaders, pictures of Secretary Kim Jong Il visiting various divisions of the national economy and units of the people's army and books including the "Kim Il Sung's Works".

Repressive moves of those in crisis

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- The Kim Young Sam group reportedly called out the fascist police to arrest the Chairman of the General Student Council of Hanyang University, who is a spokesman of the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon), some time ago. Prior to it, the south Korean puppet authorities issued an order to round up all the hardcore members of "Hanchongryon." Such repressive moves against "Hanchongryon" are a manifestation of their last-ditch efforts to defuse the worst "government" crisis and sustain the "civilian" regime whose days are numbered. As is known, the Kim Young Sam group have been in the worst crisis after they took office. Faced with public protest after the retrogressive amendment of the fascist laws, Kim Young Sam has been driven into a tight corner with the Hanbo and Sammi group incidents and other irregularities disclosed. Anti-Kim Young Sam sentiment spreading all over the society is expected to grow stronger in spring, a season of struggle. When the spring comes, students' struggle in south Korea would grow fiercer and its leading role is played by "Hanchongryon." If one-million strong "Hanchongryon" joins in the anti-"government" struggle of workers and other people of different sectors in south Korea calling for a probe into the truth behind the Hanbo loan scandal and for the repeal of the evil laws, the Kim Young Sam "government" will never get off scotfree. That is why the Kim Young Sam group have sought to arrest the leading members of "Hanchongryon" before students' struggle goes into high gear and to foil the struggle of the independent and democratic forces. But they are mistaken. The more they intensify their suppression of "Hanchongryon", the stronger the patriotic students' anti-Kim Young Sam sentiments will grow and the earlier the downfall of his regime will be accelerated.

Greetings to 4th Congress of Russian Communist Party

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea today sent a message of greetings to the 4th Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Extending warm congratulations to the congress, the message expressed confidence that the congress will be of weighty significance in the strengthening of the party as well as in its activities for socialism. "We take this opportunity to express the belief that the excellent relations of friendship between the two parties will further strengthen and develop on the basis of the ideas of independence and socialism," it said.

Party given by Cambodian Ambassador

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Oum Mannorine, Cambodian Ambassador to Korea, gave a party at his embassy on Friday to mark the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung and the new year of Cambodia. Invited to the party were Kim Yong Nam, politburo member of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee, Vice-Premier of the Administration Council and Foreign Minister, and officials concerned. The Ambassador said that the intimate relations of fraternity and friendship between Cambodia and the DPRK were constantly developed by President Kim Il Sung and King Norodom Sihanouk. The relations are being further strengthened and developed by Secretary Kim Jong Il, he added. He noted that the Cambodian government and people fully support the DPRK's policy for peace, happiness and prosperity. Kim Yong Nam said that all efforts will be made to expand and develop the friendly and cooperative relations between the DPRK and Cambodia. He hoped that the Cambodian people will make fresh achievements in their efforts to build a new Cambodia, independent, peaceful, nonaligned and prosperous in the new year, united around King Norodom Sihanouk.

Press review

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Papers here today report that Secretary Kim Jong Il sent thanks to units for setting an example in fulfilling the revolutionary tasks. Papers carry news that Secretary Kim Jong Il received a personal letter from the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. Printed in Rodong Sinmun are poems "President Kim Il Sung, symbol of eternal victory" written by a Bangladeshi journalist and "eternal man" by a Nepalese poet. Minju Joson gives an account of commemorative events held at the Yuwen Middle School in Jilin on the occasion of the 85th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Conveyed in the press are accounts of a banquet given by the Cambodian Ambassador to Korea and commemorations held in different countries on the occasion of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Papers carry an account of a meeting held in Pyongyang to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the publication of the Pyongyang Declaration "Let us defend and advance the cause of socialism" and a report and speeches. Papers report that on this occasion delegates of foreign political parties held a joint press conference. Seen in the press is a message of thanks the Central People's Committee of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea sent to the participants in the 15th April Spring Friendship Art Festival. Given in the press are accounts of a closing ceremony of the festival, a ceremony of awarding festival prizes and a joint friendship gathering held by participants in the festival and local artistes in Pyongyang. Papers in editorials dedicated to the 37th anniversary of the April 19 Popular Uprising in south Korea call for vigorously struggling for national independence, peace and the reunification of the country. Papers convey news that vice-president Pak Song Chol met the delegation of the Socialist Party of Bangladesh and vice-president Ri Jong Ok met the delegation of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). Papers run articles stressing that the corrupt Kim Young Sam regime of south Korea should be overthrown as at the time of the April 19 popular uprising.

Friendship gathering

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- A joint friendship gathering of participants in the 15th April Spring Friendship Art Festival and Korean artistes was held here on April 18. Present were Vice-Premier of the Administration Council and Minister of Culture and Art Jang Chol, who is also chairman of the organising committee of the festival, and officials concerned. The participants deepened feelings of friendship and unity, playing recreation games. They talked about impressive stories of the festival and exchanged successes and experience gained in the work to create popular and revolutionary literature and art.

Party given on anniversary of victory in Playa Giron Battle

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Military attache of the Cuban embassy in Korea Arnaldo Fernandez Rodriguez hosted a party in Pyongyang on April 18 on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban people in the Playa Giron Battle. Invited there were Vice-Minister of the People's Armed Forces Ri Yong Su, generals and officers of the Korean People's Army, foreign diplomatic envoys and military attaches in Korea. Cuban Ambassador Jose Ramon Rodriguez Varona and embassy officials were on hand. Speeches were made there.

Joint press conference held to mark fifth anniversary of publication of Pyongyang Declaration

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Delegates of foreign political parties which signed the Pyongyang Declaration "Let us defend and advance the cause of socialism" called a joint press conference here on April 18 to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the publication of the declaration. Present there were newspaper, news agency and radio reporters in the city. The press conference was addressed by chairman Ivan Rodriguez of the Workers' Party of Dominica, General Secretary Roberto Gabriele of the Italian movement for peace and socialism, General Secretary A. S. M. Abdur Rob of the Socialist Party of Bangladesh, director said Hamadeh of the Youth and Sports Department of the Syrian Arab Socialist Baath Party who is a member of the Regional Leadership of the Party, Chairman Ludo Martens of the Central Committee of the Belgian Labour Party, N. Garifullina who is a member of the Council of the Union of Communist Parties-the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, K. P. Oli who is a permanent member of the Central Committee of the Nepal Communist party (United Marxism-Leninism), General Secretary Claudio Campos of the October 8 Revolutionary Movement of Brazil and National Leader Hardial Bains of the Canadian Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist). They said the Pyongyang Declaration makes great contributions to the unity and solidarity of the socialist forces. They further said: The progressive and revolutionary forces aspiring after socialism are growing stronger with each passing day under the banner of the Pyongyang Declaration. The Pyongyang Declaration serves as a beacon for the people who are taking the road of independence and as a banner of their struggle. They highly praised the undying feats of President Kim Il Sung and Secretary Kim Jong Il in strengthening and developing the socialist forces and accomplishing the revolutionary cause of the world. They expressed their firm determination to adhere to the spirit of the Pyongyang Declaration and carry it into practice.

Kim Yong Sun meets secretary general of Cilreco

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Sun, Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee, met and had a conversation with Guy Dupre, Secretary General of the International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea (Cilreco), at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on April 18.

Senior Korean officials meet foreign party delegations

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Senior Korean officials met foreign party delegations at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on April 18. Ri Jong Ok, politburo member of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee and Vice-President of the DPRK, met and had a talk with the delegation of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) led by national leader Hardial Bains. The head of the delegation said that President Kim Il Sung made a great contribution to the development of the international communist movement as a great statesman and that he would always live in the hearts of humankind. He added that the Korean people will surely win victory in the future struggle under the leadership of Secretary Kim Jong Il and the tested party. Pak Song Chol, politburo member of the WPK Central Committee and Vice-President of the DPRK, met and had a talk with the delegation of the Socialist Party of Bangladesh led by General Secretary A. S. M. Abdur Rob. The General Secretarty said that the Korean people have made strikingly conspicuous achievements in politics, the economy, culture and other spheres under the wise leadership of Secretary Kim Jong Il and that the secret is the great vitality of the Juche idea. Kye Ung Thae, politburo member and secretary of the WPK Central Committee, met and had a talk with K. P. Oli, permanent member of the Communist Party of Nepal (UML) Central Committee. The delegate of the Nepali Party said he was confident that Korea would make brilliant achievements in the future struggle thanks to the noble intention of President Kim Il Sung, the strength of the people closely rallied around Secretary Kim Jong Il and the powerful party and state.

Indonesian embassy officials visit sports group

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Indonesian Ambassador to Korea Zulkarnain Afri pane and embassy officials visited the April 25 defense sports group of the Korean people's army on Friday to mark the 32nd anniversary of the visit of Secretary Kim Jong Il to their country. The Ambassador said the Indonesian people always remember that General Kim Jong Il, Supreme Commander of the KPA, visited Indonesia in company with President Kim Il Sung. He added that the visit laid a solid foundation for friendship between the two countries.

Festival participants thank Secretary Kim Jong Il

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- The participants in the 15th April Spring Friendship Art Festival extended a letter of thanks to Secretary Kim Jong Il. The letter noted that the April Spring Friendship Art Festival singing of independence, peace and friendship has developed into a recognised international art festival which gives courage, optimism and pleasure to the people all over the world, for 15 years since its beginning. The participants vividly remember that President Kim Il Sung who saw their performances, posed for pictures with them and encouraged them with a broad smile in his face, the letter said, and continued: "Your excellency Kim Jong Il made sure that the Pyongyang festival, a good opportunity for friendship and unity among people, was held in the best season and always paid deep attention and care to the festival so that it could develop as an authoritative international art festival. "We are sure that under your wise leadership the Korean people will vigorously advance socialism and win victory in the struggle for independent and peaceful reunification of the country true to the wishes of his excellency the great President. "With warm feelings of friendship and unity, we will actively participate in the traditional April Spring Friendship Art Festival under the noble idea of the festival and continue to decorate the stage of the festival beautifully."

Overseas Korean nationals asked to fight against Kim Young Sam

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Chae Jong Man, chairman of the Central Council of Korean Nationals in Russia, called upon overseas Korean nationals to wage a more powerful struggle to overthrow Kim Young Sam. In a press statement he said that Kim Young Sam is facing a serious crisis owing to the enactment of fascist laws, the Hanbo incident and total bankruptcy of the economy. the Kim Young Sam group are seeking to tide over the crisis by dismissing the secretaries of "Chongwadae" and some hirelings in the ruling party and the "administration" and leading the situation to the brink of war, he noted. He continued: All the fact proves that with Kim Young Sam left intact, the economic bankruptcy of south Korean society can not be checked nor can the vital rights of the people and their democratic freedom, the improvement of inter-Korean relations and national reunification be expected. With nothing can Kim Young Sam evade from destruction. Chae Jong Man called upon all the overseas Korean nationals to rise up as one in the joint struggle to drive Kim Young Sam out of power.

Brazilian Party delegation calls at NDFSK Pyongyang mission

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Members of the visiting delegation of the October 8 Revolutionary Movement of Brazil led by General Secretary Claudio Campos called at the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) on Friday. The General Secretary expressed full support to and solidarity with the NDFSK in its energetic struggle for an independent and peaceful reunification of Korea in the teeth of repression and obstructions of the Kim Young Sam fascist "government". Voicing full support to the Korean people's struggle for national reunification, he said he will stand firm by the Korean people in the future, too.

Blood shed by April 19 uprisers will not be in vain

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Ri Jong Sang, chief of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK), released a statement on Friday marking the 37th anniversary of the April 19 Popular Uprising. He said the uprising was an eruption of deep-rooted grudge and wrath against the colonial rule by the U.S. imperialists and their stooges and also a massive anti-U.S., anti-fascist nation-saving resistance. Though 37 years have passed since then, the desire of the uprisers has not been realised and the U.S. imperialists' colonial fascist rule has continued. The four years of the Kim Young Sam regime are characterized by its total collapse by political instability, social confusion, closed door between the north and the south, intensified war preparations against the north, economic failure, deteriorated people's living, irregularities and accidents, he said, adding: NDFSK and patriotic-minded people of south Korea will invigorate the movement for saving the nation by sweeping away the colonial dominationists and their lackeys so as to promote independence, democracy and reunification. The blood shed by the April 19 uprisers will not be in vain.

Vigorous struggle for national independence, peace and national reunification called for

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCMA) -- Papers here today carry editorials to commemorate the 37th anniversary of the heroic April 19 Popular Uprising in south Korea in 1960. the uprising was an eruption of the pent-up wrath and indignation of all the south Koreans at the colonial fascist rule of the U.S. imperialists and their stooges and anti-U.S., anti-fascist resistance calling for an independent, democratic new government and a new life. A Rodong Sinmun editorial reads in part: The desire of the April 19 uprisers was to live in a reunified, new society without foreign forces and traitors. the south korean people who want independence, democracy and reunification are more ruthlessly suppressed under the "civilian"-veiled Kim Young Sam "regime". A struggle to oust Kim Young Sam from power, the traitor who seeks treachery, fascism, confrontation, division and fraud and irregularities, is the first and foremost task the south Korean people should carry out to realise their desire for independence, democracy and reunification. They should carry forward the ideal and fighting spirit of the April 19 uprisers and continue their vigorous struggle till they oust Kim from power. Only when all the Koreans in the north, south and abroad vigorously fight under the wise guidance of Secretary Kim Jong Il as taught by President Kim Il Sung in his lifetime, will a decisive phase be opened in the struggle for national independence, peace and national reunification, adds the editorial. Minju Joson in an editorial notes that the desire of the valiant Aapril 19 uprisers for a new government, system and life should be realised without fail.

Inter-Korean contact called for

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Ri Song Ho, acting chairman of the Central Committee of the DPRK Red Cross Society, sent a telephone message today to Kang Yong Hun, president of the Red Cross of south Korea, over the issue of smooth transfer of food and materials from nongovernmental organisations to the north side. There have long since been good examples of compatriotic and humanitarian help between the Red Cross organisations in the north and the south, the message said, adding: "We think that given such examples, your side proposed inter-Korean Red Cross contact for smooth transfer of food and materials from nongovernmental organisations to our side. "From this position, I propose that three-member delegations led by the secretary-general from each side meet in Beijing, China on may 3 for convenience of both sides."

37th anniversary of April 19 Uprising marked

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA)-- Pyongyangites Saturday met to commemorate the 37th anniversary of the April 19 Uprising of the south Korean people. The uprising was a massive all-people resistance which began with a struggle of the Masan citizens against the "March 15 fraudulent election" of the SyngmanRrhee puppet clique in 1960. The valiant uprisers fought in the teeth of the brutal suppression by the heavily armed puppet army and police and overthrew the Syngman Rhee puppet regime. Attending the meeting together with working people, youths and students in the city were secretary Kim JungRrin of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairwoman Ryu Mi Yong of the Central Committee of the Chondoist Chongu Party, presidium member Ryom Thae Jun of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland and senior officials of the working people's and religious organisations. Also present there were chief Ri Jong Sang of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea. First secretary Choe Ryong Hae of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, in his report at the meeting said the April Popular Uprising in which the heroic spirit of the south Korean students and people was fully demonstrated showed that if the popular masses fight against the oppressors with concerted efforts, they can overthrow any dictatorial forces and win a shining victory. He further said: 37 years have elapsed since the uprising. However, the ardent desire of the uprisers for independence, democracy and reunification has not yet been realised, and the colonial fascist rule still remains in south Korea and the separatists at home and abroad intensify the anti-reunification campaign as never before. For an early realisation of their noble desire it is necessary to open a new epochal phase at any cost in the struggle for national reunification under the slogans of national independence and peace. The reporter suggested that the United States should not defend Kim Young Sam any longer but sign a DPRK-U.S. peace agreement through negotiations with the DPRK at an early date and that Japan should atone for its crimes committed against the Koreans in the past. He urged Kim Young Sam not to run amuck to flee from the responsibility for his crimes, but to step down at once as demanded by the south Koreans. The south Korean people from all walks of life, including the students, should more courageously fight for the final victory under the uplifted banner of independence, democracy and reunification, he added.

Delegates of foreign revolutionary parties publish joint statement

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Delegates of foreign political parties on a visit to Korea to commemorate the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung published a joint statement in Pyongyang on April 18. Among them were Ivan Rodriguez, chairman of the Workers' Party of Dominica= Claudio Campos, General Secretary of the October 8 Revolutionary Movement of Brazil= A. S. M. Abdur Rob, General Secretary of the Socialist Party of Bangladesh= Hardial Bains, national leader of the Canadian Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)= said Hamadeh, director of the Youth and Sports Department of the Syrian Arab Socialist Baath Party who is a member of the regional leadership of the party= Ludo Martens, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Belgian Labour Party= Roberto Gabriele, Secretary General of the Italian Movement for Peace and Socialism= K. P. Oli, permanent member of the Central Committee of the Nepal Communist Party (United Marxism-Leninism)= and N. Garifullina, member of the Council of the Union of Communist Parties-Communist Party of the Soviet Union. They said that they made public the joint statement to defend Korea's socialism which is being successfully carried forward by Secretary Kim Jong Il. The statement expressed full support to the Korean people in their heroic and dignified struggle to defend and strengthen socialism under the wise guidance of Secretary Kim Jjong Iil, frustrating all manoeuvres of the enemies. Iit resolutely denounced the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppets for engaging themselves in aggressive war preparations and blockade against the socialist system in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It declared that they would launch a more powerful solidarity movement supporting the struggle of the Korean people to build socialism of their own choice in a peaceful way. It reaffirmed support to the Pyongyang declaration the justness and vitality of which has been fully demonstrated in the past five years. It evinced the determination to actively struggle for socialism, the hope of humankind, which has come into full bloom in Korea under the wise guidance of President Kim Il Sung, Secretary Kim Jong Il and the Workers' Party of Korea.